More On SD. Oh, Don't You Love Me?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Aren't I the most annoying little bugger you ever did see? But aren't you secretly glad you have someone to hurl insults at and argue with any time of the day OR night? Anyway, just a notice that I have officially moved from the firecracker stage to the rainy stage of my..........dam bursting. Sorry if I seemed a little wound up; all my rage sort of came to a head in the past few days, but I think most of it's out now, so I'll go back to quietly fuming and muttering under my breath. It's been a pleasure going head to head with you all, and I shall now take most of your insults with a sad smile. My jets are cooled, so peace out. (Mostly me. I should take my own advice.)

PS: please stop pissing on my planet? Pet a cat. Walk to work. Eat some celery.
You haven't bothered me since we technically agree on alot of things. Oddly enough I haven't been extremely pissed for quite some time. Probably cuz of me leaving the army this week. :D

So your presence is of a significant one, even to those who sling animal dung at you.
You're only seventeen, SD. Life is going to get much, much worse. The best thing you can do is grin and bear it or toss yourself off a cliff.
Hopefully this means your "**** America" thoughts have finally disappeared for a while and I can **** with someone else.
PS. I dont like cats, walking to work, or eating celery.
Instead I'll put antifreeze in some tuna and feed it to the neighborhood cats, drive to work in my SUV, and eat a cheese burger. Thanks for offering though.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Aren't I the most annoying little bugger you ever did see? But aren't you secretly glad you have someone to hurl insults at and argue with any time of the day OR night? Anyway, just a notice that I have officially moved from the firecracker stage to the rainy stage of my..........dam bursting. Sorry if I seemed a little wound up; all my rage sort of came to a head in the past few days, but I think most of it's out now, so I'll go back to quietly fuming and muttering under my breath. It's been a pleasure going head to head with you all, and I shall now take most of your insults with a sad smile. My jets are cooled, so peace out. (Mostly me. I should take my own advice.)

PS: please stop pissing on my planet? Pet a cat. Walk to work. Eat some celery.

Glad to hear some of that anger lifting! That **** will clog your arteries! :D
Royal, I know how much worse life is going to get, but if I want to kill myself, I'll do it my in my time and my way, okay? Only I have the right to kill myself.

And by the way, just because I'm not shooting steam from my ears doesn't mean I'm still not ****ing pissed. My anger remains, the US is still the bane of the Earth. I'm just not going to go apeshit and curse everyone out anymore. I'm still pissed to the max, however.
Someone has to tell it and take it like it is--I'm sick of sugar-coating everything. If someone died, they died. If your ass looks fat in those jeans, it looks fat. If you living room is ugly, it's ugly. People need to stop worrying so damn much about offending people with the truth.
Why would I be a porn addict when my ****ing wife wants it more then me ?? The only time I get a break is when shes on the rag.

Can you say "PHREAK NEEDS VIAGRA" 14 times a week is enough for anybody my age, and she expects more... what am I , a machine ??