minutes to midnight title.

I think Zombies will attack us all. You know, they will come out of the dirt, and grab someones leg, eat it, then that one goes and eats his girlfriends brains, then it's a never ending chain!

That's my personal theory.
Did anyone see the news from the LP blog that the official minutes to midnight website is going to be launched this midnight!! Apparently the album is going to be played on the website as well...:clap:
Yeah there's a countdown on the website... And I don't think they will play it on the website... Maybe a few songs... But not the whole album :confused: It's already been leaked which will effect record sales considering people don't buy it they just download it, which is really stupid.
Yeah there's a countdown on the website... And I don't think they will play it on the website... Maybe a few songs... But not the whole album :confused: It's already been leaked which will effect record sales considering people don't buy it they just download it, which is really stupid.

atleast we can see it all OFFICIALLY, australia apparently gets the album first. i buy my cds now, since i got a full-time job :)