My Guardian Angel


Bandit was suddenly having a hard time breathing. All this smoke was to much. But that is what Bandit wanted. She was never wanted, not by her other owner, or her savior. Mike. She missed him terribly(sp?). Even tho he kicked her and yelled a lot, she was devoted to him. She loved him with all her heart. Bandit had thought that she and Mike would be friends forever. He saved her from the pound, and the "needle". Now, just like her other owner, he abanded her. He ran off. Without her. She felt so unloved. And, most of all, she hated being alone. It burned her in the gut and made her wanna throw up. No matter how much she loved Mike, she hated him at the same time. he left her. And she would never forgive him. Never.

"My dog!! She's in there! Please, get her out!!"

Mike? It cant be true!! He does love me!!

"i will, miss, i will get it out."

it was just Anna. Just Anna. Mike didnt like her still. Did he still hate her?
All of a sudden, she felt someone grab her. Soon, she found herself on the grass. She ran to Anna, but changed her mind. She dodged Anna. She ran straight to Mike. Mike looked down at her.

"What? Do u want from me? God, leave me alone, god dammit!!"

Bandit took off running.

next chapter for reveiws!!! BIBI!!!
Here is the next CHAPPIE!!! hahahaaaaa, here ya go


It was the 4 month anniversary of the fire. thank god no one was hurt and all their prized possesions were safe.


Mike jumped at the sound of the phone and answered it.

"Hello?...........Oh........really.....ya, im dont think anybody lost a border, she isnt mine...ure welcome....bye."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, they asked if I knew who Bandit belonged to, I said i didnt. I dont want her again, okay?"

"MIKE?! YOU WHAT?!" Anna screeched from the other side of the room,"HOW COULD YOU, MIKE?! OH MY GOSH!!"

I glared at him. "that dog happened to save my son's frkn LIFE!! How could you abandon her like that?!" I was angry, the first time i have been mad at Mike. The last time i was, it was when they were Teenagers. A long time ago.

"Well, u know what? I DONT GIVE A **** ABOYUT THAT......that....MUTT!!" Mike yelled walking up the stairs. Anna had started to cry from pressure and anger. She hated it when Mike yelled. It was scary, even I had to admit that. He coluld really scream, if he was angry enough. And that was rare. Very rare.
Oh well.

"Oh, chester!! Why would he-" she was interupted by a doorbell. Anna answered it. Before u knew it, Bandit was running upstairs. There was an ASPCA officer. The officer smiled warmly.

"Your dog, i presume? Her tag gave us the info. We tracked u guys down. Sorry to bother you." And with that she left.

Chester creeped upstairs. He looked in Mike's room. Mike was standing on his bed, fear evident in his eyes.

"G-go away!! get! Ahh!" mike was trying desperatley to get away, but failed miserably. Bandit got up and sat next to where standing. She whimpered. He sat down next her and looked in bandit's soft brown eyes. he wrapped his arms around her and started sobbing, burying his face in the scruff of her neck.

Reveiws=chapter, LOLZ, ttyl, bibi. ^^
I thought, to my loyal readers, u should see what Bandit looks like.....I mean, u have reviewed and read, and u say u really like Bandit, so here is a picture of what she looks like!!! ^^


There she is!!! ttyl, bibi! ^^
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