My boyfriend goes out with me and my me and my friend too.What should I do?

chazgurl said:
she'll get mad if i question her

ok, if she gets mad at you for questioning her, then maybe you to shouldn't be 'best friends' because if you 2 can't ask each other questions with out the other getting mad, thats not really a very good friendship.

ok and second of all , you dont' have to get a pissy attitude with me, you came here for advice, and your getting it
lol :thumbsup:

its lookin like she's not coming back for an advice, oh well thats her problem (not to be mean or ne thing, but she's kinda stuborn)
acdcrules04 said:
lol :thumbsup:

its lookin like she's not coming back for an advice, oh well thats her problem (not to be mean or ne thing, but she's kinda stuborn)

i have more to add to stubborn but im not gunna say any thing :thumbsup: ;) lol jp
Break up with him and tell your friend to break up with him.

Hes cheating on you!! You shouldnt like him..
Argh, Look dump him end of it all. Lets all go back to being in harmony and being one big fake LPF family like everyone seems to love K? If she doesnt want advice, oh well we ****in tried! Give up. End.