MSI (Mindless Self Indulgence)

Bill put a new song up on MSI's My Space to replace Bomb This Track.
Straight To Video Combichrist Remix.
Awesome remix to an awesome song.
Apologies for the double post & the bumpage, but I have news that I've been kinda putting off... XD
Metropolis is releasing a Straight To Video Remix album on March 7th, 2006.

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Bump. Again.
Full review for Straight to Video: The Remixes.



(1) Infrastructure w/ Punketta Doline(5:35): I love the beat that this remix took. Heavy, yet very techno. One of the longer tracks on the album, but it's able to fill in that time well. 8.5/10

(2) Front Line Assembly(5:26): Kinda soft, techno beat to this track. Great opening & follow through. Not as great as some of the other tracks, but supurb none-the-less. 7/10

(3) KMFDM(5:20): Wonderful remix. Harder beat, not as much of a techno background. Great backing vocals when needed. Beautiful bridge. Overall, wonderful feel, & beautifully put together. 8.5/10

(4) Funker Vogt(4:22): Hard techno & industrial beat. Great working on the vocals. Wonderful transitions.Fairly well pleased with the feel of this track. 8.5/10

(5) Combichrist(4:55): Great opening. More of a rock-type of beat. Great remix. More instrumental than the others. Great ending. 9/10

(6) Assemblage 23(4:06): Very solid techno beat on this track. Overall this track is easy to listen to. 7.5/10

(7) Velvet Acid Christ(4:25): Great, solid beat & opening. Another heavy techno beat. Great vocal work. 8/10

(8) The Birthday Massacre(3:43): Soft intro, hard background. The vocals don't fit the background much. Overall it's a nice song. Heavyer than most of the rest. 7/10

(9) Noise Unit(5:50): Very... Different. Wonderful approach. Very instrumental orientated. Which is wonderful in this track. The longest track on the album, filled well, but doesn't need to be as long. Great bridge. Repetitive ending. 6/10

(10) kHz(5:39): Turntablism. Decent opening. What set's this track apart from the rest is the background music. Very, very fitting for the vocal selections used. Beautiful piano use. Wonderful ending. 9/10

(11) Front 242(3:17): Great intro. Great background music. Great use of vocals. Wonderful bridge. Overall, a really great song. It's downfall comes with it's length. This song could be longer & still be great. 9/10

(12) Nonplus(4:43): Electronic & industrial beat. Background beat is rather repetitive. Vocals are well done. Matrix-feel. Decent remix. Not one of the best. 7/10

(13) Haujobb(3:37): Different. Slow. Mellow. Think insanely slow & crazy circus & you have this song. Another decent remix. What kills it is the extra vocals. 7/10

(14) Bro Peezy AKA Greg Poole(4:27): Fast. Rap. The little use of MSI lyrics are done too fast. 4/10

(15) PAL(3:43): Great rock beat. Nice instrumental track. 8/10

(16) StV Acapella(3:27): The Straight to Video acapella. Nice. 8/10

(17) StV Instrumental(3:42): Ahh... The instrumental... One word. Orgasmic. 10/10

OVERALL: 7.76/10
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This thread could use a good bumping.


Anyway, thanks to Josh I am now addicted to this band. I currently have 115 MSI tracks in my iTunes library. :O
They're coming to Chicago July 14th and I cannot wait. It should be a swell time.
Go to their MySpace and listen to the new demo 'Pay For It". It rocks. Contact me for .mp3 version if you'd like.

So in conclusion, MSI = win.
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Just heard You'll Rebel To Anything, some of their songs are really strong and hearing them with a woofer on is an experiance they are very much a live and rave/club act only they got lots of energy and thumping sounds however I cannot stand their sound for any longer then 1 or 2 songs and they all sound similar so I say its not an album to sit down listening to and not album for PC Speakers, u need a proper sound system of at least 20watts to enjoy the music properly :p o and a woofer helps.
Did anybody go to MSI's show in L.A on June 29th? That was the bomb, and Julien-K opened up for em'. They didn't even introduce themselves. They just went out and played 6 songs and then MSI came on...
OKay guys, more news that I've put off, lol.
They have another remix record coming out.

Shut Me Up: The Remixes +3


01. SHUT ME UP - Ulrich Wild (Groandome Metal Remix)
02. SHUT ME UP - VNV Nation (1200XL Remix)
03. SHUT ME UP - Tommie Sunshine (TSMV Still Filthy Remix)
04. SHUT ME UP - Original Crappy Demo
05. BIG POPPA (Notorious B.I.G cover, Previously Unreleased)
06. ADIOS AMIGOS (Previously Unreleased)
07. STRAIGHT TO VIDEO (Bonus Remixes) - Suicide City (More and Faster Remix)
08. STRAIGHT TO VIDEO (Bonus Remixes) - Tommie Sunshine (TSMV Extended Electro Remix)​

MSI Blog on Myspace said:
We have started a page on the up and coming networking site To kick things off we have put up the :wumpscut: remix of Shut Me Up on our player there. Peep this here **** right here.

Bill H
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