Muslims in control of ports

I just watched a news blurb and i can honestly say that bush's attitude towards passing this bill borders on treasonous. Really this just has al the makings of scary as hell. DAMN the executive veo powers. Corzine has instruct NJ prot authority to sue to stop the take over. In two seeks, the UAE could have complete control over our entire eastern coast. that is SOOOOO freaking scary to me. something seriously has to change in this curent admin. ALL of congress seems to be against this. Isn't this what our checks and balances are supposed to stop?
tizz said:
Isn't this what our checks and balances are supposed to stop?

That's what this eternal war against the phantom menace means, Tizz.

Screw congress, and forget the constitution.

All hail king george the first. ;)
builder said:
That's what this eternal war against the phantom menace means, Tizz.

Screw congress, and forget the constitution.

All hail king george the first. ;)

I am truly begining to think he is our countries greatest enemy (no tounge in cheek here)
smutt butt said:
WTF!!!!?? Everyone knows i am pro bush but i just can not understand turning over ports to the enemy. My vote and a lot of others would have went the other way if i had known this was going to happen. Why not send them some nukes while we are at it? while we are at it lets train some mus to be pilots too.

I too, am a Bush supporter. When I get pissed off at him, I always think that it could have been Al Gore or John Kerry running things and I realize that it would be really ****ED-UP!

However, W is making a HUGE ****ing mistake. He is basically making the same mistakes his Daddy made placating to the blacks in Los Angeles in the early 90's.

George W. is trying to prove to the world that we "love our fellow muslims" and "we trust them"... however, what he and most everyone else (except the islamists) don't realise is; THEY ARE AT WAR WITH US! plain and simple. Sure the idiots like AIG claim that islam is peaceful, but just look at what they do over a silly cartoon! My God, the Saudies pulled their ambassadors from denmark... That's like the final step a country does prior to declaring war! The governments of the islamic countries know they can't beat us in a traditional conflict, but as long as we keep believing all of the "Islam is peaceful, and only the fanatics are bad" crap they will wear us down, I don't know how far, but so far it's working like a charm.

And on the subject of fanatics. You can tell the heart and soul of any group by looking at its fanatics (they are ones who study its concepts and tenets, not the guys who are just along for the ride). The fanatical Christians will preach at you to repent, but won't attack, hell they'll literally "turn the oither cheek". The fanatical buddhists will not even kill a mosquito, much less behead an infidel. It's really sad, but with all the cartoon rioting, people were starting to wake up to what islam is all about; now they have just gone back to sleep.
I wasn't a Clinton supporter, but if Clinton would have supported this can bet that the Repubs would have strung his ass up by his testicles.

I would have liked to see the response this proposal would have conjured up if it would have been mentioned in October of 2001.

This thing stinks...and I smell a skunk!

After what this country went through on September 11th, after all the division that this country has gone through over Iraq, and after all the great young people that lost their lives during this "War On Terror", I feel like this is a complete betrayel to everything and everyone in this country. It's a slap in the face to all who died, and to all that continue to try to exsist here.

I understand that there could be some "great" economical pluses to this plan...however, that dosen't make it right, or something to act on!

Shooting illegals at the border of Mexico could help this country econmically...however, I wouldn't suggest it being done!
Yeah...I heard this morning that Republicans were extremely pissed!

Somebody has the one of the Bush twins hostage or something, either that or he has lost his ****ing mind!:confused:
Spleefman said:
Yeah...I heard this morning that Republicans were extremely pissed!

Somebody has the one of the Bush twins hostage or something, either that or he has lost his ****ing mind!:confused:

He's lost his mind? Wow. There's hope for the nation yet. ;)
builder said:
Fair call. It's a lose-lose scenario for shrub.

Just reading about Rome, pre CAESER

Wasn't LUCIUS CORNELIUS SULLA FELIX the ultimate dictator?

I have to respect Cincinnatus as a pre-Caesarian great leader of Rome.
I did some reading on this port issue today, Yahoo news is saying they (UAE) have conceeded one point, they have now agreed to cooperate with law enforcement officials for official enquiries???

What the **** is Bush getting us into that these people ever thought to begin with that they didn't have to participate with official enquiries.

My perdiction, whatever else Bush has done, he will go down in the history books as THE president who handed the US to the Muslims on a platter. This will not end well.

I learned during the hurricane season of 2004 just how dependent we are on our ports. Cape Canaveral was unusable right after hurricane Frances, we couldn't get gas, we couldn't get some kinds of food it was a complete mess.

It doesn't take an idiot to see that getting control of our ports is only the first step in bringing a country to its knees...
Lethalfind said:
1It doesn't take an idiot to see that getting control of our ports is only the first step in bringing a country to its knees...

You are a total idiot.
hugo said:
You are a total idiot.

If Bush told you to jump off a cliff you would do it for your Republican party, your so blind you can't see whats wrong because all you see is the party line...and I'm the idiot...right.