My Guardian Angel


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2004
Viva Rock Vegas >=P
Okay, Ill give u a run of the story (a prologue)

Mike has been cooped up in his office doing music stuff (lol) and the manager calls saying like u get a break for a while. Anna decides to get him a dog, so he can get out more. So Mike is reluctant, he doesnt want one, but Anna persuades him to. They get one, and they soon realize the dog might be more then just a pet.

U like the idea?? If so, reveiw! =D
Chapter 1
A simple request

Mike's eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen for so long. He wanted to stop, but he wanted to get it finished at the same time. He quickly fixed a few sound levels on papercut, saved, and exited the window. He walked out of the dimly lit office and into the bright hallway. He could hear the clacking of pans and the smell of something he had neglected all day. FOOD. His stomach grumbled and walked into the kitchen. Anna was standing over the stove, stirring something in a large pot. She dropped the spoon and turned around.

"Mike, I am so glad ure finished, I made some dinner!" she sed cheerfully.

"Im far from finished,but ill be happy to join in dinner, ill continue my work tomorrow-" he was inerupted by the phone ringing. He went to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Mike? O hi." Chester sed, sounding happy.

"Hey, Chaz. Whats up?"

"We can take a break, for a month or so."

"Great! Im tired out from sitting at that computer...ugh" The mere thought of the moniter made him shiver.

"Well, I just called to tell ya. Bye." He hung up.

Mike put down the phone and walked in the kitchen.

"Anna, guess what? I have a break, for a month or so!" Mike sed, his spirits were rising.

"Great! More time to spend the..well, ill tell ya at dinner.


"now, Anna, what did u want to tell me?" Mike asked.

"Mike, U need to get out more, so, i have a favor.."Anna replied.

"Wut is that?"

"it is a simple request, getting a dog!"

"No, I dont think so"

"But Mike! U need to get out more, sitting in front of that computer for days!"

Mike sighed. "Where are we gonna get it?"

"The pound, why not save a life in the process?"

"I dunno, Anna"

"Please? Id like to kno, if I ever leave, that u have a reson to get out of the house."

"Fine...okay, wen are we getting it?"

"tomorrow? Okay?"

"Sure...why not," he sighed.

"Great! I told it was a simple request!"

Ill update wen i get at least 3 reveiws!! Ttyl, bibi
haha, Mike wont lose his pants.....or will he?? lol

Chapter 2
A little TLC

The next morning, Mike stepped out of the house, and walked to the already waiting SUV. He sat in the drivers seat and stuck the keys in the ignition.
And the big car rolled out of the driveway and into the street. And they drove to the pound.


Right wen they walked in, they saw ppl in wut looked like some kind waiting room. A lady came and greeted them.

"Hello! And wrlcome to the Dewey Animal Shelter!! Would u like to adopt a dog today? Or a cat?" The lady asked cheerfully.

"We would like to adopt a dog" Anna persisted.

"What kind of dog would u like?" the lady asked.

"Uh...could we look around?" Anna asked

"Ya, I want a german shepard!" Mike decided.

"We dont have any in the kennels rite now."

"Oh....Mrs. uh......" Mike tried looking for nametag.

"Just call me Shaley" She sed.

"Okay, Shaley, may we look around now?" He sighed. He wanted to get this over with.

"Oh, yes! Down the hall to the right!" She sed, pointing down a long corridor.

Wen they got there, they were met by frantic barking, like they were asking to be picked. They walked down the kennel block. At the end of the corridor of cages, Anna bent down to the lower cage.

"Mike! Look at this one! She is adorable!" Anna sed, pointing to a Black and white dog.

"It says she is a border collie." he sed, reading the tag.

Then Shaley came walking up.

"That dog was neglected and abused as a puppy. She loves frisbee, tho. she is a show worthy dog and needs a big place to run around." sed shaley

"Mike! Its perfect! We have a huge forest like thing in our backyard, she'll be so happy!" Anna sed.

Mike sighed." sure. Alright, we'll take her." he sed


Mike told her all the info. Then she asked for the name.

"uh...we havent...-" Mike was interrupted by anna whispering in his ear. He nodded. "Her name is Bandit."

"Show name?" the lady asked.

"Uh...," anna whispered in his ear agian. he nodded, yet again.

"A friendly Bandit" He concluded.

"U ready to give this dog a lot of TLC?" She asked.

"Yup, ready as i'll ever be."

"Okay here is Bandit." She led the border Collie over to them. Bandit jumped and quivered with joy.

"Come on, letsgo home." He sed, and they led the dog to the SUV.

That is the end of this chapter!! ttyl, bibi :thumbsup: :)
Thanx for all the replies, Ive been VERY busy, w/ christmas and all! O ya, Merry xmas!! Heh, here is the next chapter!

Chapter 3
The Top Dog

On the way home, they went to petco and bought a few things, including a frisbee. This consisted of food, treats, tennins ball, collar, and a leash. They went to the check out counter, payed, and loaded everything into the SUV.

"The dog is riding in the back. Im not gonna have slobber on the seats." Mike sed.

"Fine. Ill get her in the back..." She sed grabbing the leash and leading Bandit to the big trunk. Bandit hopped in and Anna closed the trunk.

Mike was tired...he just realized as they stepped thru the door.

"You finally got a dog? Wow, and I thought u didnt want one." Sed his cousin, laughing. Her name was Melissa and she stayed with them a lot. She also had a dog, Benji, That didnt like Mike, and showed it by chasing him around the house. Benji came back with Mike's pants quite a bit. It was a pretty funny sight.

"I kno, I kno. Anna sed it would be good for me since I was sitting at the computer so long." He sed, letting go of Bandits leash. Bandit dashed over to Melissa, barking happily. Then Benji came out.

Mike was immedietly nervous. What if Bandit attacked Benji?? It would result in a fight. "Bandit! Come here, girl!"

But, she didnt.

That is the end of the chapter! ttyl, bibi! Reveiw for the next chapter!