More ACORN madness


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ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Put short, two people pretended to be a pimp/prostitute and asked for help from workers at ACORN in getting a home. They got a lot of advise about how to hide income, how to lie on tax returns, and even some advise on the best way to manage an underage prostitution ring where the man and woman said they were going to bring in 13 year old girls from another Country to work as prostituts too.

After considerable resistence ACORN has fired the two women involved but you can be sure they will be rehired after the dust settles, the real question is, why are out tax dollard going to support a group who has it's first priority to help people lie on their taxes? To help people break the law?

This entire group is designed to take advantage of the system, to manipulate, and to lie where they can get away with it, so at the very least they should not be getting any taxpayer dollars.



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What is ACORN...other than tree droppings?
" Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now"

They are a radical political activist group pushing for "social justice" and using bully tactics to get whatever they want. Obama was one of their in house lawers for many years and coached them in their tactics.

For their support Obama has promised them more Government money and is even having them run the census in some areas.

They have been involved in many voter fraud scandles that are still being sorted out and many other strange financial activities. They get millions of taxpayer dollars but refuse to allow any accountability of that tax money.



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So why are they counseling prostitutes lol? Bizarre.
Part of what they do is help people get home loans and even help with tax returns. That is why they had the tax expert on hand to help these people lie on their tax returns. They really have their hands in a lot of pots and I am sure that on the whole, there are a lot of good people in their group that just want to help people.....but

The few radicals that are controlling things are taking this group down a path of corruption and breaking the law.

In this case the prostitute cover was just an example of people comming into their office wanting help in buying a home, part of this home buying process is being sure you have all your financial information up to date (even if it is false). The reporters pretended to be making illegal income and the ACORN advisor even told them to stop calling their income prostitution and instead say the girl was a performing artist.

The ACORN workers helping with advise on operating a brothel to include the smuggling of underage girls from another Country in and even claiming up to three of them as dependants in their violation of many, many laws all with smiles on their faces is disturbing to me and I believe should be to all Americans.



New member
What is ACORN...other than tree droppings?
You never heard of ACORN?

They are a group who were hiring people to go around and collect voter registrations. They would pay each person they employed a commission for each person they got to register to vote. In a couple of the states, you had people who were filling out fake cards and turning them into ACORN for quick cash. Kinda reminds me of this kid I knew in Schuyler who was paid to deliver the free weekly "CHOICE" paper around town, he decided that was too much work and several times ditched the papers he was supposed to deliver into trash cans at one of our parks... but anyway... Since Barack Obama was a supporter of ACORN's causes as a whole, you of course had people (Faux News) trying to convince people that this was election fraud (even though registering someone doesn't = a vote), and of course, trying to convince the mindless drones who believe their **** that Barack Obama himself was involved. When in actuality, ACORN was a victim in this, defrauded by several employees out of money.

Fast forward some... the people in this story, were of course, employed by ACORN to assist people. Faux News sent these couples posing as a pimp and a ***** to several ACORN locations (Trying to set people up if you ask me), all of the locations they went to were a non issue, with the exception of the one in this story. So of course you gotta have your nut jobs trying to put the big "IT'S OBAMA'S FAULT" spin on the whole thing.

Quite boring and desperate really, but enjoy listening to TJ try and put the "OBAMA is corrupt" spin on it all.





New member
You never heard of ACORN?
They are a group who were hiring people to go around and collect voter registrations. They would pay each person they employed a commission for each person they got to register to vote. In a couple of the states, you had people who were filling out fake cards and turning them into ACORN for quick cash. Kinda reminds me of this kid I knew in Schuyler who was paid to deliver the free weekly "CHOICE" paper around town, he decided that was too much work and several times ditched the papers he was supposed to deliver into trash cans at one of our parks... but anyway... Since Barack Obama was a supporter of ACORN's causes as a whole, you of course had people (Faux News) trying to convince people that this was election fraud (even though registering someone doesn't = a vote), and of course, trying to convince the mindless drones who believe their **** that Barack Obama himself was involved. When in actuality, ACORN was a victim in this, defrauded by several employees out of money.

Fast forward some... the people in this story, were of course, employed by ACORN to assist people. Faux News sent these couples posing as a pimp and a ***** to several ACORN locations (Trying to set people up if you ask me), all of the locations they went to were a non issue, with the exception of the one in this story. So of course you gotta have your nut jobs trying to put the big "IT'S OBAMA'S FAULT" spin on the whole thing.

Quite boring and desperate really, but enjoy listening to TJ try and put the "OBAMA is corrupt" spin on it all.



An explaination of ACORN's activities with all the factual acuracy of a Daily Kos blog.



New member
Really, so what was inaccurate there, and show me proof. ****, show me 1, just 1 single solitary vote cast attributed to the ACORN scandal.

It's not uncommon for the lunatic fringe to still keep envoking the "ACORN" whine.

That was 100% accurate and you know it. It's time to start facing reality instead of living in this world of alleged corruption by Obama that you desperately feel the need to cling onto. It's unproductive for America as a whole.





New member
Really, so what was inaccurate there, and show me proof.
It's not uncommon for the lunatic fringe to still keep envoking the "ACORN" whine.

That was 100% accurate and you know it. It's time to start facing reality instead of living in this world of alleged corruption by Obama that you desperately feel the need to cling onto. It's unproductive for America as a whole.


I'm not saying that Obama is directly responsible for ACORN's corruption, I never have.

Your other "facts" about ACORN had quite a bit of spin on them though.



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lol, the excuse machine squaks again.

The voter fraud is significant because the managers of these places tried to hide it, that makes it very significant to their core values of the group itself.

ACORN was also directly connected to a huge number of the failed loans with the housing market, helping low income people get homeloans they should never have gotten in the first place. It seems reasonable to believe they have been doing 'creative' accounting and tax help for people all along. It is very possible that if it was not for ACORN, the bank crisis would never have happened in the first place.

The reason people like Obama is important to mention is it was Obama who trained them how to get away with their actions. With all the blame being passed around against bank officers, do you see Obama mentioning how ACORN were involved in the largest number of bad loans? Why not? Because to him, that is all part of his desire for "social justice".



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Told ya he'd put the "Obama is corrupt" spin on it.
Ahh the lunatic fringe drum beats on... :cool:



And yet you can't refute the fact of it, easier to try and redirect attention away from the facts with false accusations of people being radicals, just like the way the socialists called all the protesters against the government option health care, radicals and such.



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[ame=]YouTube - ACORN Baltimore Prostitution Investigation Part I[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ACORN Baltimore Prostitution Investigation Part II[/ame]

This is ACORN folks. These are the people who are under investigation throughout the country for voter fraud. These are the people who nurtured our President as he community activated his way to the White House. These people are crooks. Their very reason for being is to destroy the fabric of our country in order to prepare us to be a nation of government.

What did ACORN have to say when the video surfaced? They called it "gotcha journalism." What in the **** does that mean? I guess it means that a journalist checks out an organization that is receiving boatloads of public funds to see what they'll do if presented with a clear-cut plan for *** slavery and child exploitation. Then the journalist finds that the organization seems willing to actually help the bad guys get away with their scheme! Then the journalist spreads the word ... and this is "gotcha journalism?" Well then I guess you can say that I love "gotcha journalism."

Oh ... and ACORN fired the two workers that were involved in this mess. But don't expect anything to change here. It will be ACORN business as usual. And prosecution? Are you kidding? Do you think that the federal government would even consider prosecution for aiding and abetting? Are you forgetting who's in the White House and who is running Justice?



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I don't have any problem with any one or two of these associations Obama has had, any of us can trace back our past and find radicals and wackos that we have been involved with, but with this President it is the sheer numbers of radicals he has embraced and worked with and is still surrounding himself with today that shows his true character.

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, has been a lifelong supporter of forced abortions and mandatory sterilization of the polulace, sure he dodged this belief in his job interview as most people put on their best face for their interviews but a leopard does not change his spots.

The list goes on and on, each of them like the reverand wright 'could' be innocent on their own, but when you combine them all and look at them as a whole, it is at the very least very disturbing.



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[ame=]YouTube - Lunatic Fringe, by Red Ryder[/ame]

Lunatic fringe

I know you're out there

You're in hiding

And you hold your meetings

We can hear you coming

We know what you're after

We're wise to you this time

We won't let you kill the laughter.

Lunatic fringe

In the twilight's last gleaming

This is open season

But you won't get too far

We know you've got to blame someone

For your own confusion

But we're on guard this time

Against your final solution

We can hear you coming

(We can hear you coming)

No you're not going to win this time

We can hear the footsteps

(We can hear the footsteps)

Way out along the walkway

Lunatic fringe

We know you're out there

But in these new dark ages

There will still be light

An eye for an eye;

Well before you go under...

Can you feel the resistance?

Can you feel the thunder?





New member
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, has been a lifelong supporter of forced abortions and mandatory sterilization of the polulace, sure he dodged this belief in his job interview as most people put on their best face for their interviews but a leopard does not change his spots.
I concur, John Holdren is just as radical as any of them. Watch these clips where Holdren explains how US exceptionalism needs to be snuffed out in order to redistribute the wealth and allow room for the poor to become more prosperous.

[ame=]YouTube - Bali Conference 07/12/07 - John Holdren Interview Part - 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bali Conference 07/12/07 - John Holdren Interview Part - 2[/ame]

This science czar, John Holden, reminds me of the Mandarin Class at the beginning of the 2d Millenium in China.

For all of those who did not recover from their government education, let me refresh your memory.

In the late part of the first millenium AD and partly into the second, China was the most technologically advanced region in the world. They had six masted sailing ships and had the technology to mine coal in quantities not matched until the Industrial Revolution hit Britain. They also invented the magnetic compass. PrezBo, the Chinese invented the compass, not the Muslims.

However, with the emergence of the Mandarin class, all technology was taxed and regulated to the point that people lost their motivation to be innovative.... hence no technological advancement and China went backwards and didn't start to emerge again until the late 20th century AD.

So now you're probably asking, "What does that have to do with John Holdren?" If you notice, he wants tax and regulate US exceptionalism for a wealth redistribution scheme. Hmmm... history is knocking at the door! History is ready to nag the present and future!

We saw how well that worked in China when they were the technological powerhouse. Though many people tend to treat history like the blathering, nagging wife, she tends to be right on most accounts.



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So why do you think normally smart people like Bender hide behind words like "Lunatic fringe" when they know their own leadership is the real Lunatic fringe?

How can they look at a guy like this and follow him, but call everyone else radical?

I do not believe for a second that Bender does not have the ability to see the truth so does that mean even the low level liberals/socialists like him are part of these radical conspiracies?

How would you explain it RO?

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