My Day In Court

Yeah, I hate it when certain people expect you to be so godamn perfect. People use to make a HUGE deal out of me swearing o_0 It's like "OMFG you swore!!!!111!". I didn't see why. And if I didn't get an A in a test, it's like "Whoa :O What happened to you". It's not O.k for me to get a B, but it's fine for people to get E's and F's lol. I'm not smart anymore now so it's ok. I guess they saw me as a goody two shoes who did no wrong :) Ha they got that wrong and learned that later on ;)

We all make mistakes and people should accept that. I'm sure people don't look down at you. You sound like you you truely know what you did was wrong. Maybe people are just looking out for you, being strict and stuff so that you won't go out doing it again. People are so patronising sometimes :) Try and stay on peoples good side for a bit :)
That's the thing with drinking. It's hard to control and see how much you've drunk. I don't know why people can't stick to 1 can / 1 bottle / 1 glass. It's disturbing to know that people are having to go to hospital after drinking so much alchohol that they pass out and have to get their stomachs pumped out. That happened to a friend of mine. I'm trying to get him to cut down now lol.
I see where you're coming from, with people expecting you not to make mistakes. I felt like that before, and I hated it. I think that's a thing that keeps you under a lot of pressure, and eventually will make you break, at least with me it really made me mad that people thought I was so good, or so perfect, because I got good grades at school, they didn't think I could have other problems or make other mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, I made mistakes, but luckily people started to see I ws only human with that. About the drinking part, I never got into a coma or anything, but I got myself in some bad shape sometimes lol pretty big mistakes there. I don't have a driver's license, so what happened to you could never happen to me - unless I suddendly felt a urge to go drive a car, even though I can't lol that would be so much worse >.< I'm in legal drinking age here (I'm 20), so no problem's with authority or something like that. The problem is knowing when to stop. My best friend confessed to me the other day that she couldn't help but feel a little disapointed about me because of this, she thinks I only drink in an attempt to be rebelious. Which is not true, but I understand what she's trying to say, and I'm sorry she feels that way, but I'm not surprised she does, given the "little mistakes" I did. I kinda disapoint myself sometimes, so why wouldn't she? After every mistake, I swear not to touch another drop of alcohol in my life, but then another party comes and there are full glasses on my hands. It's just a party thing though and now I have more conscience of things so I don't over do it, I don't want to set any bad examples here. Don't do stuff like drinking and driving, don't drink more than you can handle; believe me, bad stuff can happen and if it does you'll have to carry the weight of it. I've seen a lot of f-ed up things happen. So before you do it, take a moment to think. Be responsible, kids ;) hehe LP186, best of lucks with things there. I guess with a little bit of time everyone will see you realize you made a mistake, that you're sorry, and that you've learned your lesson, and they won't look down on you anymore. Hang in there!
i dont live wit my parents any more but they are vary much a part of my life
thanks to everyone for understanding
i was a little worried that everyone would start hating me after i posted this thread :p
thing isn't the same over there yet, but im my own person and i make my own dissection, and if everyone doesn't want to talk to me, then its their problem
iv learned my lesson in a very hard way. i just hope no one repeats my mistakes