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ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
Put short, two people pretended to be a pimp/prostitute and asked for help from workers at ACORN in getting a home. They got a lot of advise about how to hide income, how to lie on tax returns, and even some advise on the best way to manage an underage prostitution ring where the man and woman said they were going to bring in 13 year old girls from another Country to work as prostituts too.
After considerable resistence ACORN has fired the two women involved but you can be sure they will be rehired after the dust settles, the real question is, why are out tax dollard going to support a group who has it's first priority to help people lie on their taxes? To help people break the law?
This entire group is designed to take advantage of the system, to manipulate, and to lie where they can get away with it, so at the very least they should not be getting any taxpayer dollars.
Put short, two people pretended to be a pimp/prostitute and asked for help from workers at ACORN in getting a home. They got a lot of advise about how to hide income, how to lie on tax returns, and even some advise on the best way to manage an underage prostitution ring where the man and woman said they were going to bring in 13 year old girls from another Country to work as prostituts too.
After considerable resistence ACORN has fired the two women involved but you can be sure they will be rehired after the dust settles, the real question is, why are out tax dollard going to support a group who has it's first priority to help people lie on their taxes? To help people break the law?
This entire group is designed to take advantage of the system, to manipulate, and to lie where they can get away with it, so at the very least they should not be getting any taxpayer dollars.