Moron's who STILL believe that islam is peaceful

TheJenn88 said:
"Erradicate the religion and you've eradicated the problem... DUH!"

:rolleyes: Or the idiots that follow it. If Islam was the true problem, almost anyone that followed it would be a terrorist. The people that follow it are the problem. Get rid of them instead :D ( the rate in which their bombing themselves, they might leave us to do very little of the work...).

As for Fox News, I just cannot help but laugh when I watch it. You have to keep in mind that news is very differently done in Canada, so I just don't like it because I'm used to something else, and don't like the way Fox News is done. Simple as that - it doesn't make me an idiot.

As for you keep telling me to use evidence, why should I bother when what I said requires very little evidence? I don't like Fox News because I'm used to something different, and I am amused by the way it's done. And, whether or not you can see it, by getting rid of people, or the religion, the problem would be solved (or do you need evidence of this, too?)
No, that's fine. I appoligize. It's just that I hear constantly how Fox News is some how too right wing and skewed implying that the news they present is false or fabricated somehow. If you just don't like it then I can understand that, but I'm sick of hearing that is WRONG.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
No, that's fine. I appoligize. It's just that I hear constantly how Fox News is some how too right wing and skewed implying that the news they present is false or fabricated somehow. If you just don't like it then I can understand that, but I'm sick of hearing that is WRONG.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know enough about the accusations against fox news for falseness and the like.

As for news being wrong, maybe there are, or maybe there aren't "conspiracies," but if there were, what are the chances that a whole truth would come about anyways? Pfft.

I've heard the tales that Fox News is biased, and exaggerates the truth. But I honestly do not know where the proof of this is, since I've never cared enough to expertly navigate propoganda and biased news sources.
I just watch Canadian news. It's very impartial. "Bob died..people were raped. and someone committed suicide.. yay..Keanu Reeves in the new Prime Minister..nice..." It's done with such lack of enthusiasm and caring towards the actual story.

wanders off into the ignorant bliss of Canadian news..
___If he was a "lone nutcase" he certainly wouldn't be leader of an entire nation now would he?___

Of course darling. And here in the U.S we don't have any nutcases leading us at all. Our leaders are experienced in the army, and every one got where he was through his own hard work and not through any help from any other people. We have no corruption at all, and our leaders would never knowingly put a womans' life in danger, especially not Valerie Plaine. Also, abortion is wrong. Jesus cries when a baby dies.
Now just go to sleep and dream of happy bunnies. I love our oh so misunderestimated president of the United States. Also, forget the war, the destroyed economy, the hurricane disasters, the earthquakes, all the dead people, the HIV pandemic, global warming, our country's corruption and our leader who nominated an idiot to the S.Court.
daisypapaya said:
___If he was a "lone nutcase" he certainly wouldn't be leader of an entire nation now would he?___

Of course darling. And here in the U.S we don't have any nutcases leading us at all. Our leaders are experienced in the army, and every one got where he was through his own hard work and not through any help from any other people. We have no corruption at all, and our leaders would never knowingly put a womans' life in danger, especially not Valerie Plaine. Also, abortion is wrong. Jesus cries when a baby dies.
Now just go to sleep and dream of happy bunnies. I love our oh so misunderestimated president of the United States. Also, forget the war, the destroyed economy, the hurricane disasters, the earthquakes, all the dead people, the HIV pandemic, global warming, our country's corruption and our leader who nominated an idiot to the S.Court.

Even with all you have mentioned, which are indeed terrible things for the people of the US, our country is still superior.
If you disagree why is it that Muslims are scattered around the world rather then at home in their own country. I found them in the Carribean even as the shop keepers there. Is there no place your people won't flee to get away from the **** hole that is your place of origin???
Lethalfind said:
Even with all you have mentioned, which are indeed terrible things for the people of the US, our country is still superior.
If you disagree why is it that Muslims are scattered around the world rather then at home in their own country. I found them in the Carribean even as the shop keepers there. Is there no place your people won't flee to get away from the **** hole that is your place of origin???

"We are the superior race!"

Yeah right.
What are you, a freaking Dalek?

Even though I have maximal scorn for the folly that is islam,
falling into their trap of making you sound like a imperialist is
what the mooslums want to hear...Don't give them the ammo!

And the reasons for various cultures having more/less immigrants
is something that is both complex and beyond the scope of a mere
message board. The USA and muslim nations are both very, very
different in economy and outlook.

But we can safely say that Yankville has more to offer than the
sand-covered lands of mooslumistan. Hence, why people want
to stay in the US, and Middle Easterners tend to seek out new
places to trade/live/explode.

Lethalfind said:
Even with all you have mentioned, which are indeed terrible things for the people of the US, our country is still superior.
If you disagree why is it that Muslims are scattered around the world rather then at home in their own country. I found them in the Carribean even as the shop keepers there. Is there no place your people won't flee to get away from the **** hole that is your place of origin???

Islam is a religion not a race.

If the land is such a **** hole... Why do you want the Oil under the **** whole so badly? People from Europe retire in the Middle East. Particularly Dubai... And thats where the largest Trump hotel is being built... Here are a few photos of Dubai and the Trump hotel under construction there... But sure there are horrible places but around the world show me where there aren't.



Trump Hotel in Dubai

Now is it such a **** hole? I plan on teaching English Law in Dubai where they pay for my own house, car and free accomodations to beach hotels... Famous athletes that travel to Dubai for Formula 1 Racing and Olympic Sports even say that the way the Western Media portrays The Middle East is nothing near what it's really like.
Dubai is the exception to the rule. BTW, did you know that most of the big hotels are built by an Aussie company?

Dubai speaks volumes about Muslims. They have stumbled upon so much money that they try and convert a useless wasteland of sand into an oasis - but they succeed. It's spectacular in it's audaciousness - a business hub for big players.

If it were a christian nation then a great deal of this wealth would go to the needy, with a focus on the most needy in 3rd world countries. But these are muslims we're talking about, so they blow the money on endless, meaningless extravagances while their "brothers" around the world starve and die in crappy outposts like Somalia, Indonesia, Libya, Iran...the only donations they make are to suicide bombers and other terrorists - talk about screwed-up priorities...
cybacaT said:
Dubai is the exception to the rule. BTW, did you know that most of the big hotels are built by an Aussie company?

Dubai speaks volumes about Muslims. They have stumbled upon so much money that they try and convert a useless wasteland of sand into an oasis - but they succeed. It's spectacular in it's audaciousness - a business hub for big players.

If it were a christian nation then a great deal of this wealth would go to the needy, with a focus on the most needy in 3rd world countries. But these are muslims we're talking about, so they blow the money on endless, meaningless extravagances while their "brothers" around the world starve and die in crappy outposts like Somalia, Indonesia, Libya, Iran...the only donations they make are to suicide bombers and other terrorists - talk about screwed-up priorities...

I agree with you on the fact that they do not donate enough to the poor and poor Muslims around the world. Although Saudi does outside it's borders quite a bit, it's almost un-seen in western media.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:,2933,173491,00.html

Those of you who still believe "islam is peaceful" are really stupid!

If you read between the lines here in this article, you will notice that the islamic jihadist president presides over not just himself. In fact he governs legions of people who support him and his ideals. If he was a "lone nutcase" he certainly wouldn't be leader of an entire nation now would he?

Wake up you liberal jack-asses! before islam devours all that you hold dear, including your precious liberalism!
I agree with you! The Muslims say they're about peace. But i have'nt seen 'em do any peaceful things yet. Hippies are more about peace thn they are.
These fanatics have been preaching this stuff for a long time.
All they back when Muhammad told his followers to make sure to kill at least one Jew before they die.
They have said before that they won
The 'Noble' Qur'an...

SHAKIR: And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Islam is a political movement, an evil cult ... its objective World Domination!
The false prophet Muhammed was pure Evil.

......We 'non belivers' of Islam are in danger of being annihilated!

The truth is right in front of you .. do NOT fall for there lies , and nutbar
conspiracy theories.

Know Islam .... >
Yet another example of the peaceful Muslim society.

Fearing retaliations, religious leaders condemned the killings and urged calm. Both sides have refrained from blaming Muslim militants for the violence.
They don