My little place of disfunctionalism

Hey.. *waves* Im here to disfunction again. Not that anyone reads this crap. Any way im getting a new bass, since Jamie busted mine a while But who cares? Jelly does but thats cuz she wants to start a mini band. But no one really cares.

Her name is keza. Shes pretty hot, and has a peircing somewhere. DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS???

LOL... yeah I miss her.
*Doesn' read that 'crap'* So... you... what's up? Lol, j/k. You have some seriouse self-worth issues! :p yup, we all miss keza. Bring her back!='( What have you done with her Hamid!? Lol, yay.. you play bass... :eek: ? Woah, and I thought I was behine BEFORE... :rolleyes:
Mommmmmmy...lmao. Wow you never come and when you do, where s'pose to par-tay cuz you never stay. You dont make a very good

HA... riss is now the one behind...XD.

*waves* hmm i dont think anyones listening or is it reading... IDK. lmao i never know.

Any way 5 days till my bday. Im more exited then usual because unlike the last 13 birthdays, this ones not gonna have any annoying cousins tagging along. Every year, we celerbrate my younger cousins birthday(since we share the same date) and no one remebers about me till the end when every ones leaving. Last year was kinda funny cuz Uncle Harry gave me a cupcake as a present. Half eaten might add.
*yawn* I think my journal is dieing.
Meh i've got a **** load of Plus i've got 2 final exams (this semester), so i've been cramming in info, so i dont fail..heh:D. I miss Keza.

IM 14...hehehe.

Yeah Im pretty happy, cuz yesterday was the best birthday ever. I got my first ever birthday cake...XDDD. It was chocolate, and yummy. Yeah i DIDNT pig out. I was feeling kinda sick, so I pretty much lost my appetite. Mum let me "chill" with my friends all day, then we came home and ate... minus me lmao. And it was pretty much the first time i got ACTUAL presents :D. Mum and Dave gave me $120, Yeri gave me this nightmare before chritmas package, Helen the new Korn cd, Marium eyeliner, and joyce a few DC Shirts. My uncle + his family came, and they gave me a new CD player. We kept playing with my baby cousin, Ethan, cuz he was sooo cute (lmao) and he kept us from being bored. Most of the pics we took were of yes we were that lame XD.

Thanks Uncle Fribby, and Rissa... you two are the best. I wish keza was here :(.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY....yeah sorry i didnt come with the rest of the guys and girls for your late birthday thing....i came down with a fever. Tell me what happened when you come on.