More religion!

Tyler, that is undeniably excellent posting.

I salute thee!

We know these holy dupes will still squawk for their god when they are reduced to mere
human exhibits in a zoo, when their mindset is a pariah for the world to laugh at.

And for that holy cyber-drone who drooled about mooooooslums and their
habit of randomly exploding. Stop pretending that filthy conquestianity is
somehow exempt from crimes and bloodshed...Far from it.

In addition to Tim McVeigh, Koresh and many other white terrorist godplayers;
There are the plethora of KKK, 88-skins and a myriad other killers for christ...

If I am using too many complex nuances here for a christian to understand, then tell me,
and I can explain in more detail for the retarded and intellectually stunted mutants.

Please note:
The christian church has for the last 2000 years, caused death, looting and
wholesale destruction of nations, cultures and innocent lives that makes
the 3rd Reich look like a placid tea-party from a Beatrice Potter book!

May your god catch AIDs.
Curt Sibling said:
The christian church has for the last 2000 years, caused death, looting and
wholesale destruction of nations, cultures and innocent lives that makes
the 3rd Reich look like a placid tea-party from a Beatrice Potter book!

And if it weren't for these Christian warmongers, land-hoarders, witch-hunters we probably wouldn't be here today bitching about them.

People crap on Christainity because Christains are always assing their morals to the public and talking down about everything people enjoy.

By talking down, you mean trying to introduce a little morality to society?

In the end, people are free to do what they want. Christians might tell you not to abuse your body with heroin...or that wife beating is not ok...or that sex with kids is an abomination to God...or that stealing, lying, cheating on your partner, or a dozen other things - are going to wind you up in trouble.

You don't have to listen - as I the end it's your choice.
(don't be too surprised though if we were right ;) )
If christinsanity could keep it's tentacles to itself, this would remove the problem.
People keep saying that, but how EXACTLY do christians impose themselves on your life?? Really, stop the propoganda and start giving examples...

The christians are angry and malcontent that there are people who dare to be secular What people choose to believe is their business. Our business is to speak the truth, and if people want to listen or not is up to them...

People cannot be coerced into your sick nightmare of guilt and fear in the wholesale fashion you dream of.

Nightmare? Guilt? Fear? You must be talking about the life of an atheist...

Your vision of a christ-controlled world of greed and idiocy will
never come to pass.

Greed? Giving as much as you can to the poor? How is that greed again?

Idiocy? I know the idea of having no enemies, treating everyone equal, and looking after the less fortunate MAY seem like idiocy to some...but if that's idiocy then bring it on afaic...

In this age, the fall of religion will come, as the youth reject
the mindless edicts of a meaningless ritualistic church.

ACTUALLY, you might be surprised to know that the exact reverse is true!!
As a widely publicised study last year found, atheism is in rapid decline - around the world - as people find God. Seems that as the world gets wiser more people aren't afraid to open their eyes and face reality!

Your idol was nailed to a cross by Roman heroes two millenia ago...Hail Caesar!

...and died...and then resurrected himself to life 3 days later...pretty neat trick that.

Your religion is controlled by money-grubbing pedophiles who enjoy seeing you as cattle.
Actually, christianity teaches that ALL christians are priests - read your bible! As for control, christian churches aren't about control or supreme powers, or edicts etc, unless you're talking about the catholic or anglican churches.

Question for you about the paedophile thing...since it seems the only straw you keep grasping at...we know there have been some highly publicised cases of catholic priests abusing kids. How many paedophiles do you think are atheists - ie share your immoral, ungodly, "anything goes" view of the world? Care to put money down that there aren't more atheist paedophiles than christian? No? ;)

Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy as well? What about Peter Pan?

No...and no. I deal with reality my friend.

That's a weird way of putting it. You could say a key part of it is behaviour control...there are certain guidelines that christians must follow like no lying, no stealing, no cheating on your partner, no homosexual sex, no abusing your body, no sex with animals, no violence, etc... if you're into these sorts of things then I guess you'll feel your style cramped and your "mind controlled"... :rolleyes:

Think about what have you got when the god is gone?
God doesn't go - God is timeless...

Clouds don't have a silver lining and all you ever get is rain.
Well that's a shitty way to view the world!!

You can't get blood from a stone
Not sure what this random cliche means here...?

In addition to Tim McVeigh, Koresh and many other white terrorist godplayers;
There are the plethora of KKK, 88-skins and a myriad other killers for christ...

What does Christ and christianity teach? Non-violence. Non-violence to your friends, non-violence to your family, non-violence even to your enemies, non-violence towards everyone.

The koran teaches violence against non-muslims.

So the freaks you listed above can claim to be christian, hell...they can claim to purple space monkeys for all I can judge what they are by their actions.
I can claim to be a country music star, but if in reality I spend my life belting out heavy metal...what am I?
I can claim to be the President of the United States, but if in reality I spend my life as a janitor you still consider me the President?
Likewise, these people can claim to be christian, and in reality go out and kill and maim people, and they aren't christian.

The christian church has for the last 2000 years, caused death, looting and
wholesale destruction of nations, cultures and innocent lives that makes
the 3rd Reich look like a placid tea-party from a Beatrice Potter book!

Actually, people with your belief system (ie atheism) make up the worst mass killers in history!!

Since you mention the 3rd Reich, let's start with Hitler - a person who was raised a christian but turned his back on it because he thought he knew better (sounding familiar yet?). He then went on to murder 10's of millions of Jews. Hitler despised religion, and like you saw it as sign of weakness and a means of population control - read Mein Kampf for an insight..

Pol Pot
Need I go on??? These guys killed hundreds of millions between them - probably because they were atheists and didn't give a damn about anyone but themselves...?
in my town a priest was kicked out of his church becouse he DIDNT approve of gay marriage. these arch diasis's need to be stopped.
cybacaT said:
You can do life under your own power, meet every challenge under your own power - that's how I used to live. But when you have that extra power to call on...then why not use it? Makes life a hell of a lot easier!

Extra power? I haven't sensed such a thing whenever I "prayed". I just worked at whatever I needed to get to as opposed to pray to a being and hope he/she/it will do something about it.

cybacaT said:
Let's see - christians consider ALL possibilities in this world. Atheists start by saying there's no God, and then working with whatever is left in the world. Seems like they are the ones isolating themselves...

No atheists don't isolate themselves. How can not believing in something you cannot see be isolating yourself? Atheists believe that they don't need a deity to get them through life but rather rely on their own will and energy.
cybacaT said:
I deal with reality my friend.

After the amount of gobshite you've spouted here in the past few days - I don't believe so. Feel free to try and convince yourself... because you sure as **** ain't convincing me!

God doesn't go - God is timeless...

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn! Tell me what YOU really think, and NOT what you've been brainwashed into thinking... please use YOUR thoughts for once!!!

Well that's a shitty way to view the world!!

What?!?! Realistically!!! :D I'd say I'm more enlightened about life than you are - I can face and accept 'reality' without any need to keep the light on because there might be scary monsters under the bed...

Not sure what this random cliche means here...?

You can't get blood from a stone?!?! It's as simple a statement as it gets!!!

You can't get NOTHING from NOT! THERE IS NO GOD!!! How can you have faith in NOTHING????

In My Being... I AM - I Will - I Create

In your being... you're NOT - you Never will - You Stagnate
tonon said:
how do you know there is no god.

The only gods are Man-Made ones!

I don't know why I'm here - but the thing is... I don't have the audacity to question why! As far as I'm concerned, I just AM. As I've realised I AM, I have absolutely no need to feel paranoid to the point I can't 'live' without having some BFG, or imaginary friend to get me through life. I grew out of that self delusion when I was 4 years old!

There's no more a truer saying than, 'We live in a world of middle aged people - yet they stumble to a crawl with their child-like minds!'

When are these ****s going to grow up MENTALLY to suit their ****ing years on earth?!?! Quite frankly they're an embarassment to the human race!!!
RoyalOrleans said:
I'm sure your parents feel the same way about you.

I KNOW they don't... but if they did, then that's their ****ing problem... NOT MINE! I didn't ask to come here. As far as I'm concerned, if they did feel embarassed, it's their ****ing fault for playing equal part in my creation...
Tyler Durden said:
I KNOW they don't... but if they did, then that's their ****ing problem... NOT MINE! I didn't ask to come here.

What a coincidence, I don't remember anyone asking you to stay here.:D
ImWithStupid said:
What a coincidence, I don't remember anyone asking you to stay here.:D

I may not have asked to be here - but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and restrict my life to only fantasy while I AM here! I intend to use everything at my disposal to make my life as 'full and comfortable' as possible until the day my physical body turns to dust. I also won't be throwing myself off a rooftop because someone on an internet forum makes a sarcastic comment insinuating that I should, 'take my own life'... much to your chagrin no doubt?!?! :)
Tyler Durden said:
I KNOW they don't... but if they did, then that's their ****ing problem... NOT MINE! I didn't ask to come here. As far as I'm concerned, if they did feel embarassed, it's their ****ing fault for playing equal part in my creation...

So just ****ing end it right now, Tyler Durden.

You're a worthless heap of flesh and bone. You make shallow, generalized observations on religion that everyone on these boards has read about before. If you'd do a SEARCH of the archives, you will find a plethora of information on this very subject.
RoyalOrleans said:
So just ****ing end it right now, Tyler Durden.

You're a worthless heap of flesh and bone. You make shallow, generalized observations on religion that everyone on these boards has read about before. If you'd do a SEARCH of the archives, you will find a plethora of information on this very subject.

Yeah... how unoriginal of me to bore you to tears with my ranting on a subject you're sick to death reading about. My advice... don't bother reading my posts or threads... as they only seem to be upsetting you...

I'll have a search of the archives though, cheers for the heads-up on that one! :)
RoyalOrleans said:
So just ****ing end it right now, Tyler Durden.

You're a worthless heap of flesh and bone. You make shallow, generalized observations on religion that everyone on these boards has read about before. If you'd do a SEARCH of the archives, you will find a plethora of information on this very subject.

Temper, temper!

If your limited brainpower cannot handle other people making an opinion,
then you shouldn't attack them for stating it, you just come across as
a blazing cretin...If you can't stomach well-explained points of view...

...Then what the feck are you doing on a message board?

Just cease your stupidity, please.

Curt Sibling said:
Temper, temper!

If your limited brainpower cannot handle other people making an opinion,
then you shouldn't attack them for stating it, you just come across as
a blazing cretin...If you can't stomach well-explained points of view...

...Then what the feck are you doing on a message board?

Just cease your stupidity, please.


Well explained? I've read better material on the backs of cereal boxes.

Again, and for the last time, I was merely pointing out Tyler's redundant post. Nothing more, nothing less.

Get a ****in' sense of humor, man. Sarcasm is so hard to convey over the 'net.