Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Chapter Seven

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Today is Tuesday and for spirit week we have to dress up in of pajamas. Which is really cool and all, but not when people don’t even wash up let alone get the cookie out of their eyes. Now that’s really grosses me out. So I’m hearing wearing some black pj’s pants with a black shirt that had the peace sign on it.

Mike stands at his locker working his combination lock when Phoenix walked up. Wearing gray pants and white T-shirt with a gray sweat jacket. “Hey, Mike. Sorry about not talking to you guys in school. I started school late and I had to catch up on missing assignments. Basically I hate homework I just do it here.” Mike smiled. “I do too. It’s kind of like you don’t have the energy to do school work at home, considering the fact it is homework. I just do it all in class and in lunch.” Phi leaned against the lockers. “So when are you guys going to start rehearsing?”

Mike dropped his notebook. He bent down and picked it up. “Dude, I have been so busy with the guide and the Jazz thing I forgot all about it.” Phi laughed. “I did too, not until I saw that pictured of that solider with wings on your notebook.” Mike stopped and looked at the notebook. “I don’t know why that gave me that idea in the first place.” Mike shrugged and opened his locker when I pile of white flowers spilled out onto the floor. “Man I see you have yourself a little ring of girls.”

Mike sighed picking up the flowers one by one. “Yeah, crazy as it sounds I don’t have my eye on any of these girls. I have my eye on someone else.” Phi bent down and helped him pick them up. “Jazz, right?” Mike stopped and looked at Phi. “Yeah, how did you know?” Phi laughed. “One because you mention her name a few minutes ago and two I can see it in your eyes...both of your eyes.” Mike started to feel his face getting red. “Is it...obvious?”

Phi stood up with two handfuls of flowers. “Depends on the person your with. I’m guess the other guys noticed it too, huh?” Mike stood up too. “Yeah.” Phi took the flowers and put them in Mike’s locker. “So when are you going to tell her?” Mike stopped.

I hate being a chicken **** sometimes. I haven’t even figured how I wanted to tell her. Let alone say how I feel about her in the first place.

“I don’t know?” Phi smiled and looked back at the flowers. “Maybe use these flowers to tell her. But in a different way,” Mike placed the rest of the white flowers in his locker and grabbed his Lit/Comp. 9 book and History book. “I know it sounds cheap but at the same time you have a little heart by doing this.” Mike nodded and slammed his locker. Which was really heard considering all the white flowers.

“That’s a good idea.” Phi smiled and started walking towards Mike’s first period class. “Oh, look it’s Mike!” Mike stopped and a whole slew of girls were behind him running towards him. Anne was near by and giggled at the sight. “Run Mike Run!” Shouted Phi. Mike started running while the girls chased him down the hall. “Shoot I wanted to tell him about what Mr. Jenkins said about his guide.” Said Anne. Walking up beside Phi. “What?” Phi asked. “Mr. Jenkins was so impressed that he wanted Mike to join the newspaper full time. And Mrs. Crawford also talked to Mr. Jenkins saying that the poems he has done in class were advanced level, he and Chester.”


Thank God I’m a fast runner. Because one guy and a group of girls it’s kind of hard to outrun some girls. Dude, I don’t think I want to mess with them...I curse the fact they think of hot. Wait? That’s a good thing. Don’t you think? It’s already second hour and not all my classes are boring, weird, and just down right out of this world. I have good teachers like Mr. Gordon. What’s cool about his class that we learn by playing a game. We get in a group we assign special jobs to mange stuff like wars, money, and studying. Then on certain days we earn money by answer questions on the worksheet that he has given us. Then on Friday we take a test. What’s really cool that our country, Meteroa has destroyed two countries and we have over a million dollars.

“Joe are you ready?” said Jazz. Joe and Chester were busy fighting over whose teddy bear was better, Foggy or Mickey Mouse. “Okay, just because Foggy didn’t star in any cartoons doesn’t mean that Mickey Mouse is any better.” said Joe. “Frogs are gross and mouse can be either or. So mainly Mickey Mouse is cute and cute is good.” Mike and Jazz stared at the two as if they were crazy.

Joe was the head of defense knowing that his ‘inner person a.ka. Remy’ was very evil and would do anything to destroy the enemy. Chester was the head of interior he could build the country, which was on the board. In any way so that the enemy would get so confused they would actually be setting themselves up for a trap. Jazz was our treasurer she was really good with money and knew what stuff to buy and not waste money. And me I was the leader keeping everyone in check and making sure that the war cards, trade cars, and alliance cards were perfect. The cards were to start wars with countries or ally with country, and the trade cards were used to give back items. Mr. Gordon was talking about his experience as a young man which were cool.

Which gave me a good idea. I love Mr. Gordon best teacher ever.

“Jazz...did you um...get any flowers today?” asked Mike. “Yeah, but oddly enough they were from Jake.” Chester leaned over. “Jake from the newspaper?” Jazz nodded and frowned. “He said on the cards that I have changed his ways of women and I like tough out going girls. Guys I’m scared.” Joe looked over. “I feel for you. Don’t worry we’ll protect you.” Mr. Gordon was done with his talk and the kids went back to talking to their groups. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Mr. Gordon walked over and placed a hand on Jazz’s shoulder.

“Don’t listen to these goofballs what do they know?” he said. Chester laughed. “Mr. Gordon. Hey nice pj's.” Mr. Gordon was wearing some Spongebob Squarepants pajamas. “You like. There better then yours.” he laughed and walked away. The group laughed. “However, I did get a lot. And some of the boys are cute and nice.” Mike felt his heart racing. “Are you considering about going out with them?” Chester looked over at Mike. “Well you can always go out with Jake and then dump him right there.” Chester elbowed Joe in the stomach. “Ow! What was that for?” Mike lowered his eyes. Jazz giggled. “That’s a good idea, however, I don’t know. The guy I really want to go with I wonder if he feels the same way about me.”

Mike looked up. “What guy?” Jazz looked confused at Mike’s sudden reaction. “Just some guy I have had a crush on like forever.” Mike sighed. Chester smiled softly. “Well, why sweat a date it’s not that important.” Jazz stood up and took her worksheet. “you’re right. Why sweat it I don’t think I’ll even go. Watch some movies and some ice cream nothing but a girls dream.” she walked away. Chester smiled and leaned over towards Mike. “Don’t worry man. She said she wasn’t even going to go.” Mike nodded slowly still dwelling on who this guy was.


It was a normal day, being chased by girls, bugging Jazz on who this guy was even though she didn’t know I was really, really irritated about this. So right know I’m walking over to my grandma’s house, Grandma Shinoda. Like the best grandmother in the world. She’s the only person that doesn’t bug me about Jazz. She really does listen even to my songs. I love her so much and I worry about her, too.

Grandma Shinoda was sitting on the porch rocking back and forth in her rocking chair. “Oh, Mike, how are you. Did your mother take your brother to his basketball game?” Mike nodded as his grandmother got up and went inside. And Mike followed her into her large home of comfort. She went to the kitchen and took out some cookies. “Grandma do you need some help?” he took the plate of cookies and walked outside. “You earn two cookies for that.” she said, ruffling Mike’s black-blue hair. “Grandma, I have a little problem.” Grandma Shinoda sat down on the rocking bench that hang to the roof of the patio.

“Well, you see I have a crush on this girl and well...” Grandma Shinoda smiled. “Jazz, right?” Mike looked a bit shocked. “Y-yeah...How did you know?” Grandma Shinoda laughed. “I have been around for a long time Mike. I always knew that both of you cared for each other, and not only that your also growing up. It’s natural for you to care about a girl. Even though Jazz won’t be your life partner you two will always care fore each other.” Mike smiled at his grandmother. “You really think she cares about me? Because she was talking about some guy she really liked.”

Grandma Shinoda smiled. “Are you sure that it’s not you. If not go for it even though you know her more. You want to take your chance before it’s too late.” Mike nodded. Grandma Shinoda smiled back her chocolate brown eyes sparkled. “You know Mike, I was like you when I was young. I had a best friend just like you and we did love each other. But I found your grandfather. And don’t you think that I still don’t talk to my friend he also married too.” Mike leaned back and took a cookie. “Thanks Grandma. You rock.” Grandma Shinoda smiled. “Of course, I have the best grandsons in the world you know.” Mike laughed and leaned back and spent the rest of the day talking to his grandmother.

In all our lives we always find somebody who just understands. So here is a tip never let those that matter to you go. Because their love and their comfort will make your heart even stronger.
Chapter 8

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Today is Wednesday and everyone has to dress up like your favorite teacher, which is kind of cool. At the same time I don’t really have a favorite teacher, so the alternative was to dress up with your favorite basketball team on it. I don’t have a favorite so Phi and Jazz are arguing who are better the Pistons or the Lakers. So we are here at Lincoln Park hanging out at the same tree me and Chester talked at.

“I’m telling the main players of that team or old. And after you reach a certain age limit give it up.” Said Jazz. “Who cares the Lakers is just cooler.” Said Phi. “Considering the fact that their main two players are in trouble or gone.” Joe leaned over; “She’s got a point.” Phi took his notebook and hit him on top of the head softly. “Hey, you guys!” Called Chester walking over. He sat down next to Mike who was typing on his laptop. “There is the battle of the bands next month at cafe. Do you think we should sign up?” Rob popped out of the tree. “We don’t have a song yet let alone a name.”

Jazz lay down on the grass next to Mike. “His right you guys have to come up with a name first.” Brad took off his headphones. “Well what should we sing about...girls?” Everyone was quiet for a minute. “Nah,” they all said. “What about something or someone that gets into our mind and freaken gets on our nerves it haunts our dreams.” Said Chester. “Wow...that’s deep.” Said Brad. “Like a Papercut?” Said Mike. “Yeah, it just bothers you until you want to cut your own finger off.” Said Chester as he hit his index finger on his pants legs.

“Dude, don’t kill the finger. Don’t kill the finger.” Said Joe. “Yeah, that’s great and all but what about lyrics and a beat.” Said Jazz. “Oh, yeah, right.” Said Chester. “Why don’t you guys meet at my house Saturday?” Said Phi. “Sweet” said Rob. “Yeah.” Said Chester. “Chester this isn’t a time for free food.” Said Jazz. Chester giggled as Jazz just closed her eyes. “I’ll work on some beats tonight.” Said Mike. “Mike!” Cried Jazz. Everyone looked at the young girl. “Don’t you have enough to do? Here I’ll write up this week’s guide all right?” Mike slammed his laptop closed, “No! I can do it.” Jazz jumped at this the others looked at Mike who started to turn red. “Sorry. I just want to do things on my own for now.” He stood up and grabbed his book bag.

“What’s wrong with you? You have been acting funny...your scaring me.” Said Jazz meaning to sound a little playful. “Sorry I don’t mean to worry you. I have to go, okay?” Mike walked away towards home. “What’s with him?” Wondered Jazz. Chester and Phi knew and Brad could guess what a little but not really for sure if he was right.


Yeah, as you can tell I have a lot of weight on my back. As I walk home I notice someone that hate to see. Someone who gave me the worst moments of my life...Benny Carlson. He’s standing right there on my way home. He is one person that brings the worst out of me.

Mike walks quickly towards home. A young boy wearing a baseball cap and old blue jean outfit turns around from talking to some girls. “If it isn’t Mike.” Mike stops knowing that if he stop he would be faced in some trouble. “I’m sorry I don’t know who you are.” Benny smiled and flicked his cigarette onto the ground stepping on it lightly. “Mike don’t play games with me. Let me see you.” Benny reached his arm towards Mike grabbing his jacket and pulling him over. “So how is Jazz? Remember when you were five and you saw me push that girl down the stairs. And I blamed it on you.” Mike shook his head. “You wanted too, but my mother figured it out that you did it.”

Benny smiled. “Oh, yeah, how is your mother?” Mike pulled away from him. “You can’t tell me that you’re still afraid of me. How old are you? What? Sixteen Nineteen?” Mike walked away backwards. “Fifteen, I have to go.” Mike turned around quickly. He could feel Benny’s cold eyes staring at the back of him.

Benny is very odd or should I say mental. I don’t know if I’m right but I think he hurt Jazz before and he’s jealous of me because I gained her trust.


As I walk in the house I find that my mom is all dressed up and there is play pin in the middle of the living room. This could only mean one thing....

“Mom what’s with the play pin? And why are you dressed up?” Mike’s mother smiles. “Your father is meeting some people from his job at that French restaurant. Your brother is stuck at school for practices and well your aunt needs us to baby sit Jesse.”

Jesse...God help me!

A young girl about five runs out and attaches herself to Mike’s leg. Knocking him against the wall. “Boy are you strong.” He said. He looked up at his mother to find his father already to go. Mike’s mother walks over and hands him ten dollars and kisses him on the cheek. “This is for pizza or whatever takeout that cost ten dollars. I’ll see you late tonight.” She waved goodbye and Mike’s parents left. Jess looked up and smiled. “Hey, Mike guess what?” Mike gulped. “What?” Jess unattached herself Mike’s leg. “I brought my Barbie collection today. Let’s play house.”

A guy, a little girl who likes to make your life worse then it already is. And a whole slew of Barbie toys ready for you. No matter how hard you try this girl and when she plays Barbie she’s a demon child I tell you. Demon!

“I’m taking you to court!” yelled Jesse. She raised her doll up in the air in front of Mike’s face. “How can you take me to court so Kelly fell down the elevator shaft. These dolls can’t stay up on their own.” Jesse narrowed her eyes. “So what. You’re responsible for holding them up. And you sent my husband into the wall mirror.” she cried. “So,” Jesse huffed. “So, He’s died!” she yelled. “Hey, tell Barbie they shouldn’t be driving plastic cars.” Jesse grabbed the miniature table and threw it at Mike. Hitting his head, “Ow!”

That’s when the doorbell rang. “I’ll go get that. You stay here and arrange the funeral, okay?” Jesse crossed her arms and Mike closed the door behind him. “I swear that girl watches to many soap operas.” he said to himself. He walked downstairs and opened the door. There standing in the doorway was Jazz, holding her jacket tightly. “Hey, Mike.” she said dryly. “Jazz what’s the matter?” he said, letting her in. “you saw Benny didn’t you?” Mike lowered his eyes and walked over to the couch, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah, we exchanged some words.” Jazz sat down beside him letting go of her tight grip. “I saw him too. But I walked away before he could see me. I’m scared I don’t think I want to go to school for the rest of the year.” Mike looked confused. “Why?” Jazz sighed. “Because he’s going to be in 10th grade this year. And that means he’s going to our high school.” Mike saw tears in Jazz’s eyes. “Jazz...what did Benny do to you? I know he’s hurt a lot of people but you seem more afraid of him.” Jazz shook her head. “Nothing, that would scar me. But I know you’re afraid of him, too. However, you’re stronger then me. And sometimes I think your me guardian angel.”

Mike smiled and Jazz leaned her head on Mike. Mike eyes widen and tears spilled from her eyes. “Mike you can remember what we saw. You can remember the things he put us through. Don’t you want to runaway together. Somewhere...were he can’t find us.” Mike nodded and Jazz lifted her head from off his shoulder. “Mike....that boy I was talking about was...” Mike and Jazz looked at each and leaned forward. Their lips almost touching when Jesse popped up from nowhere. Mike and Jazz jumped back. “Hey! Who the heck is this. I was suppose to take you to court!” she yelled.

Jazz looked up at Mike. “Court? What is she talking about?” Mike sighed. “Barbie.” Jazz laughed. “Since when did you play Barbie?” Mike stood up. “This girl is a demon and she’ll make anyone play with her.” That’s when Jesse got tired and jumped on Mike knocking him back on the floor on laying face down on his face. Jazz gasped and looked down. “A-are you alright Mike?” Mike raised his head up. “That’s it I’m divorcing my family.”

With my cousin on my back and pounding her fist into my back. I couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened or what almost happened. Did Jazz actually say that the boy she was talking was me? If it is then I better ask her out before someone else will. But right now I really what my mom...dude for a five year old she hits hard.
Barbie IS EVIL!!! Damn you for putting "her" in this story. LOL would have reviewed earlier, but dad closed the window and "the internet" wouldnt let me come on to the LPF. But that was a great update, good job.
Chapter Nine

Hello, people, I’m trying so hard to update and get this story out and running. I have to bribe my dad just to get on the computer twice a day. He thinks my mind is just wasting away. I hope I get more reviews that would be lovely. Here’s Chapter Nine, considering the fact that I’m losing track of what chapters I update.

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

It’s Thursday, what happened to Wednesday. I spent half the day running back and forth with white flowers. Chased by girls, and cheerleaders asking me questions like, “What are you going to do if you win?” Or “whom are you going to take to Homecoming?” Guess what mind your own business it kind of like annoying me. So we are in gym and instead of playing sports, we have been chosen to help the dance committee. And right now this guy name Kenny is flirting with all the girls, even Jazz which is bothering me and the rest of the guys.

“That guy is a ****ing loser.” Whispered Chester, as he watched Kenny flirt with his girlfriend. “Why don’t you punch his lights out? He’s fresh on your girl man.” Said Mike. “I can’t, last time I did something like that I got suspended and I hate being home with my mom.” Mike nodded only imaging what it was like to be home with his mom all day. Kenny walked over to Jazz, who was having trouble with one of the banners. “Hey, you guys I think your cute little friend needs help here.” Rob was untangling some cords for Joe, who was asked yesterday to DJ the dance. “Stand on a chair.” Jazz stomped her foot. “I am on a chair you moron.”

Rob smiled “Oops.” Jazz was surprised when Kenny got up on the chair with her and lifted her up. Chester nudged Mike in the side and pointed over to the two. “You better do something.” Anne came up beside the two. “What are you talking about?” She asked. “Kenny... and Jazz...” murmured Mike. “Oh, you still didn’t ask Jazz out haven’t you?” Mike jaw dropped. “What? Does everyone know about this except for Jazz?” Every answered “Yes,” Mike sighed and walked over to Jazz and Kenny. Jazz was a little surprise to find herself so high when he lowered her. He touched her on her breast and Jazz started to turn red. Chester walked up and stopped when Mike stopped walking. “What’s wrong?” Samantha followed also looking at the Jazz’s red face.

When Kenny lowered her on the ground and jumped off the chair. Jazz bawled up her fist. Mike started to count off, “5...4...3...2...1” *Slap* then there was the sound of a *Thump* Phi jumped leaned down from the bleachers. “Oh, a double.” Anne and Samantha and a few other girls laughed. “Dude, that could have been you on the first day of school.” Said Rob. Joe was on the ground laughing so hard his sides went numb.

Here’s some useful information for all boys. It’s not good to touch a girl where she doesn’t like it. It’s not good to touch a girl and then get slap. And it’s not good when you touch a girl in a place she doesn’t like and get kicked hard in the balls.

“Are you okay?” Asked one of Kenny’s boys. He groaned and Jazz just walked over to Mike and the others. “So are you guys coming over to the cafe today?” Chester backed away grabbing his balls and said, “stay away from me.”

Good old Chester...Don’t you love him.


“Damn, what’s with all the flowers?” Asked James. Mike and Anne were busy tying flowers into a bundle. “A lot of girls want me to go out with them for the Homecoming. And Anne is helping me give some of these flowers to some orphanages in town.” James smiled. “Aren’t you being kind of mean to the girls they paid for these flowers themselves?” Anne smiled. “Mike has someone else in mind.” Mike blushed a little. James just smiled and said “that’s nice.” And walked away. Anne grabbed an arm full of white flowers. “Come on let’s go deliver these. My mom can take us.” Mike nodded and stood grabbing the remaining flowers. Jazz was busy with the customers, when he looked down at the flowers he turned to Anne was grabbing her backpack. “Hey can I keep one of these?” Anne smiled “Sure, Mike anything for you.” Mike smiled and took one of the bouquets of flowers and placed it in his backpack.

Anne’s mom was waiting out front in a nice black Saturn. “Hi, mommy. This is Mike.” Said Anne, as she and Mike got in the back seat together. “Hello, Mike nice to see you. Anne has told me some much about you, at dinner she can never stop talking about you.” Mike turned to Anne. Anne looked away towards the flowers in her lap. Mike smiled a small smile, a bit of a shy one. Anne’s mother smiled, “So you two have any classes together?”

“We have 6th hour together Mrs. LoveJoy.” Anne’s mother laughed, “Oh, call me Patty. So Mike do you have any siblings?” Mike nodded his head, “I have a brother, who’s just a little older then me.” Patty smiled. “I have a few sisters and one brother. We have a large family.” Mike smiled and looked over at Anne who was still looking down. Mike took of the flowers and threw it at Anne. She looked up in surprise and growled, “Oh, Mike Shinoda your going to get it!” She took the flower and threw it back. Then using the same flower they keep throwing back and forth. The mini-van was filled with laughter as the two teenagers threw the flower each other.

That’s when Anne took a teddy bear from one of her sister’s toys lying in the back and threw it at his head. Mike was caught off guard and hit his head on the window. “Anne!” Yelled her mom. Anne unbuckled her seatbelt lucky that they stopped at a red light. “Oh, Mike, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Mike nodded and raised his head towards Anne bumping foreheads. “Ow!” They cried. Anne laughed. “I guess we are even.” Mike frowned. “Yeah, I get hurt twice.”

As made our way to the charity, and delivered the flowers. I learned that Anne was a hard worker like I was and her parents were proud of that. And mine were too. So when Anne’s mom, Patty dropped off Anne so she could get ready for tomorrow. Anne smiled back with a sweet smile and waved goodbye. A man stood in the doorway of their house, looking towards me with a scowl. I looked away and Patty waved to Anne and the man and drove off. When I got home, Patty met my mother. They seem to get along really well. Patty said bye to me and then she left. My mom told me that Jazz had called and told her to tell me that she still didn’t find a date.

“Mike?” Mike turned around and looked up at his mom. As I poured me a glass of milk from in the kitchen. “Why don’t you ask her to the Homecoming?” Mike smiled and looked up. “I am.” Mike’s mother gasped and hugged her son almost spilling his milk. “Mom!” She hugged him tight. “Oh, I have to tell your father and your grandparents.” His mother walked away talking to herself about who she was about to call. Mike sighed and took some cookies that Grandma Shinoda made and went upstairs. And turning on his laptop to IM the guys about their plans.
Continued: Chapter Nine


So, today is Friday, and the last thing we have to do is for spirit week is to wear all white. Since I’m not good at keeping all my white clothes clean in a day. I wore some jeans and jean jacket. Today for fifth hour we are going to the football field to do our pep rally. So all together its, Me, Chester, Rob, Joe, Phi, Jazz, Anne, Karen, Susan, Brad, and Samantha. Brad seems to love the girl’s attention, because he’s been growing out his hair. And Jazz said she could braid it for him when it gets long enough. That’s when Mandy, the head cheerleader of the varsity cheerleaders walked up the bleachers and smiled over to me.

“Mike all the girls are waiting for you. You have to join the others so we can start the competition.” Mike sighed, knowing that this was a waste of his time. He stood up and told everyone he would be right back. Jazz leaned against Brad who looked down at her with question. “What’s wrong Jazz?” He asked. “Nothing, I just hope Mike...” Brad raised his brow. “Don’t worry about it.” Mandy the head cheerleader stood up on the stage that was stationed in the middle of the football field.

“Okay, before we finish up the day with Brook Steel High School band. Every year we have a special beauty competition for the most handsome boys in Brook Steel High, and this year we have a freshmen.” All the girls screamed Mike blushed when he heard the ringing of the sound of screaming girls. The other boys stared at Mike with glares. “And so all the cheerleaders went around and asked what you girls thought and this year’s winner is...” Mandy opened the envelope. Jazz and Anne leaned forward in their seats as they waited.

“And the winner is...Mike Shinoda!” Jazz and Anne jumped up and down, Joe and Rob looked at the two girls with fear. The varsity cheerleaders pulled up Mike. Mandy gave him a kiss on the cheek, leaving Mike really confused. “Hey!” Cried Anne and Jazz. Sam smiled and placed her arm around Chester. “You’re my handsome boy.” She said kissing his cheek. “Yeah, well, they could have picked me, but I’m so sexy it hurts.” Jazz looked over at Chester and said. “Stop lying to yourself.” Mike was pulled away by the cheerleaders and the school band begun to play.

“Hey, Mike do you want to take me to the school dance?” Asked Mandy. Mike smiled and only said “Sorry.” And then he walked away leaving Mandy with an angry glare. Instead of going back to the bleachers where the others were, He went back inside the school and over to Jazz’s locker.


It was already 2:10 and everyone was heading home or to their clubs. Jazz walked over to her locker, she stopped and opened it and she gasped at the sight. A cute bundle of white flowers, she took the card off and read aloud. “I know that you don’t have a date, however, this year I’ll be your date. Hey, look on the bright side at least you know this person. And we can just hang out---Love Mikey Boy.” Jazz turned around and saw Mike smiling back. Jazz smiled and went over to Mike hugging him tightly. “It’s corny but cute. You’re the best friend a girl can ever have. I love you Mike.”

Hey, she loves me.
wow the chemistry between those two....w00t!
It;s all perfect...a little too perfect if you ask me, something has got to give!
add soon!
Chapter Tne

Hello, peoples, today Mike raps his first song, however, with a little help from the X-ECUTIONERS. I just really like this song because...it’s a hot freaking song. Anyway, on to the story. Oh, wait Mike and Jazz dancing.


Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

It’s Saturday and it’s 8 o’ clock and I feel really nervous. Looking at myself in the mirror just made things worse. But why did I care what Jazz thought of how I looked? Maybe because to me it was more then a best friends night out. I don’t know what Jazz is thinking, but as long as I am with her and having a good time everything will be all right. So, I’m not going to the dance, because one I don’t want to be chased by cheerleaders, two we don’t have anything to wear and three we have what three more years of dances and stuff. So, I’m just doing what’s comfortable for me.

“Mike,” called Mike’s mother. Mike turned around and found his mother staring back at him with a cheerful smile. “Mom why are you looking like that?” He asked. Mike’s mother walked over to him slowly. “Oh, sweetie I’m so happy that you are going out on your first date. I’m so happy.” She walked over to her son and gave him a hug. “Mom-I-can’t breath...dad help.” He called towards his dad who was standing in the doorway. “Now remember,” said Mike’s mother pulling away. “To always keep your cell phone on at all times, always look both ways when crossing the street, and use protection.”

“Protection?” Said a confused Mike, “Honey stop embarrassing him.” Said Mike’s dad coming in the room to take Mike’s mother away. Mike’s mother grabbed the side of the doors and said, “oh, yes, I don’t want any grandkids!” Then she was pulled away. Mike turned red at the comment.

I’m so glad that no one else was here to hear that.

Mike walked downstairs to find that Jason and his parents were watching the Grudge. Mike grabbed his house keys off the table and headed for the door. “Oh, Mike.” Called his mother. Mike turned around and was sprayed with some type of perfume. “Ah! Ma not in the eye!” He cried. His mother gave him a wet kiss on the cheek and pushed him out the door. “REMEMBER NO GRANDCHILDEREN!” She yelled out the door then she slammed it, A group of girls walked past the house and giggled, Mike slapped himself on the forehead and ran far away from the house as possible.

Jazz didn’t live too far from me, so it was nice evening to walk. I arrived at a simple looking house, with large bushes and trees out front. Walking up to the door and ringing the bell. A beautiful black woman answered the door and smiled at me. She had the same deep brown eyes as Jazz and long hair in a braided ponytail.

“Hello, Mike it’s nice to see you again. Jazz is upstairs you can go up and see her.” She said. Mike nodded and walked inside a small living room, the television played the movie House Party. Mike walked upstairs; he stopped at a door that had a few posters and some words on it. He slowly opened the door and smirked. Jazz was buttoning up some pants; however, she was having a hard time with the button.

“What cha doing?” He asked. Jazz yelped and fell backwards on the bed. “Mike! You scared me.” Mike giggled and walked inside. “Nothing, it’s just I think I gained a few extra pounds cause just last week I could fit these pants.” Mike smiled. “You look fine to me.”

Jazz loved to dress up, every since I could remember she was the one telling her mom what not to wear and what to wear. Jazz loved the bad girl look, not the nasty bad girl look. She was wearing some black jeans, a black jean jacket, and a bra-like top. Some belt buckles around her stomach, and some fingerless gloves. Her hair was cut in the layers, and her ears held some hoop earrings.

“Mike you look hot tonight. Catching any girls?” Jazz joked. “Yeah, the one in front of me.” Jazz smiled and looked up at the clock. “We better go.” She passed Mike and stopped. “You know...I like the baggy jean look on you all you need is a hat.” She said. Jazz looked around and snapped her fingers. Going over to her truck of costumes. She pulled out a brown baseball cap to match his light brown shirt and baggy jeans.

“There. Just don’t wear your jeans too low. I don’t want to see your ass.” Mike laughed closing the bedroom door after them. “Look whose talking.” Jazz laughed and they both went downstairs. “Are you guys all set?” Asked the woman. “Yes, mom.” Said Jazz. “Good, be home before twelve.” Jazz nodded and took her keys and they both left.


There was always a party going on in our small little town, since not everyone went to the Homecoming Dance, it was great that there was a party that Jazz knew about. We arrived at a small house not too far from our school. A group of big guys stand at the door wearing all black and some sunglasses.

“Hey, Louie, hey Bubba.” Said Jazz. “Hey, Jazz who’s the kid?” Asked Louie standing on the left. “Oh, this is my best friend I told you about, Mike. Mike this is Louie and Bubba.” Mike nodded and Jazz pulled him inside the house. The house was filled with many different cultures and different styles of music played from the speakers. This was a place Mike felt truly comfortable in then any place in the world. Jazz and Mike walked over to a group of people and sat down on the couch.

“Hello, Jazzy-Jazz.” Said one girl. “Hello, my brother.” Said one boy. Mike smiled and nodded at the two. “Jazz where are we?” He whispered in her ear. “Oh, this is just one of house parties that my friend Damon holds. I just wanted you to meet some of these people, I think they would love to hear some of your rapping.”

I had never rapped in front of large group before, only in front of a school yard and that my friends is a lot different then this. However, I couldn’t deny Jazz’s offer, I’ll like to think of it as training.

“Yes, we are having a talent contest tonight. We have some people to back you up.” Said the girl. “Please, Mike please.” Begged Jazz. “I don’t know.” Jazz gave him the puppy dog look. “No, Jazz, please don’t...alright I’ll do it.” Jazz jumped up and pulled Mike towards the stage. A group of young black boys looked towards Jazz and smiled. “Hey, Jazz what you got?” Asked one of them. “This is Mike Shinoda my best friend he’s going to rap for us today.” The young boy nodded and motioned for Mike to come up.

“Come on up.” He said. Before Mike got up Jazz pulled on his arm. “Good luck.” She whispered and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Mike stared down at Jazz with a surprise look on his face. Mike turned and walked up the stage. “Okay, today you heard my fellow over here Mr. Styles.” Said the PE. The crowd gave him a bowing sound and laughed. “Now right know we have a friend of an old friend, Mike Shinoda.” The crowd gave Mike a mix reaction, however, a little doubtful.

“Okay, are you ready?” Asked the PE. “Yeah.” Said Mike looking over at Jazz. The PE gave Mike the microphone and the band behind him called the X-ECUTIONERS started to play.

All I had to do was fly and this is what happened...
Contined: Chapter Ten

I knew I was being threatened
Do you think it's worth holding out'
I mean I've heard some pretty ugly things about those guys
Ugly stories

(electric guitar starts)
'Watch them flee. Watch them flee' *scratches*
'Rap up' *scratches*
'Watch them flee' *scratches*
'Hip-Hop hits' *scratches*
'And you do it like this'

(Mike Shinoda)
[Verse 1]
It's going down
The rhythm projects 'round the next sound
Reflects the complex hybrid dialect now
Detect the mesh of many elements compressed down
The melting pot of a super-futureesque style
The combination of a vocal caress
With lungs that gasp for breath
From emotional stress
With special effects
And a distorted collage
Carefully lodged between beats of rhythmic barrage

It's going down
The logical progression on a the timeline
The separation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down

'Put put.. Put it up' *scratches*
'I said it goes like this' *scratches*
'And you do it like this' *scratches*
It's going down

(Mike Shinoda)
[Verse 2]
Once again it is
Composed sentences all together venomous
The four elements of natural force
Projected daily through the sound of the source
Everybody on board with this blend
The sword with the pen
The mightiest is the weapons
Swinging right from the chin
The elevate of mental states
Long gone with the wind
To defend men for shoddy imitation pretends
It's going down
Stalence emulation readily
Trekking through the weaponry
Of the pure pedigree
Cleverly seeing through whatever is ahead of me
Whatever the weather be
We invent the steadily
It's going down to sub-terrestrial high
I rhyme regiment that's calling the shots
Execution of collaborative plots
Ready to bring the separation of style to a stop

It's going down
The logical progression on a the timeline
The separation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down

'Put put.. Put it up' *scratches*
'I said it goes like this' *scratches*
'And you do it like this' *scratches*
It's going down

'X-men 'bout to blast of world wide' *scratches*
Yo it's request only *scratches*
'X-men 'bout to blast of world wide' *scratches*
It's built from scratch
Album in stores soon
''Bout to blast off world wide' *scratches*
'And you do it like this'

It's going down

'Put put. Put it up' *scratches*
'I said it goes like this' *scratches*
'And you do it like this' *scratches*
It's going down

Like this...

The crowd rocked hard to the music, Jazz smiled the whole time. The crowd waved back and forth as Mike busted his moves. Jazz noticed that Mike was staring at her the whole time never leaving his eyes from her. Jazz lowered her eyes and felt the intense stare of his soft chocolate eyes. When he said his last words the crowd roared with cheers, whistles, and claps. Mike smiled and gave the back up band a shake and headed off the stage. Jazz jumped out of no where and jumped on him. “Oh, Mike you was hot.” She cried.

Mike smiled and Jazz jumped down. “You rocked this house.” She said. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He said. “Wait how did you know that I could do it?” He asked. Jazz smiled. “Because I believe in you what type of friend would I be if I didn’t.” Mike took Jazz’s hand and led her towards the door. “You want to get something to eat?” He asked. “Yeah, cookie and cream ice cream.” Mike rolled his eyes. “That’ s not food.” He said. “For a girl it is. But before we leave you owe me a Homecoming Dance.” She said

She pulled him to the dance floor and the song B.O.B by OutKast played. ‘1, 2. 1, 2, 3 yeah! Jazz got in front of Mike and started to move with the music. Mike and Jazz started to do a small hustle to the music and started to move to the music. Mike twirled Jazz around, when Dre and Big Boi started to say Bob your head. Rag top. And the choir busted out Jazz started to do the hip roll all the way down. A crowd gathered around the dancing couple. “You got style, boy.” Said one of the boys. The DJ replayed the song; everyone started to do the same thing.
Conitned: Chapter Ten

Jazz and Mike slipped out of the crowd and left the house. “I didn’t know you could dance like that.” Said Jazz. “Yeah, watching MTV, BET, and FUSE gives out a lot of tips.” He said. Jazz smiled and they walked down the street. “Hey, let’s go see what James is doing?” The two walked down the empty streets of the small town. When Jazz stopped at a tattoo parlor and piercing shop. “Hey, Mike do you think you can hold my mom back when she finds out I pierced my belly button?” She asked. “I don’t know I’ve seen your mom angry before I’m not making any promises.” Jazz walked inside the small parlor.

A young woman with a couple of tattoos herself and dark black hair with white streaks looked up from her desk. “Can I help you?” She asked, popping her gum. “Yeah, how much does it cost to get my belly button pierced?” The woman smiled when she saw Mike. “Oh, you must be Chester’s friend. He told me a lot about you.” She raised up and come from behind the desk. “Alright, I can do it for free.” Jazz smiled and looked over at Mike. “Why don’t you get something done sense it is for free.” She said. “Well...okay.”

I love Chester he just got us a free piercing.

Jazz followed the girl to the back and Mike followed not too far behind. “Okay, here are the rules.” As the girl told Jazz about the rules of how to keep her piercing clean. Mike wondered off at the tattoo displays. “Hey, kid.” Called a husky male voice. Mike looked up and saw guy wearing a leather jacket and some faded jeans. “What do you want?” He asked. Mike looked in the mirror. “Can I get both my ears pierced?” The man nodded and showed Mike a seat.

Fifteen Minutes Later:

“Wow, Mike you look hotter.” Said Jazz. Mike stared at himself in the hand mirror. Instead of one ear pierced he got one in each ear. The tiny hoop earrings made him look much older then he already looked like. “My parents are going to freak.” Said Mike. “Your parents? My mom is going ring my neck, but it was worth it.” Said Jazz. “Tell Chester that Bunny said hi.” Said the girl, who was obviously named Bunny.

The two left out the parlor and walked down the street to the cafe, Devils Den 101. The opened the glass door and the sound of the bell rang. “Well, hello, Jazz and Mike.” Called James. “Hi, James.” Said the two. “Aren’t you two suppose to be at the dance?” Mike sat down on the couch that faced the big screen TV and XBOX. “Yeah, but we didn’t feel like going so we went to a house party instead.” He said. “Hey, James got any ice cream left?” Asked Jazz sitting on the back of the couch. “Sure, two cookie ‘n’ cream ice creams coming right up.” Said James. He left back into the kitchen to get the ice cream. “Mike I’m so happy that you rapped today, honestly, I’m really happy that you asked me out.” Said Jazz.

Mike smiled. “I didn’t think you thought of this as a date.” Jazz looked down. “Oh, well didn’t you.” Mike quickly reversed what he said. “I meant that I thought I was the only one thinking this was a date. So I guess were even.” Jazz nodded. James reappeared with two bowls of ice cream and handed them over to Mike and Jazz. “So Mike what about your band, find a name yet?” He asked. Mike sighed. “No, but we have been working on a song over IM.” James smiled. “That’s good. Hey, Jazz why don’t you be their manager.” He offered with a cute smile.

“No, she’s better as a bodyguard,” joked Mike. Jazz took a small throw pillow and threw it at Mike. Mike laughed and took a bite of his ice cream.


It was already eleven when we left the cafe, so the Homecoming Dance was already ending. It wasn’t long before we saw drunk seniors riding down the street in their high roller cars honking and yelling out things like ‘Schools out for the summer.’ this is how we could tell they were drunk. Jazz and I were heading back to her place when we saw Jake and another girl staggering out of a car on the other side of the street. And then there was this loud scream. When we stopped to look it was Jake that was screaming and he was screaming about some water on the ground. Yup, he was drunk alright.

Jazz laughed. “I wish I had my camera.” Mike slowly placed an arm around her. Jazz gasped and then smiled quietly to herself. “I wonder can people like us stay at peace forever?” She asked. Mike looked up at the sky and noticed the stars. “Not really that’s not life.” Said Mike. “Yeah, I like to think we live in a world between heaven and hell. That one day this world would be overrun by the devil, or maybe-maybe it already has.”

I like Jazz’s creepy mind sometimes and Chester’s mind they fit so perfectly in a poem, which can become a song.

Mike and Jazz arrived at her front steps. “Well, this is it.” Said Jazz. She grabbed a hold to Mike’s shirt. “Mike...” she started off. “We would forever be best friends, right?” She asked. “Right.” He said nodded. “And you would never leave my side no matter what happens, right?” Mike nodded and answered, “Right.” Jazz sighed. “Because the boy I was talking about was you.” Mike smiled slowly. “Well, that makes things a little easier for me.” Jazz tilted her head to the side with confusion.

“Even if we don’t stay together as a couple we will always be by each other side.” He said. Then he took her chin and kissed her on the lips. Jazz was a little shocked, confused, and lightheaded at first.

Dude my first kiss! Hey, it’s kind of nice.

Jazz closed her eyes and Mike slowly wrapped his arms around her. That’s when the door opened and Jazz opened her eyes and pushed Mike back. They looked at who was watching them a light skinned man with blonde hair stared back at them. “Um...I gotta go, Jazz. I’ll see you...Monday.” Said Mike. He slowly backed away and when he was at the end of the driveway he ran home. Jazz turned at the man and walked inside. “Who was that?” He asked. “Mike.” She answered back in snotty voice. “That Asian kid?” Said the man he looked at her piercing. “What is that?”

Jazz sighed and crossed her arm. “A belly ring.” The man closed the door. “You know that’s not aloud in this house young lady.” He said. “Oh, since when did you run the house ‘dad’. For someone who walks back in someone’s life you sure know how to act.” Jazz ran upstairs and slammed the door.

I slowed down I begin to wonder who was that man, and how long would our relationship stay with him around? He seemed so familiar I just couldn’t think of it though. In any case, I just got my first kiss tonight. I hope my mom doesn’t ask.


To those who wonder if Jazz and Mike relationship would last...well I can’t tell you everything, however, I did drop a few hints in some chapters and in this one. Whoever finds them I’ll give a cookie and something else I just don’t know what. Please Read and Review
Wow 3 updates all smunched together. I like it to bad we dont all see how Mike dances LOL. Hmmm great updates, cant wait to see what happends next.
YAY! They finally kissed and gave into their primal urges! lol I love "It's going down" the maddest song!
And I dont think they'll stay together, it's too perfect *sighs
Anna will spoil it, somehow. I dont know why
Am I right or wrong? You can PM me if you dont want to reveal anything!
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