More religion!

RoyalOrleans said:
Well explained? I've read better material on the backs of cereal boxes.

Again, and for the last time, I was merely pointing out Tyler's redundant post. Nothing more, nothing less.

Get a ****in' sense of humor, man. Sarcasm is so hard to convey over the 'net.

You just need to break out the crayons for the retards.
Is it just me, or does this kind of **** get on your nerves?

Tyler can defend himself, he doesn't need an attorney present.
RoyalOrleans said:
Is it just me, or does this kind of **** get on your nerves?

Tyler can defend himself, he doesn't need an attorney present.

It's definitely not just you. I thought Tyler was doing an exellent job alone and seemed to get the "sarcasm" part after a couple of posts.
Curt Sibling said:

It seems I have treaded into a private party site, where you dummies like
try out what you pass for 'sarcasm' and 'irony' on new posters...Great.

Let me tell you something...When I see even a hint of wit or intelligence
from you blowguns, I'll be surprised, because all I have seen so far is total
****witted remarks from some thickos who think themselve the ressurected
spirits of Bill Hicks on the net!

Well, chumps - You have not even came close to getting funny or getting
one over me...All you can do so far is meddle with my account because
you couldn't defeat me in open debate...Total arsebanditry.

I have over 21,000 posts on other sites and you mere 1000 post guppies
are nothing to me. I have never seen such clownshoes pass themselves
off as mods, and while this site had the hallmarks of a great place - I can
now see it is ran by an aristocracy of dandied sadcases, who cannot take
any challenge to their flacid authority....Tough crap!

Where I come from in the UK, we go down fighting, and we play fair.
More than can be said for you cowardly cowboys, who resort to cheap
and mongoliod remarks and username manipulation to try and win.

I hereby urinate in your faces!

And in in your mother's faces too!


First he's defending someone who doesn't need defending and now he's using "the mom card". If you were trying to to convey your level of superiority, you did so.
Yeah... a distinguised gentleman he is.

Here's Curt.... "I'm a big, bad 21 billion count poster! I can crush you with my pinky. You stupid, me smart.".

And I'm all like, "Fine! Be that way."
ImWithStupid said:
First he's defending someone who doesn't need defending and now he's using "the mom card". If you were trying to to convey your level of superiority, you did so.

Mom card?

What the feck are you slobbering about, you ignorant dummy? :)

I am merely informing you and your bum-chums of how I feel about this forum and the level of intelligence wherein.

RoyalOrleans said:
Yeah... a distinguised gentleman he is.

Here's Curt.... "I'm a big, bad 21 billion count poster! I can crush you with my pinky. You stupid, me smart.".

And I'm all like, "Fine! Be that way."

My sides doth split.

I see you are assuming the post-style of a down's-syndrome
afflicted crash-crash survivor with severe brain damage?

The complaints I have heard of you I do not all believe;'tis my slowness that I do not, for I know you lack not folly to commit them and have ability enough to make such knaveries yours.
It's OK, buttwipes.

You can change my posts all you wish, but I have it saved, and I'll just
keep posting it every time you dumb cowboys try and manipulate my
posts...Is that really the best that you can manage...So lame.

So here we are!

Originally Posted by Curt Sibling

It seems I have treaded into a private party site, where you dummies like
try out what you pass for 'sarcasm' and 'irony' on new posters...Great.

Let me tell you something...When I see even a hint of wit or intelligence
from you blowguns, I'll be surprised, because all I have seen so far is total
****witted remarks from some thickos who think themselve the ressurected
spirits of Bill Hicks on the net!

Well, chumps - You have not even came close to getting funny or getting
one over me...All you can do so far is meddle with my account because
you couldn't defeat me in open debate...Total arsebanditry.

I have over 21,000 posts on other sites and you mere 1000 post guppies
are nothing to me. I have never seen such clownshoes pass themselves
off as mods, and while this site had the hallmarks of a great place - I can
now see it is ran by an aristocracy of dandied sadcases, who cannot take
any challenge to their flacid authority....Tough crap!

Where I come from in the UK, we go down fighting, and we play fair.
More than can be said for you cowardly cowboys, who resort to cheap
and mongoliod remarks and username manipulation to try and win.

I hereby urinate in your faces!

And in in your mother's faces too!
And on that note, I'd like to point you towards the end of this thread.

If you all want to discuss religion and all it's fallacy, please start a new topic in one of these forums: Off Topic Forum, The Debate Room, or Speak Your Mind.

Thank you,
