MS - Rav's newest story


New member
Aww thanks guys, am sincerely touched by all your kind words - and yes you're reactions, it's what I write for.

I bet sis wrote that part hoping to have this exact reaction from me!
Actually, I did. I might not be 'Rav the Rob Ranter' anymore but it doesn't mean I've forgotten the past 6 odd years behind me, my sweet. Old feelings still linger, as always ;) Stoked you liked. Little moments like that paragraph you highlighted, as rare as they are now as we come to all this violence, is my way of helping you and those like you to endure the ugliness that surrounds your characters. It's not all doom and gloom that way. Small but meaningful. Stoked you liked.

Okay, to answer questions;

Rav and Dave - I will simply say this sis. I wrote it in a way so that A) I didn't write myself into a corner as I did with Ava's passing (which in itself was completely unexpected, even for me) and B) I was leaving it arguably 'open' so that the reader can interpret from it what they will - and when I finish the story completely you'll either go 'yep, I thought so' or 'holy ****, I didn't see that coming' - but either way, as you said sis, yes that was deliberate. I will admit that when I first penned Rav's attack I wasn't as into David as I am now (in RL) but I decided a while back he would be the purpetrator. Without making it too obvious I made subtle hints. He was ****** off with Fox and her love for Chester when he wanted Fox (or what she had that he wanted to claim for himself) and this made his attack feasable (furstration / rage at a dominant female figure in his life - Note he was always grabbing people by the neck - Rav's strangulation - and his total disregard for life regardless who's it was, always bagging out Chester and occasionally Fox in subtle ways). His motivation was always very simple, as he attested in his speech (thanks Frib, glad you liked) Mike was an easy target to cast suspicion on despite the fact David himself was always seen as being party of the criminal element or 'bad side' with Chester's old crew. And most of you probably still wondered if Mike was guilty or not. That was the idea. Misdirection. (I love the movie 'Sword Fish', can't you tell? XD) Mike needed to be tainted in some way to stop him from being too 'clean and untouchable' as a character. It was tongue in cheek that it wasn't Chester who was the one to tarnish him but one of Chester's crew, and those that were stuck in the middle (Rob, Joanna, Sarah) were none-the-wiser. Or... were they? ;)


Without getting too deep and introspective if you read back through from the very beginning as I tried I did set a few characters up for their final end. That is, Ravyn's gradual decent into madness, David's **** for power, Mike's blindness for revenge, Rob's begrudging loyalty, Rashell's blind faith in her love for her husband, Joanna's emotional tug-of-war, Frib's need to find himself and his niche in the world, all of it is sort of entangled throughout one another. The idea being of course that when I write a part as I did with Chester and David, and ultimately David and Ravyn, I could tie a few loose ends together and leave myself enough room to say, if I needed, 'okay that's solved, they're done, move on to the next one' in essence. I will admit this is ending as I didn't orginally foresee and I'll tell you now as my character's 'inspiration' of sorts, I had actually planned to have me see out a different and far more noble end - but this is working too, and it doesn't stray from the build up from the rest of what's already happened. It wouldn't be that big a shock if she did die, let's say, she was kind of asking for relief from a painful few years of existence in a fashion.

Rob and Frib. Okay, hard one. Rob's always been my dark horse in this. Again, this last update was penned in a way that implied Rob hit him out of necessity, if you want, and as Rob sort of stated as he stole Frib's gun (which harks back to his behaviour at the cemetery a while back, for those of you that remember) that he did what he did to sort of save Frib from getting into any more trouble. If like Sis says you read between the lines you'll see all the way along Rob has been looking out for Frib but like a begrudging older brother. Frib's youth and curiosity etc as hes been caught up in this thing with Mike and Chas has him continually teetering on the edge with Rob in some ways. Frib keeps asking questions, he keeps digging for answers and Rob tells him to drop it, telling him what he has to and keeping him in the dark as much as he can - he doesn't want to see Frib get hurt but it's getting to a point he has to be cruel to be kind, or Frib could end up paying for his curiosities with his life. As Frib invited himself along Rob probably thought he was doing Frib a favour by knocking him out. I never deliberately said Rob did it, but again that's to keep my options at the moment open.

Joanna, what does Mike want with you? I wish I could say but I wont ruin it. I will say this and see if this makes what's coming any clearer - as David told Chester, this is a war and good people get hurt. Mike and Rob had a deal. Rob broke it when he faked his death and hid out a while, adding insult to Mike's already substabtial injuries over Jason, Brad and now Rashell. Remember what happened just before Haily was born at the river bank when Rob and Mel met I think face to face for the first time - Mike gave Rob incentive to shut his mouth and keep doing his job - then Rob disappeared. The rest I won't say just yet. You'll have to wait and see with what happens next, sorry ;)

Rashell, hey, glad to see you're back! I realise you'd be busy with studies etc, at least I think you were when last I updated like near 6 months ago or something like that, and now it's getting close to end of year it's to be expected. We all have real lives outside all this, I'm just happy to see everyone's still interested enough to see this through to the end. I know it's not the most feelgood story of the year but if it weren't for all of you reading I wouldn't do this, I'd just keep it to myself most probably as I usually do, and never finish it! So thanks for coming in and saying hi, and of course I'd be stoked to hear what you think! I love hearing what you all say, makes me grin, and sometimes makes me think too - not such a bad thing.

Anyway thanks guys, I know it's a longwinded answer (yes it's been a while) but wanted to catch y'all up to speed for those of you who were trying to get your heard around... well, what's going on in my head at this point. Hope that clears things up even a little.

Thanks again.

As for today's update - I just got home from work and will endeavour to sit down and write more today. Start soon. See how far I get. Thanks again!

PS - By the way Vi, Sis is right, don't sell yourself so short. You ARE one of the smartest people in this place that I have the honour of calling my friend. Just because you don't grasp something straight away doesn't mean it's your comprehension that's amiss. Sometimes it comes down to me. As I write this and have this world we've created and so many character's dialog and details and place names and past events etc, etc all constantly running around in my head for days and weeks at a time and, what I think makes sense might not make as much sense to anyone else - I forget half the time that no one else knows all the intricacies and details that I do - or think I do ;) Don't ever be afraid to ask questions if you don't get something after a few reads. If you don't get it there's a good chance no one else will either - and that means I need to rewrite for the good of the story - it's a fine line between spelling out all the details and giving too much away too early and losing your readers' interest - and telling then so little they don't know what's going on. Ideally I'd want not just the audience but the story feeling it has evolved and been sufficiently fulfilled at the end when it's all done. We'll see anyway.




New member
Yes. Timeline wise correct me if I'm wrong it's only been a handful of days hasn't it since Ryu beat the living bejesus out of you? Seems longer cause when I wrote and posted it that was like nearly 6 months ago. You're not much help to anyone (your character - you don't even know Ava's dead). If it helps I will say this. You're laying in the same hospital that Rashell is. Fox is coming. She's after revenge on Chester's behalf. Rashell is the one she shot before trying to get to Mike, but YOU are the mother of Chester's kid (that she also doesn't know is dead) and she's NEVER liked you - she's always felt threatened by you, and afraid that once Chester got out he would leave her and settle down and play happy families with you. Hense, it's a case of who's paths cross here first. Mike's gone to hunt down Chas and left Rashell vulnerable. Now Fox is there and no longer has his back Chester's vulnerable. We could play at this all night; Joanna's vulnerable now too away from Joel, and Mel's vulnerable now she's attached in some respects to Benji and trying to cover Bam's lies in taking the fall for Brad's death. Everyone's vulnerable right now but probably few more than you (Sarah) and Rashell - Jojo at least has her health even if she is now hostage of sorts. You two are cornered in hospital rooms. Who's Fox going to find first I wonder?

*Insert evil laughter here*

More coming. Slowly ;)



New member
WHY do I end up being the mother of a kid in all of these stories? I always ask myself that question when it comes to stories like these. Someone help me if I ever have kids. Well now I see where the borderline is drawn between this story and DS. I am still loving it, btw, continue the good work, ma.


New member
WHY do I end up being the mother of a kid in all of these stories? I always ask myself that question when it comes to stories like these. Someone help me if I ever have kids. Well now I see where the borderline is drawn between this story and DS. I am still loving it, btw, continue the good work, ma.
I've been contemplating another story using a whole bunch of us again (hence making you choose like I did with all my hypothetical questions on MSN) but if it actually goes ahead I'll gladly make you childless. I have to finish this one first. I could always ask why you make me so bitter and sarcastic when I'm only half that in real life ;) I have my moments damnit. I'm only human.

Borderline huh? Don't see it. You'll have to ellaborate on that in the usual place later on.

Glad you liked.

More soon.



New member
YES! Can't wait for the next story *does a little dance cos I know who I'm going to be with the seventh son outta a ten children family* Well,they do say number 7 is lucky. And the second part, you have no one else to blame but yourself.


New member
A side note if anyone really cares (it doesn't alter the storyline at all but I went through and thought the moment needed more tension etc)

I actually editted update post #614 below. It was bugging me. I had to add a few things and detract a few things. No biggie.


Mel frowned as she watched Mike disconnect the call and slowly close his cell phone with a click. His face was much the same as it had been since leaving the club. Framed by a beard, his brow stooped to shield his eyes, Mike cleared his throat and tugged the brim of his cap down lower before he wrapped his fingers around the plastic casing and smothered it. A thin band of material encircled his palm, glowing unnaturally white against his tanned skin and the severe backdrop of his black hooded jersey. He sat brooding in silence, the weight of grief and determination causing the tiniest impulses to sporadically tug at his face. He sat saying nothing, not saying a word as his companions sat around him staring off elsewhere but watching him fretfully out of the corners of their eyes.

The smell of bleach and ammonia wafted throughout the vehicle’s cabin, relieved only by the down turned windows allowing the cool brisk morning air sweep inside. Beyond them the city of New York bustled on as it always did, exchanging natural light for the dazzling glow of a billion flickering fluorescent bulbs turning night into day. With a sigh Mike turned his gaze outward watching people stream past on the sidewalk, their footfalls clashing against the beat of inner-city traffic, against conversation and steam valves blasting up from the subway below.

“She’s dead,” he said, as if speaking to aloud to no one.

With cautious movements the handful of passengers surrounding him all turned their heads towards him.

“Chester’s daughter,” he said in that same soulless tone, “her body was found outside his club by some… movie producer; Pete, of all people, from Apocalypse Studios. Huh, ******* ironic. Zombie boy.”

Again he sighed. It was too weak to bear any emotion. Mel’s eyes followed his down to where he sat picking lint or miniscule amounts of dirt from the bandage between his fingernails, his gaze still as distant and as forlorn as it had been since leaving Fort Minor.

Someone bravely made a gesture to speak. Mike raised his eyes. In his seat behind the steering wheel Jared Letto blinked up to meet them albeit hesitantly through the rear view mirror.

“B-boss,” he stammered. He struggled for the right words to come to him. “I thought that was a good thing. I mean, I thought that was what you wanted?”

Again Mike sighed. It was the sound of a parent having had enough of his children’s grating stupidity.

“No,” he corrected. “I didn’t want her to die. She was supposed to be a bargaining chip. What good is she now? You were supposed to find her to bring her to me so that I could draw him out from wherever he’s been hiding.”

“We tried that,” Tak said, the first words having graced his lips since watching his dearest friend of many years suffer and die before being set alight. The big black man still looked wretched and torn, his eyes seething as he stared elsewhere, out the window into the distance as the car swept a corner, letting the ensuing moment of silence emphasise his pain. “Ryu did that. When he went to talk to the mother.”

“Yeah, I asked him to get her to talk, not to beat her ******* brains out!” Mike snapped, making a bitter grunting noise in his chest. The fire in his eyes simmered as he quickly got abreast of his emotional outburst.

“If this sweep on his club failed to yield any positive results,” he explained, “she was supposed to be our next course of action. She won’t now will she? What good is she to me dead, answer me that? Can this night get any ******* worse?”

Mel cleared her throat. “What do we do now?” she broached.

Mike took his time to turn his head, his expression slackening behind a reticent pout and a defeated shrug as she shrunk in her seat beside him. He blinked down at the cell in his hand as if drawing from it some much needed help.

“I don’t know. I guess it’s not a total loss. At least we know he’s still out there, no doubt looking to me to point the finger of blame. I can use that to my advantage.”

“Well, how?”

Mike snorted. Had he been in a happier frame of mind it may have graduated to something akin to a sound of amusement. Instead his wide dark eyes sparkled as he sat in silence brooding, bearing the weight of expectation and determination on his shoulders.

“I have a new bargaining chip. Two of them; Bourdon’s wife and daughter.”

“I thought she was marrying another guy? That one with all the tattoos all over himself; Head shaved-”

“You mean Joel,” Mel said, without hesitation, “I think you’re thinking of Benji.” Feeling Mike’s eyes upon her Mel’s gaze lowered where it simmered in her lap under the guise of ambivalence.

“Madden. That’s right. More NEU-”

“What, cops? Can we trust them?”

“What choice do we have?”

“But after what happened-”

“It doesn’t matter,” Mike said, drowning out the sound of mounting conversation.

Like children being reprimanded the others fell silent as Mike continued to sit and stare and brood as he mentally plotted their next course of action. He rubbed his brow with his fingers locked and straining. He pushed out another exhausted sigh. Outside the window dawn was still hours away but the constant stream of lights and noise and traffic disassociated the senses, making them feel as if they were trapped in a kind of perpetual twilight, too wired to sleep but emotionally, mentally and physically tired. Mike cleared his throat again. Again he sighed.

“The word from Goren was sound. He’s out there, somewhere. Spotted running from some apartment where Chester’s kid lived.”

“You think he had her?” Bam asked, himself having spoken little as well since Ryu’s execution, and only speaking now out of a need to cast the shadow of doubt and insecurity somewhere else.

Mike shrugged and shook his head. The car lurched as another intercepted and was soon walled in by crawling traffic. Snorting at the sight of his printed profile staring from an advertisement on the back of some cab, Mike turned his gaze aside and spared a moment to consider before speaking.

“If he did, he had a reason for it.”



New member
“What? You can’t be serious!” Mel blurted. She couldn’t stop herself. Beneath Mike’s simmering stare she struggled to come off more placating. “This is the guy you trusted, he was your friend, and he up and takes off without saying a word, and now he comes back and you’re all ready to trust him again just like that, no questions asked?”

Mel stared back feeling her insides scrambling, more unsettled by the reflection of herself in Mike’s eyes than she was the gasps of shock and fear echoing around the car’s interior. For a moment the car rocked in silence, the tension amplified by the looks wrestling across the faces of those around her. Mike scoffed, the corner of his full lips pinching with the slightest of smirks. To Mel it was like a precursor to a smack in the mouth – but then he shook his head.

“No,” he said matter-of-factly. “I don’t trust him at all. But it doesn’t mean I don’t respect him for what he does. Rob’s not an impulsive man, Melissa. He’s more cerebral than you think. Sure, he looks docile enough but he’s not. It’s part of his appeal, it’s part of his act. That’s what makes him so good at what he does. Don’t you doubt it, Rob’s as cold as they come, and I should know, I’ve seen the man in action. ****, I practically created him. He’ll smile and be all cordial to your face but when you walk away he’s already figured out how best to take you down. In his eyes you can see it, you can almost see the wheels turning over. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks. Rob’s dangerous. And he knows way too much. That’s why I had to do what I did. Call it preventative measures. Rob’s a murderer but he’s also a person, he has a heart, he has a weakness, or should I say, two of them, his wife and baby girl. Family. Everyone has one.”

Mike stirred uncomfortably in his seat. He sat twisting the band of silver on his finger, the look on his face briefly heavy and reflective. Drawing in a deep breath he squared his shoulders and forced a smile without a trace of humour in it.

“Unfortunately for him, if anything happens to me I’ll make sure he never lays eyes on either one of them again. And just to ensure it, I have his old lady on her way to us as we speak. We’re going to rendezvous soon, and she’ll be joining us for a little while. Long enough to give the big guy enough reason to rethink whatever course of action he has ticking over in that strange little mind of his. If he crosses me again I’ll make him wish he took that eternal cruise up the great Mississippi. He won’t have a reason left to come back a second time, I guarantee that.”

Bam cleared his throat and looked away as Mike’s eyes fell over him. Mel quickly summoned his attentions.

“What about the kid?” she asked.

Mike’s eyes fell again as he sat on the backseat, looking all too much like a sulking overgrown teenager with the body of a man.

“Oh don’t worry about that. I’ve planted a sleeper.”

“A what?”

Mike’s eyes alone slunk upwards, shimmering amidst the shadows of the cap’s brim with malicious intent. He grinned. It was more cruel than anything. He drew in a breath to speak but was intercepted. To his left Tak was staring out the window distantly.

“A sleeper,” Tak murmured, “Like a sleeper cell. Terrorists use them all. Like a spy, man, planted where you’re planning to attack.”

“A spy?” Mel repeated.

She craned forward in her seat. Feeling Mike’s hand wrap around her thigh she stopped. Her whole body seemed to freeze as if her veins were made of ice water.

“Who?” she gasped.

Mike’s eyes seemed to stare into her, reaching into her skull to invade her. His fingers gripped the flesh of her leg and amidst the shadows ever so slightly caressed it.

Mike sunk back in his seat and chuckled. It was low and cold and maniacal.

“Soon,” he winked.

The car lumbered on through the crowded city streets, suffocating in a tense and anxious silence.




New member
which is the word, suspense or suspension? anyway tense tense chapter...there's always like this stress or angst or anxiety embedded in some scenes you write, makes it that much more imaginable

I can a lot of the time visualize a picture of NY without my memory using some footage I've seen. it creates some new vision, which I think is a good thing

anyway thanks you two! these compliments say more about you two than me actually but what I can say, it makes me smile =)

makes me think of all the great times we've had, all the great stories written and everything


crazy robster

New member
which is the word, suspense or suspension?
*Puts on teacher glasses* *clears throat*

Well, my boy, suspense is the right word and, elaborating a bit on this, I will tell you that suspension can have two meanings: a) That system cars have to support the wheels and make the ride more comfortable if the road surface ain't smooth, or

b) officially removing somebody from school, job etc.

Haha sorry for spamming the thread with my word definitions sis, I just felt the urge, like every consciencious teacher to do my duty lol

Oh woo these updates may be short in length but massive in content and significance and tension!! Sis keep it going while it's still there!!! (inspiration I mean) I foresee this is going to be a great book one day...*tear of pride for sis' success and for my name being mentioned in tiny letters on the *** end corner of the last page... or first,*



New member
Thanks Vi, thanks sis. Thanks for the kind comments etc.

I've never been to NY either but that's what the internet's for I'm guessing - Webshots and Flickr virtual 3 second holidays ;)

And Vi you must know by now we love you. It's been a few years as you said, and we've shared a lot in that time, and I'd be remiss if I said your presence around the forums is always sorely missed. Same as sis, same as a handful of others. I only come back for people like you guys too, and even if we don't say much or nothing's really going on there's still a degree of comfort and familiarity when I see certain names pop up in 'members online' box. Makes me smile like moron. Good times indeed. Memories.

Sis you know I love you too. That goes without saying - or said in abundence on MSN - and as above I really appreciate what you have to say. Thanks for reading and of course responding. Makes my day to read them after I get home from work-

(I reject your reality and substitute my own!)

-and get my head back into MS mode. Certainly makes real life troubles pale by comparrison (in a creative sense). It's a dark place to be lately but it's not all bad. At least I hope not. We'll see. Will try to work on some tonight before bed. No probs on hijacking neither - it was 'edumacational' so I see it as a plus. Learn something new everyday. Thanks for raising the bar of intellect in this place another notch! Haha, sweet.

Oh and sis -

tear of pride for sis' success and for my name being mentioned in tiny letters on the *** end corner of the last page... or first, whatever
:rofl: *** end huh? hahaha - wow of all the things I could say to that I won't (all ages forum - but I'm reminded for some reason of the first few pages of your story :spiteful: hehe - I MISS IT!). But I will thank you and assure you should I ever stumble into getting anything published you'll be right there with my mum's name on the first page right before the prologue. Family, see. Aint nothing like it <3

More soon.



New member
*Puts on teacher glasses* *clears throat*
Well, my boy, suspense is the right word and, elaborating a bit on this, I will tell you that suspension can have two meanings: a) That system cars have to support the wheels and make the ride more comfortable if the road surface ain't smooth, or

b) officially removing somebody from school, job etc.

Haha sorry for spamming the thread with my word definitions sis, I just felt the urge, like every consciencious teacher to do my duty lol

Oh woo these updates may be short in length but massive in content and significance and tension!! Sis keep it going while it's still there!!! (inspiration I mean) I foresee this is going to be a great book one day...*tear of pride for sis' success and for my name being mentioned in tiny letters on the *** end corner of the last page... or first,*
you're my fave teacher:D

and definitely the best looking one:D

thanks for clarifying

Thanks Vi, thanks sis. Thanks for the kind comments etc. I've never been to NY either but that's what the internet's for I'm guessing - Webshots and Flickr virtual 3 second holidays ;)

And Vi you must know by now we love you. It's been a few years as you said, and we've shared a lot in that time, and I'd be remiss if I said your presence around the forums is always sorely missed. Same as sis, same as a handful of others. I only come back for people like you guys too, and even if we don't say much or nothing's really going on there's still a degree of comfort and familiarity when I see certain names pop up in 'members online' box. Makes me smile like moron. Good times indeed. Memories.

Sis you know I love you too. That goes without saying - or said in abundence on MSN - and as above I really appreciate what you have to say. Thanks for reading and of course responding. Makes my day to read them after I get home from work-

(I reject your reality and substitute my own!)

-and get my head back into MS mode. Certainly makes real life troubles pale by comparrison (in a creative sense). It's a dark place to be lately but it's not all bad. At least I hope not. We'll see. Will try to work on some tonight before bed. No probs on hijacking neither - it was 'edumacational' so I see it as a plus. Learn something new everyday. Thanks for raising the bar of intellect in this place another notch! Haha, sweet.

Oh and sis -:rofl:

*** end huh? hahaha - wow of all the things I could say to that I won't (all ages forum - but I'm reminded for some reason of the first few pages of your story :spiteful: hehe - I MISS IT!). But I will thank you and assure you should I ever stumble into getting anything published you'll be right there with my mum's name on the first page right before the prologue. Family, see. Aint nothing like it <3

More soon.
I'm glad for all the love, all the shared memories, everything. seriously if I'd know you guys irl I'd always be at your houses waiting for the fun to happen! :mad:

and yeah wow the time...I'd forgot all about it but recently it was my fourh anniversary being here :O

gotta love the chemistry between you two sisters btw, I don't think I've ever seen any two people on a forum have this kinda back and forth instantaneous (if that's an appropriate word...if it means "explodes immediately" or "awakens sexual arousal" or something like that let me know:mad: ) chemistry



New member
wow I missed this story. im just stoked to see more of it. i might have to go back and read a bit more and do a recap. provided my laptop so dosent give out. lmao. props mum!! I missed you for the reccord. even if I'm a month late and a few beers short of a party haha


New member
wow I missed this story. im just stoked to see more of it. i might have to go back and read a bit more and do a recap. provided my laptop so dosent give out. lmao. props mum!! I missed you for the reccord. even if I'm a month late and a few beers short of a party haha
OMG hi Mel! Good to see you, missed you! Thanks for replying. Thought you were gone! Wish I had more for you but I don't as yet. Plenty of time for ya to catch up should you feel that way inclined. Prolly wont catch up again before I head off on hols so hope you have a good one, stay safe, play hard and talk again some time in the new year! *hugs*

(Same applies to everyone of course :D )



New member
not a chance mum. since when have I ever "stayed safe"? lol. been working on a few ideas of my own. im starting back school up and im also working as well. and whatever time isnt taken up by those two things is being taken up by my boyfriend Mike lol. wish I could send you a piccy but he hates cameras.
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