MS's Journal Ya'll


New member
ooOooo. I drew this today:


^__^ everyone kept on making refrences to it's lack of *****.

The only one who didn't was smith

yay for smith.

He made me break my ears again aswell.

he was fiddling around with my ipod during lunch and just happened to pick pantera and put it up on full blast

Novak could hear it, and he was like.. zomg pantera <3.

and he saw my new bag (that mentioned most of the bands I like) when I'd left it in the library bag place...

and he was like.. "whoa who's bag is that?"

smith said "Gemma's."

and yeah.

and the teacher thought he was going to steal it x_X


I'm meeting the butterfly effect tomorrow<3 LUFF.


I'm recording 2 more songs for my gee-jay thingie

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New member
Hey! Just stopping by... :D

This drawing looks great! Oh, Butterfly Effect...I'm just downloading some music from them...I heard they're awesome...



New member
^yes.. yes they are.

I met the butterfly effect today, with Georgia and Alice. 'twas so awesome.



from left to right-Kurt, Clint, Ben, me.


Alice has hair D:

I am never washing my hands again


I was gunna get clint to sign my bra but it was so.. so.. uh.. o_O;;

But they signed my bag ^_^

and my cd:



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New member
Hmmm never heard of themmm... .buuut meeting ANY band would be ******* awesome. Unless they're ******** or they suck. Okay, so not any band. But most bands XD


New member

life updates.


I don't hate Brady anymore.

He's officially awesome.

I'm doing a song with a bandish thing.

heart shaped box-Nirvana

we shall perform at the next school concert.

I'm going to get guitar lessons.

I shall steal brady's teacher >=D





New member
Me and kandy were bored as **** today seem as though there was no school (to bore us more), so she dressed me up as an emo and we went around taking scene pictures x_x they're evil:




and kandy's sexy editing of death:

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New member
Today was like the best day everrrrrrrr.

It was a total slack off day cause all the other year 9s were on camp. most of the time I was either beating the **** out of james (good for anger managment) or talking to smith.

&& I had a two hour jam with Smith, Nathaniel & Mr E. Sooo fun. Me & smith were doing heart shaped box at first but then I stole the guitar, smith went on drums & we played Smells like teen spirit, Blitzkreig bop & Ha Ha you're dead. And theennn Nathaniel came along at kicked smith off drums. Then he crashed one of the symbols so hard it fell on to the floor tom and balanced there for like a minute o_O so weird.

And I wanna steal the guitar I was using. It was soo awesome. and I have a mark on my hand from when I was palm muting T_T stupid dust.

And I'm getting a new amp. Brady suggested that I get a Mesa Boogie or something along those lines.

and then all the other year 9s came in when I was singing smells like teen spirit and they were like zomgggg





New member
Alright I have quite a tale to tell you all (well the people who actually bother to read my journal xD).

I dont think my friends will mind me telling you so..

Today, me, Smith, Brady, Novak && O'brien had this big jam thing. Then we got bored and went down to saint francis (school). Me, Brady & O'brien were running around on the bottom, and Smith & Novak went on the roof.

Then some ******* construction worker called the cops on us! Luckyly they found a frisbee on the roof. They threw it down. Then me, brady & o'brien ran.

We were sitting out the front when Smith & novak were coming down from the roof. Then the cops came. We went over to them, one of the cops smiling evily.

"You are aware that this is trespassing. We've had several brake ins to this school this month, from the roof. We usually tolerate people on the oval and stuff but the roof we could honestly arrest you."

Then Novak said "We were getting our frisbee"

And they totally ******* believed us! xD SUCKERS!

All hail the frisbee




New member
lololol. yes cops really are stupid.

-runs after Fiona and humps her leg- Dx

anywho... life update.

everything is wondeful right now. I spent the entire day with O'brien. Officially going out again. woot. We went to Jamison this morning, then were stalked by Novak & Smith for a while, then we went to the mall, theeenn walked around in the rain for like four hours.

looolll I slid down a wet slide, at the park. I need new pants DX

ooh oohhhh I drew a picture of O'brien a few days ago:




New member
Thank you, dear. o_O

Worst day of my life yesterday. I cried for the first time in like 5 months.

And it takes a lot to make me cry.

Let me take you back to a time when everything was wonderful.

In June I had a proper conversation with smith for the first time in about a year. I found out he is practically a male version of me.

We talked more and more over the past few months.

Then, yesterday, when smith found out I'm going out with O'brien again it killed him. Smith explained to me that he'd liked me for ages. He asked O'brien what to do, seem as though he's never had a girlfriend before. That's about the time O'brien started to become interested in me.

He's been nothing but nice to me for most of my life, and it just kills me that I didn't realise how he felt.

ugh. Howcome when my life seems to become absolutley perfect it just falls appart in one hour?

On a lighter note.. I straightened O'briens hair. lollzzz he looks even more like a tool than ever before :D



New member
**** I haven't posted in here for ages o_O ;


me and kandy went to the mall the other day and we had signs that said "FREE HUG!!"

and we got lots of hugs :p it was fuunnn

but then we got kicked out cause we were apparently harrassing people T_T

but yeah.. we saw O'brien when we were outside woolworths. and we sat in the middle of one of the aisles (sp?) ehehe. it ****** people off.

oh yes. and smiths mum officially hates me. ahaha I was such a ***** to her today.

and I officially need a life. I've been to the mall at least 8 times in the past week.

mallrat much?


AND I'm getting a job at cash em ins. I SHALL WORK WITH OWEN. heissofuckingsexy<3

o_O and I'm a *****?

and I hate mcdonalds.


ANDANNDDD. I bleached my hair. o_O george called me blondie

yeah that'll do.. ._.

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