Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

I will, Friday after school (Thank god I get out at 2:10) Anway, I have been busy with one of my stories and one website I submit a story too, basically said that I suck and you don't need to keep writing. And I was like....whatever, I'll make my own site and then take all your fans. (Evil Laugh) So, don't worry I'll on Friday. So don't wet your pants or anything. I least I let you guys know that I was still alive.
Chapter Four

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

It’s been a hard two days, with me finish up my paper for the newspaper. And weird phone calls that leave my mom asking more questions then usual. And Brad has decided to have Auditions for an another guitar player things have been pretty hectic. The phone calls you wonder? Don’t ask me I have more things to worry about. However, I have an idea that it is.

“So when are you guys coming to my house for the auditions?” Asked Brad.

We were at the cafe, James are boss wanted us to perform for Friday’s Night Battle of the Bands. After over hearing Jazz talking about it with one of her co-workers, It would be cool to play, but we don’t have a name or song for that matter.

“Brad is this another reason for us to clean your garage again? Like in sixth through eighth grade.” Said Jazz, as she place Brad’s order for a strawberry smoothie on the table. Brad smiled happily. “Ok, yes this is another reason. But don’t worry we will have auditions, besides we need a clean place for auditions.” Jazz and Brad looked over towards Mike who was sleeping on the job. Jazz placed her index finger on her month and walked over to Mike. She took in a deep breath and yelled. “KEEP THAT DOOR OPEN MIKE!” Mike shot up quickly. “What? No mom get out my.... Oh, very funny guys.”

Brad and Jazz laughed at Mike’s unusual behavior. “Are you okay, Mikey Boy?” Jazz sat down and placed her hand on her cheek. “I’m fine. I’m just tired. So Brad when are auditions?” Asked Mike. “Tomorrow after school,” Mike took a pen put and jotted down the date. “Dude, what’s with your hand?” Asked Brad, As he lifted his up his left hand. “Because we didn’t haven’t got our planners yet. I have been writing on my hand.” Jazz sighed and pulled Mike up off the chair. “Come on.” She dragged him away with Brad staring after them.

Jazz dragged him into the back where the kitchen was and took him over to the sink. “This isn’t like you. I’ll become your human planner don’t degrade yourself, okay?” Mike nodded to sleepy to even speak.
“And does your mother no your not getting any sleep?” Jazz said, turning on the water and scrubbing his hand off. Mike watched with a tired smile of Jazz’s motherly behavior.

Why do I find this so interesting? She’s taking care of me like she’s my mother or something. Sometimes I must admit I wonder if Jazz worries over me a lot. She’s always there and when I never notice it she’s always helping me up or saving me before the jaws of fate can even get me. Just like know, she helping me.

“Is special ink or something? Tonight I’ll write up the rest of your guide just give me the notes, okay? I’ll have my mom make you some tea if she’s home, if not I’ll do it and some cookies. Remember when we tried to make cookies for the first time and when our moms saw the mess they almost died. The look on their faces...huh, Mike what’s wrong?” She asked. Turning to look at Mike’s dazed face. “Uh, nothing, sure you can do that I’ll love that.” Jazz blinked at him and smiled. Returning to what she was doing.

Why all of a sudden my heart was aching when her saw her worry. What’s wrong with me? Why couldn’t I tell her what I was thinking? This greatly worries me; well at least I got to see her smile.


It’s a good thing I listened to Jazz, after I took a long rest. I felt better, and today is the day I turn in my guide for the newspaper. As a sit at my laptop before I get to school, my mom is standing in the doorway with a basket of clothes.

“Mike are you doing your homework at the last minute? And have you eaten anything?” Mike sighed and turned around. His mother gasped and smiled. “You’re wearing your glasses. I’m so glad.” Mike took off his glasses and placed them beside his laptop.

Yes, I wear glasses, and don’t laugh I know that some of you have problems, too.

“Yeah, well, this isn’t an everyday thing. I just need them when I’m using the computer. Plus, I’m just printing out my guide for the school newspaper.” Jason walked by, “Newspaper?” Mike nodded. “More like a competition thing. The newspaper manger thinks he can do better.” Jason just smirked. “Is it that Jake guy? Dude he gets on my nerves.” Mike’s mother placed the clothesbasket on the bed. “Well hurry up and come down so you two can eat.”

Arrived at school early again, as for the last two days I have been arriving pretty late. But not late as were I was late for my classes. I walked down the hall towards the newspaper room. I walk in to see only Anne working really hard at the printer.

Anne was placing papers into the printer when she turned around and dropped her paper. Mike gasped and walked over to help. “Sorry for scaring you,” he said as he picked up the papers. “That’s okay. Do you have your guide ready?” Mike smiled and stood up, sliding his backpack off and pulling out his guide. He handed the guide to Anne as she stood up and grabbed it. “Thanks.” Mike looked around noticing they were the only ones in here. “Where is the rest of newspaper crew?” Anne sighed. “They don’t do much so I’m stuck here doing all the work.”

“Well I can help you if you like.” Anne shook her head. “That’s okay Mike. You’re a sweet boy but I have to do this by myself. Since I’m half way done.” Mike blushed when Joe ran in almost falling. “Dude, come quick there is a fight in the boys bathroom. And it involves Jake.” Mike looked back at Anne. “Go ahead, don’t worry about me.” Mike and Joe ran out, but Mike looked back at Anne as she still continued to work.


I love Fridays; it means a break from the school life. Oh, about the paper it won't be coming out till Monday. At least that one thing off my chest, but we have to go over to Brad’s house for the auditions. Which seem very intresting, because there is no telling who’s going to show up.

“Hey guys, the man is in the house!” Yelled Chester, as she walked inside Brad’s garage. Jazz, Mike, and Brad were busy moving box’s out of the way. There was a long table with chairs behind it. “Let’s get started. There is no telling who would come.” Said Rob. He sat in the chair. Everyone followed and waited for the first person.

For the first time in my life of music I actually wanted to ask, “Are you serious?”

The first act, a typical one she couldn’t sing. And as usually she was singing a pop song. Then there was a girl who could tell the future. After doing some card tricks, which I don’t see what does fortune telling and card tricks have to do with anything she was starting to scary us. I wonder when they read the flyer did they really read what it was about.

A girl wearing some tight shorts, a red tank top walked in. “Hi, my name is Mandy. And I’m going to dance for you. Cause ever band needs a dancer.” Jazz just stared at her. She turned on the radio and started dancing.

This girl is a freak!

She ended up on the table crawling towards Chester she winked at him. Chester couldn’t take it with all this pressure on him he fell backwards in his chair onto the floor. Jazz looked down towards Chester, pulled out her camera phone and took a picture. “I’m fine.” He called.

The next act was a drama guy, easy because he was wearing a shirt that said. ‘Drama All the Way’ We already went through almost 30 different auditions. So here is my count: Normal Acts-4 Weird & Just Really Out There-26.

The drama guy started singing a Broadway song, waving his hands in the air and showing off all his energy. One by one everyone looked at each other. Rob took his notebook and started hitting himself with it. Chester just looked really really confused. Brad clicked on his headphones. Joe just tilted his head to the side. Mike just sighed and crossed the guys’ name out.

That’s it we should ask what they are doing before they try-out.

“Excuse me!” Yelled Jazz. “What are you doing?” The boy looked confused. “Isn’t this the try-outs for Damn Yankees?” Jazz shook her head slowly. “No.” The boy quickly said excuse me and left. But falling over the trashcan. “Shoot I knew I should have moved that.” Said Brad.

This is hopeless. Somebody shoot me or least my mom come.

A boy walked in he had a guitar in his hand looked their age. Chester motioned for him to play. As he played everyone went quiet, this was the best act they have every heard that day. Brad nudged Mike in the arm. “That’s our new member.” Mike nodded in agreement.

Well at least God loves us.

Everyone stood up and clapped. Jazz whistled. “Dude that was awesome” said Joe. “Yeah, you rock ass.” Said Chester. “What’s your name?” Asked Brad. “The name is Phoenix.” Mike smiled. “Guess what your the new member.” Phi smiled. That’s when Brad’s mom and Mike’s mom walked in. “Mike you were suppose to be home an hour ago. I can’t believe you, coming over here. I bet you and Jazz been fooling around like I thought.”

Does she have to be that loud and embarrassing? Everyone got quiet and even Phi who looked embarrassed for me. Jazz turned bright red at the thought too. One thing about Fridays, you can’t get away from your parents. Because your not at school to do what you want.

Sorry I would have had this out yesterday, but I had to finish up something and I closed my account on a website that didn’t want my story. I guess I was pissed at least I have the weekend to worry about and this story at least some people like my stories. Plus, I have been collecting material for my Sailor Moon website I going to work on. So please Read and Review, it will make me feel better.
hey i'm back
i know none of you noticed me gone i was away for awhile my mind not on fanfics but bigger and irritating things exams,coursework, bullying probelms, our prom i've been away for a few months
i am pschobunnyyel-yor aka evil hamster
i am a writer of poems and fanfics just give me a random topic!!!, i love a challenge, and chester is hot
many regards and crap like that...
psychobunnyyel-yor aka evil hamster
lol i wish my dad would let me stay home for good grades. hell no. hes just an evil jerk who thinks anything less then a 100 is ****. oh well
Chapter Five

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

I love Saturday; it’s a break from school. I guess when you do so much on your first week of school its all good. So today I’m sitting back and enjoying my break. However, I get bored easily so my energy level goes down.

Mike’s dog pushes opens Mike’s door. He jumps on Mike and starts licking his face. “Oh, man stop!” He cried. The huge dog jumps off and sits in front of Mike waiting for him to wake up. Mike sighed, knowing that he won’t go back to sleep. Looking over at his clock he groaned. “Nine ‘o’ clock.” He looked over at his dog that just sat there and stared. “What are you looking at?” The dog lowered his head. Mike smiled and got out of bed patting the dog’s head. “You’re a good boy.”

No, big breakfast today. So usually I just find some Hot Pockets or some pizza from yesterdays dinner. Today is no different; Jason is here with his girlfriend playing around. Mom is cleaning and my dad is with his friend working on the car. I guess you can tell.... This is the start of my boring, relaxing, day.

Mike turns to place the Hot Pockets inside the microwave when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. Turning around he dropped the box of Hot Pockets and backs up against the counter. “Jazz!” Jazz smiles wearing a pair of blue jean shorts and a white top. “Hi, Mike did I scare you?” Mike bent down and picked up the box. “Well, Duh,” he placed the box on the counter. “So what’s sup?” Jazz turned around and walked over to the back door. She opened it and there was Anne, wearing some shorts and pink top. Her red hair pulled up into a high ponytail.

“What are you doing here?” Mike asked. “Well, Chester is visiting his family, Sam baby-sitting, Brad and Rob have a science project, Joe and Phi are busy with something. But they didn’t want to tell me.” She said. “Yeah, we were bored. And I figured since you don’t do anything on the weekend’s maybe you would like to come to that cheap carnival with us.” Mike looked over at his brother and his girlfriend. “There’s nothing much for me here okay lets go.” Anne and Jazz smiled. “We can walk from here.” Said Anne.

It's good to have good friends? So by my house law I have to tell my parents that I ‘m leaving. And as usually my mom is very, very loud about it. She tells me that I have to be back before eleven and as I walk out the back she grabs me and hugs me tightly from behind. Anne giggles as I ran out grabbing her and Jazz’s hand. It wasn’t long before we came to Lincoln Park, where most of the festivals in this town is held.

“So what should we ride on first? The Demon Drop, Ferris Wheel, or that roller costar that breaks down every hour” said Jazz. Mike smiled “Roller costar that breaks down every hour!” He ran up to the line with the two girls shaking their heads. “He’s going to sleep tonight.” Said Jazz.

The best thing about the carnival is the crappy rides. Now your thinking what, but hey you get your money back and its kind of cool when you hang upside down in the air. Okay, it’s the crazy boy inside of me. Besides, I’m not cheap I paid for the girls, too.

When they finally got up to the ride master, they showed him their wristbands and they hoped on. “Good thing its three to a seat.” Said Anne. “Um...you guys shouldn’t there be seat belts then these old things. I think mine is loose.” Three boys behind them was making animals noses. “That dude is so lucky he has two girls on each side.” Said the first boy. “Yeah, but its not hard to believe look at his hair and that skin color. Perfect everything.” Said the third boy. Jazz turned around. “Hey, are you two gay or what?” The second boy smiled. “No, but we want your friend to tell us how to get two good-looking chicks.”

Mike turned red, Anne’s eyes widen with shock and she turned red. As they ride pulled up Jazz yelled back, “Well, I can see why no one wants you.” The third boy smirked. “Because your both look like dogs...” when they took the drop. Anne and Mike bust out laughing and Jazz just smiled. As for the boys they were the only ones not saying a word not even screaming.

Well, its not the first time boys made fun of my looks. Honestly, I never thought I was that good looking and never really got why boys seemed to.... Well comment on my ‘ability’ to attract girls. I don’t even try, now I’m intresated in girls. But not in a relationship kind of way type of thing, And don’t get the wrong impression either I’m don’t look for one thing.

Jazz, Mike, and Anne get off the ride laughing. “Dude, those boys must have been shock when you told them that.” Said Anne. “Shock? Please they were scared and embarrassed of me.” As they two laugh, Mike was looking towards the sky. “What’s wrong?” Asked Jazz. “Nothing, that bungee jump thing. Its looks interesting,” Jazz smiled and jumped ahead of the two. “I bet you for one day’s worth of lunch I would go up there.” Mike looked worried, “What? Aren’t you afraid of heights?” Jazz rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hip. “Well, duh, then I wouldn’t be daring myself to do it.” Anne looked over at Mike’s worried face.

“Well, Mike seems worried then maybe it isn’t a good idea.” Jazz smiled and ran towards the bungee jump. “Wait? Jazz!” The two ran after her. But it was too late; she was already up there being suited up. “Remind me when she comes down that she should try out for track.” Said Anne, bending over to catch her breath.

Jazz has always been afraid of high places. I’m the only one besides Anne that actually knows. But then again she could be conquering her fears of heights and I can understand. But what if she gets hurt? Then what would I be if she did get hurt? I don’t think I would be a very good friend.

Jazz waved down towards Mike and Anne, a couple of people gathered around. “What’s with the crowd?” Asked Anne. As she looked about. “Nobody has ever been on that thing since three years ago.” Said one woman. “The last person on that was going down when the snap broke.” Said her older daughter. “But what about that mat at the bottom?” Said Anne. “They missed it.” Mike groaned. “Jazz what are you doing? I got to go up there.” Mike was about the go up when she saw her fall.

You know when you feel your heart dropping knowing that something might happen and your worse fears would come true. Can you hear my heart screaming down the dark hole? I can.

Jazz felt the wind hitting against her, her heart rushing, and when she closed her eyes. She saw the picture of her friends worried faces. Even Mike, being the sweet person that he is. Jazz felt pumped, and her fear of heights lifted away. The power of danger was in her heart, and a little of regret for going up there against Mike’s word. But why was she worried about that? Her and Mike were friends not lovers. Why was she thinking that?

When she came down, and they unhooked her. Everyone cheered and clapped for her as she looked around surprised and confused. Anne ran up to her and hugged her. “Jazz you’re like a hero.” Next thing you knew other people were going up to try. Mike walked over slowly, but before he could say anything. Jazz ran up and hugged him.


“I’m so sorry, Mike I should have listened to you. But I just wanted to get rid of my fears.” Mike blinked and looked over her shoulder. Anne just smiled and walked away.

Why do people do that?

“Um...that’s okay. I think that was pretty...um...cool of what you did.” He said. Jazz backed away, clearing her throat. “Mike I wouldn’t trade you for even a dollar at lunch.” She said. Mike was a little confused but his face lightened a little more once he got it. “Thanks.” Jazz turned around and walked over to Anne. Mike stood there watching the two. “Hey what a minute I’m worth a buck? Come back here Jazz! Anne why are you laughing!”


By the time we left the park it was already, ten and it was getting crowd was getting bigger. As Anne’s mother came to pick her up. Jazz asked if she could spend the night, because her mom wasn’t in a good mood. Knowing that mother wouldn’t care I said yes and we walked home.

“That was fun. Especially when Anne threw that French Fry in your hair. And the time when you found out the person running the game was cheating and he gave you three free teddy bears.” Mike smiled, tighten his grip on toy mech he got from the game. And Jazz and Anne winning a white wolf. Jazz and Mike walked in silence when Jazz started to slow down and next thing she knew she was on his back. “What are you doing?” He asked. “I’m sleepy that’s all.”

You know this does feel a bit odd. I’m usually use to Jazz on my back since we were seven, but now I kind of get I don’t know. My heart beats faster then usual, it feels weird but right at the same time. I can’t explain it and I don’t think I know how if I tried.

“Jazz wake up. Jazz? Jazz? She’s asleep.”

Walking inside, my mom is sleep with ice cream in front of her. My brother and father I don’t know and my dog is eating Jason’s school shorts. I take Jazz upstairs and place her on the bed, placing on my headphones and hooking them up to my laptop I start listening to my favorite bands, weird enough most are girls, and not Brittany Spears. I look over at Jazz and suddenly I’m scared and worried about her. What is wrong with me? This defiantly something I won’t be putting in my guide.
Chapter Six

Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Every school has one teacher that just breaks all the rules. Either one cuss at the kids, smokes when you’re not suppose to, or the are either got drunk during first through third and know they are out like a lot. That’s a like lot out math teacher, Mr. Benson. The only time we learn something is when the student teacher is here. And when he’s sober that’s even worse. So it’s Jazz Chester, Rob, sitting back and enjoying the free time, and me.

“Don’t you think someone should go over there and see if his all right or at least alive?” Said Chester, looking back at their teacher Mr. Benson. “I’m sure his fine.” Said Rob. “Okay, I’m going over there to check on him.” Said Chester. Rob nodded and Chester went to go check on Mr. Benson. “What’s up with Mike?” Asked Rob. When he turned his attention back to the distress Mike. “Nothing, Mike is just worried about the guide that’s all. Don’t worry Mike you did fine.” Said Jazz. Mike smiled at his best friend.

“Well, I just hate to see Jake win that’s all.” He said. Rob smiled. “I heard from a bunch of girls that you had the coolest ideas and the way you just said it like it was. Most of the girls even complimented on your looks.” Mike looked up at Rob. “Yeah, I was wondering why all the girls kept waving hi to me in the hall.” Jazz crossed her arms. “Those girls they are such pushovers.” Rob smirked and placed an arm around Jazz. “Why are you jealous?” He said. Jazz pushed his arm off. “No, stupid I just think sometimes girls over react over men,”

“No, there is something else that bothering you isn’t there?” Said Jazz. “Yeah, I walked in on my parents. Walked in on them very, very disturbing.” Rob shook his head. “I had nightmares for weeks.” Jazz giggled. “I wish I had family like that. My mom is so busy a lot. I’m always lonely.” Mike took Jazz’s hand were she had placed it on the table. “So that’s why you spend the night over my house so much.” Ron eyes grow wide. “What?” The lunch bell rang and everyone left. Chester walked over with a look of worry. “Should we call the office because he’s not moving?” Rob took a paper ball and threw it at Mr. Benson. He moved a little and went back to sleep. “Okay, he’s fine. Let’s go eat.”


With all the friends I have gained through the first week. Which isn’t that bad. I feel that I need to talk to someone who knows a little about what I’m feeling. I know just the person, Chester. Now Chester is a smart kid and he’s been through a lot. I have talked to him on the phone and I was surprise when he told me things he didn’t event tell Samantha. Which he really cares about, and what I like about him he can handle good advice. So Chester and the others are sitting out in the garden eating lunch when I walk over.

“Hey, Mike.” called Anne. She ran over with a smile. “Hey, girl what’s sup?” said Jazz. “Mike’s guide won even seniors liked it. Mike over 100% of the school while Jake only had very few supporters. And there is something else you might like Mike.” Mike sat down next to Brad and tilted his head. “What?” Anne pulled out a piece of paper. “Since it is Homecoming Week, every year they pick the most handsome boy in the school and you have been nominated.” Mike looked confused. “What? By who?” Anne sighed. “A lot of girls. And the freshman boys are happy because in school history there have never been a freshman boy on the handsome boy list.”

“So when do they pick the winner?” asked Samantha. “At the Homecoming Pep Rally. This Friday, however, this isn’t as bit as Homecoming King and Queen.” Joe looked up from his drawing. “For a freshman you sure know a lot.” Anne rolled her eyes. “My father.” Everyone nodded their head and said, “Oh.” Knowing that only parents no how to push their kids. “And at lunch they are selling white roses to give your date. A special way to say ‘Do you want to go to the dance with my this Saturday?’” Karen and Susan smiled. “I want a rose.” Joe and Rob looked at each other. “Um, we’ll be right back.” they got up and left.

“I wonder where they are going?” said Jazz. “So Anne who’s your date?” Anne sat down and pulled back a piece of hair. “My father picked my date. It’s so weird because my father knows everything about him.” Mike turned to Chester. “Hey, Chester.” Mike looked back at the two girls talking. “Can I talk to you after school at the park?” Chester nodded. “Sure. Which one?” Mike felt his heart sigh with relief. “Lincoln Park.” Chester nodded and they all talked about the Homecoming Week.


With Jazz working Devils Den 101, and the rest of the guys working on first school projects. And Phi busy unpacking from moving here. It was just me and Chester, which was good because I wanted to just talk to him. Chester was swinging in the tree branch upside down and I was sitting on the ground eating donuts.

“Okay, Mikey boy what did you wanted to talk about?” Chester asked. “Well, I have been feeling really funny around a friend of mine someone I have known since my whole life. And well I’m a bit scared because...” Chester raised his hand up. “Because you don’t want to break the bond between your friendship, right?” Mike looked shocked. “Yeah, right. And I really think that I might have a serious crush.” Chester jumped down. “It’s okay. I don’t mind you and Brad would make a perfect couple.” Mike turned around. “What?!” Chester looked confused. “Yeah, aren’t you talking about Brad?” Mike shook his head. “No! I’m talking about Jazz. What gave you that idea?” Chester looked down and giggled. “I thought when you said you didn’t like Jazz I thought well you know.”

Mike busted out laughing. “I can’t imagine that.” Chester smiled. “Yeah. So you like Jazz after all. I knew it.” Mike smiled and then it faded. “What should I do? Should I tell her?” Chester sat down next to Mike on the grass. “Do you feel like your heart starts to beat really fast and get really excited. And your stomach starts to do tricks?” Mike nodded. “Oh, yeah, you better tell her. A good suggestion is tell her in a way she wouldn’t even expect it. Or watch a bunch of chick flicks and get ideas.” Mike nodded his head. “I guess. I just need some confidence and I need to know what I’m saying.” Chester nodded. “But you are a sweet person.”

Mike smiled. “You think?” Chester smiled and stood up. “Yeah, you have the heart of steel I believe nothing can bring you down.” Mike smiled. “Hey, Chester you want to meet my parents?” Chester looked a little shock. “Sure. I’m hungry anyway.” Mike stood up and rolled his eyes. “You love food don’t you?” Chester smiled. “And girls.” Mike laughed. “Don’t say that to Sam, though.”

Good old Chester never missing a beat. Don’t you just love him.


Yes, its short but it's something.
Sorry, this took so long I have been busy with so many writing projects I have to pinch myself just to get going on my current ones. But I hope to keep you guys happy.
No we dont, lol. Im only kidding we love Chaz. Hmmmmm good chapter, cant wait for the next. Did any find what i just said sound corney?
you gotta love Chester.. lol... thats spiffy... i like the update.. it was REAL good.... if i had a teacher like that.. i'd break out some markers.. FUN... lol... anyways, i really liked the update it was really good...... GOOD JOB!