More ACORN madness


New member
I am becoming more and more convinced long as we are stuck with the two main parties...we are best off with a Democratic President and a Republican congress. Republicans seem to fight big government programs proposed by Democrats.

Of course, the big problem is that the President picks the Supreme Court nominee and that is one area where GW did not do a bad job.



Active Members
Someone should have stopped Bush while they had the chance. Acorn has gotten out of control..


lol, you quote Julie Driscoll?

Talk about digging deep for some way to try and blame this on Bush.......and is that not the normal tactic? Never take responsibility for nothing, blame racists, blame Bush, blame anything but never, ever admit to doing anything wrong......that is the excuse machine (Bender) motto.

Bush was not a real Conservative, he screwed up many times in my opinion, but there was not one conservative in charge of the day to day operations and policy decisions of ACORN. The activities of ACORN are what is at issue, not where they got their start.

Think of it like the ACLU, the laws were written by many people, but it took the ACLU to twist laws so badly that having a nativity display is a crime but killing someone is not..........



New member
Someone should have stopped Bush while they had the chance. Acorn has gotten out of control.
ACORN funding ? a Republican philosophy?



the majority of the funding for ACORN took place under the executive guidance of none other than George W, according to the Congressional record. Every year during the Bush administration, ACORN Housing Corporation received more than $1 million (from 2001, when George Bush became president, until 2008, the Bush administration provided over $13 million to ACORN)
I didn't know that $13 million was a "majority" of $53 million.


Active Members
Man, and you accuse ME of making excuses for Obama. :rolleyes: .

I didn't make up any excuses, your again trying to shrug off all blame on other people, I fully admit your right that some of the funding came from the Bush administration...........but Bush was never directly involved with the management of ACORN, Obama was.

Not one Conservative ever managed or worked at any ACORN branch so they have had nothing to do with the way 'business' has been run in that arena.

The thing is you can never find fault in their actual actions but you find all kinds of fault in anyone who is not a Liberal. I have been a fairly strong supporter of Bush over his 8 years but I have also blasted him many, many times for doing things I knew was wrong. Not once have I ever felt the need to blindly support him just because he was a conservative.

Maybe because I never saw him as a true conservative or then again maybe it is because I do not blindly follow anyone, but you would never catch me making up excuses for his behaviors when I knew he was wrong. One great example is when he joined liberals in their desire to offer amnesty to all illegals. I ranted against that **** because I did not care what his party was, what he wanted was bad for the Country and did not address any of the problems at hand. Still today America's borders are unsecured and Obama is not going to do anything about that either.



New member
Ha!! ACORN is ****, everyone knows it, you'd just rather conveniently forget it's not just Obama who was involved in them.

But, at least the ACORN scandal will keep the tea baggers pre-occupied for a while. Can't honestly say I know of anybody else who gives a ****.

But whatever keeps your conspiracy filled mind happy when it comes to the President, carry on with the boring ACORN complaints. :rolleyes:

If it's true you criticized Bush, then where were the screams of outrage back then? Seems to me the screamers were too busy patting the guy on the back to be outraged.





Active Members
Ha!! ACORN is ****, everyone knows it, you'd just rather conveniently forget it's not just Obama who was involved in them.

But, at least the ACORN scandal will keep the tea baggers pre-occupied for a while. Can't honestly say I know of anybody else who gives a ****.

But whatever keeps your conspiracy filled mind happy when it comes to the President, carry on with the boring ACORN complaints. :rolleyes:
Obama is the product of many corrupt groups from his long involvement in that church to the Chicago machine to ACORN, etc.....

As I said before, any one association, even two, but group and person after person keeps comming up that show Obama is truly part of this mindset of corruption.

If it's true you criticized Bush, then where were the screams of outrage back then? Seems to me the screamers were too busy patting the guy on the back to be outraged.



I was then and I am now completely against many things Bush has done, too bad you can't ever say the same thing about Obama, your 100% excuse machine for your messiah.



New member
I was then and I am now completely against many things Bush has done, too bad you can't ever say the same thing about Obama, your 100% excuse machine for your messiah.
I'm not disagreeing with you here, but plead your case against Bender. Make a list of a few things that Bush did during his presidency, explain why you dislike them, and their repercussions.



New member
I know I have no clear complaints about Bush until after his second term when it was painfully obvious he broke the law, destroyed the constitution, and caused the unnecessary death of thousands of troops. That just really didn't sit to well with me.

Had he NOT lied, then I wouldn't look at those troops deaths as something that was in vein.

I don't have any other complaints really about the job he did, I mean I thought he would do well enough that I even voted for him the first time. I had no problem with the tax cuts... er that is until I found out they went to the rich. I wouldn't have had problems with that either if the rich would have kept their end of the bargain and used it to expand and create jobs.

At least that was the reasoning we were all fed as to why giving them the tax cuts made good sense. But they never did it, they used those cuts to make themselves richer and **** on AMERICA.

After all that, all we heard about were the rich needing bailed out and Bush giving them welfare checks.

Obama on the other-hand, has been criticized before he even got elected.

If you want me to complain about Obama, give me something legitimate that I would need to complain about besides his choice of Reverend or his previous job as an attorney with acorn. Why stretch it out and make it into something it's not?

Obama is the product of many corrupt groups from his long involvement in that church
That's kind of stretching it a bit don't ya think? That's like saying all the parishioners in a church who followed a priest convicted of fondling little boys are just as guilty.
That's lunacy that makes no sense.

Same thing with ACORN. Obama was their (jr.) lawyer at one time... whoopy, does that mean Eric Rudolph's lawyer was a terrorist too?

This guilt by association lunacy is quite ridiculous.

Since then, the www has been filled with all kinds of unsubstantiated "theorys" about everything.

You call THAT defending Obama? I call it not playing into the conspiracy's. **** if I was to believe that, I might as well believe the 9/11 conspiracy and the JFK conspiracy's, and etc, etc...

And TJ WONDERS why I call him ALEX. :rolleyes:

I say it's a **** shame the Republican party has been taken over by conspiracy theorists.

They brought us Reagan, and we all prospered, then after that...ugh!!

Ever notice the new wave Republican tries to draw on Reagan... more like envoke Reagan, but fail at accomplishing anything remotely close to his policys.

I say it's because they are too occupied with the conspiracy's and complaint's to even try making a difference.





New member
That's kind of stretching it a bit don't ya think? That's like saying all the parishioners in a church who followed a priest convicted of fondling little boys are just as guilty.

If the parishioners knew the priest was fondling the boys then yes, they are just as guilty.

Obama knew, and stuck around, Rev Wrights views. Supposedly he knew about ACORN and their shady practices (he should have, if he was their attorney) and he stuck around them.

That's the difference.



New member
How many defense attorneys know their client is guilty but still defend them?
I'm gonna go with 100%



Yea but I bet they don't hang out with their clients.

Obama knows of the shady practices of ACORN and SEIU and has had them in the White House helping to make policy decisions.

Obama knew of Van Jones' radical past, he knew of Rev. Wrights radical black liberation theology of his church, which is about black socialist revolution.



New member
Hey now, Reagan had them in the White House helping too. Like I said before. It's so easy to slam Obama for it, but even easier to forget others who were involved with them.

And I also don't recall hearing anything about Obama hanging out with his reverened. Yet another guilt by association.

I have friends that smoke pot and sell drugs, I know all about it, does that make me guilty even though I am not around when they are doing it?

In my eyes, ain't my **** business what their doing with their business. That's not why they are my friends.





New member
Barack Obama has attended Wright's sermons for over twenty years. By his own admission, Obama consults with Wright before making any "bold political decisions." Obama calls Wright his "spiritual advisor." He calls Wright one of his prime mentors. Obama got the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope," from a Wright sermon of the same name.

He says that Wright was extremely important in shaping his life and his views. Obama and his wife were married by Rev. Wright. Reverend Wright baptized Obama's daughters. Barack Obama donated over $20,000 to Wright's church in 2006.

Before being thrown under the bus when it was politically expedient, Rev. Wright was on his campaign religious advisory board.

The church website said it was based on black liberation theology. Obama isn't an idiot. He knew what that meant and what the church and Rev. Wright were all about.



Active Members
I'm not disagreeing with you here, but plead your case against Bender. Make a list of a few things that Bush did during his presidency, explain why you dislike them, and their repercussions.
I already gave one very big example and there are many other examples such as not doing the invasion of Iraq correctly as in shutting down the borders to prevent what happened with most of the insurgency being caused by outside help from places like Iran. As commander in chief he bears a lot of that blame.


What did Bush lie about?

If your talking about WMD's in Iraq how can you say he lied? He had no way of having "Independent knowledge" outside the intelligence community and even Both Clintons admitted that the information mateched information they were aware of during his presidency.

There was no lie there, unless your saying everyone was in on the lie including the clintons:

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- Bill Clinton in 1998




"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002



New member
Obama.... had a reverend who said *** **** America

Bush....Lied, soldiers died

Obama....was a jr lawyer in a case for ACORN

Bush...... Lied, soldiers died

Obama..... Had tea once with Bill Ayers

Bush..... Lied, soldiers died





New member
Obama.... had a reverend who said *** **** America
Bush....Lied, soldiers died

Obama....was a jr lawyer in a case for ACORN

Bush...... Lied, soldiers died

Obama..... Had tea once with Bill Ayers

Bush..... Lied, soldiers died



Once again, completely inaccurate. Obmama did much more than that for ACORN, did much more than have tea with Bill Ayers, and Rev. Wright did more than just say *** **** America.

Minimizing and ridicule. Weak.

I've posted dozens of posts with explanations of my statements on each person here for over a year. Not gonna post them again.

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