~~House of Rob~~
Chester hung up the phone, with a sad look upon his face, he hated what he had just done to his only daughter. “Alright, I did it, she’s coming back. She also thinks that you wont hurt Andy at all.” He said to rob, whom was sitting in a chair across the room from him. “Excellent. When she has her guard down, I’ll make my move on him. He’ll be sorry for ever getting involved with our Fox. Did you tell Fox that she has to fall in love with one of the vampyres from the clan from Australia?” Chester winced at Robs’ words. He hated his daughter being put through all this ****. Marcus had contacted him and told him that Fox had to fall for an Aussie vamp, but he didn’t tell him why. He had thought that they were gonna be making international clan, but he wasn’t sure. “Why the **** did you have me do that? I hate it and you know it.” He said angrily to rob. Rob s******ed in his chair to his band mate. “Because, its not like she’s gonna trust anything that comes outta my mouth. She trusts you, she wouldn’t expect you to trick her.” And with that, he got up and patted Chesters shoulder and walked off, but not before hearing Chester mutter, “*****.”
~~Mexican Restaurant ~~
I walked into a Mexican restaurant with Andy leading the way. He walked up to the counter and asked for two chicken enchiladas. I sat in a corner, waiting for him to come back with our food and drinks. I half thought that Chester was lying, but I didn’t want to think that, because it meant more running from Rob and Mel and whoever else they got to come after Andy. I let out a sigh when Andy sat down and handed me my food. “How did ya know that I liked chicken enchiladas?” I asked. He laughed and said, “I could tell. Plus, if u didn’t like it, that meant I could have yours!” I giggled as he started eating. I jumped when my cell phone rang, and Andy looked up and asked, “What? No vamp senses? Not working?” I sighed and said, “I don’t know, I think I’m to tired to give a flying rats ***.” I looked at my phone and it said “Mel” so I didn’t answer it. I couldn’t handle talking to her right now. I looked around the restaurant and spotted my mum watching me from the doorway to the back. She was smiling. I looked at Andy and said, “Hold on, I’ll be right back. I wanna go say hi to my mum.” He looked up at me and said, “Your MUM is here? I never met her before. Is she as charming as your dad?” I laughed and went over to my mum, and gave her a huge hug. She took a step back and looked me over, “Well, Andy seems to be taking care of you. You don’t look as depressed as when you were living with me. Maybe he is good for you after all.” I nodded and motioned for Andy to come over. He lazily got up from stuffing his face with food and came to my side. “Mum, this is Andy. Andy this is my mum, Rave.” Rave shook Andy’s hand and smiled, “Do me a favor and take care of my little girl. I think she really loves you to drag you into this mess.” Andy looked at her straight into her eyes and said, “I’d do everything within my power to make sure she is alright. Because I love her.” And I knew he was telling the truth because his mind was shouting it like mad.