My Version of our LPF family!


New member
Okay, i had to post this even tho its small cause Mum threaten me...*hides*



Andy was driving my car since I couldn’t see straight since I’ve had a headache since the dilemma with rob. Andy still looked a bit sick, but I could tell that he was getting used to it. He turned to me and said, “Hey man, you don’t look so good. You alright?” I knew he was telling the truth, I had been feeling woozy for a few days now and I knew I needed some blood. I didn’t want to hunt in front of him though, I didn’t want him to see how much I needed it. “Take me to my fathers’ house. He’ll be able to help me.” Andy sped to an intersection and made a U-turn, spinning to get into the right direction. “Hey, maybe you shouldn’t have beaten up those guys at the mall, I mean, we did get kicked out for it. Maybe that had something to do with it.” I nodded, maybe I shouldn’t have beaten up those guys, but they DID deserve it. I mean, they were making fun of me, I couldn’t just stand by and take it, that’s just not me. “Hurry up Andy. Please.” He looked at me in shock, I guess he’s never heard me say ‘please’ before, but once he looked back at the road, he stepped on the gas. He was risking getting put back into jail for a bit again, just for me.

About fifteen minutes later, in a haze to me, Andy pulled into my driveway and Chester came running out with Mel and Mark, meeting us as Andy pulled up. I couldn’t hear anything, and I thought I was getting really sick. Chester got Andy and Mark to pick me up and carry me inside of the house and they set me on the couch, gently. I got my hearing back in time to hear Mel say, “She looks paler even for the blood drinker that she is.” Chester told Andy something that sounded like Go to the fridge and get a pack of blood for Foxx, but I’m not completely sure. A few moments later I felt the blood run down my throat, and through my body in its entirety. After the sensation of the blood was gone, I passed out.

~~Three Days later~~

I woke up to the face of my sister and her new boyfriend hanging over me, their heads about three inches from mine. “What the ****. Back off of me Mel. ****” Mel s******ed and mark pulled her away from me. I looked around and noticed that I was in a hospital bed. ****, I thought to myself, why a hospital?! I hate hospitals! Mel was sitting to my right, and mark was standing next to her. “Where is Andy and Chester?” I asked, looking around. “well,” said mark. “They were here about two minutes before you woke up. They have been staying at your side for the three days that you were here. Wouldn’t let anyone take over, till Mel had to force them out.” Mel s******ed. Suddenly the door burst open. Rob was standing in the doorway to my hospital room. “Mel, Mark, get out now. Let me talk to your sister alone.” Mark and Mel stood between me and rob, shielding me from him, “No rob, we wont let you stay with foxx by yourself.” Rob growled and pushed mark to the left and Mel to the right and came at me. The only thing I saw next was robs fist and a fit of pain.



New member
Whoa! That last part like... freaked me out! Yay! I love evil-Rob... but having said that his attack on Fox left me slack-jawed.

And I threatened you? 0_o *snarls* Oh that's right, I'm a mortal not half bat half wolf hybrid. But **** it I can still make faces like I am! XD

Poor Fox. Man, I can see a helluva showdown between the two clans if this keeps going - and Andy and Mel and Fox etc will be stuck in the middle.

Wondering though why no one has stepped in to intervene on Rob's recent behaviour? Where's the head of the WW clan? Why isn't the head of the Vamp clan coming across to reprimand the WW's for their attack on their own kind?! So full of questions...

But hope Fox is gonna be ok.

Great update!

And if 'threatening' you is the way to get you to update more (need I remind you who was poking, shoving, slapping and screaming at me just now on AIM??? *Rob sterny-face* ) then maybe I need to do it more often!

Joke. Sorta. Haha. Now... more?

~Rav :D



New member

so Rob came back to beat the **** out of Foxx who was lying in hospital?

sick *******

anyway good stuff :D



New member
~~Rob’s house~~

Rav was pacing back and forth, waiting any news on her youngest daughter. After Rob stormed off to the hospital she was worried he’d do something drastic. The telephone rang loudly, breaking Rav of her concentration. “Hello?” she said carefully. It was Mel. She was saying something about Rob pumbleing Fox while she was in the hospital bed. Rav was barely listening to Mel, she was too worried about her Fox. “Alright Mel. I’m gonna come to the hospital. Is Rob still there?” Mel told her that Vi showed up right when Rob hit Fox and knocked him unconscious, he was now laying in the waiting room. “Alright, Bye.” And with that, Rav grabbed her keys and went to the hospital to lay her mind, and maybe her fist, on Rob, and It didn’t matter that he was a werewolf.

~~Hospital…Fox’s room.~~

I woke up again, this time, with pain on my face and neck. Instead of Mel and Mark standing over me, they were sleeping on each other, and somebody to my right, leaning against the wall. “So Foxxy lady. Sleep well, again?” came a voice that I knew all too well. “Yeah dad, I was thrilled to sleep again. Where is he? I’m gonna kill him!” Chester laughed at my flare-up. He looked to the door and waved his arm, and quickly Andy walked in. “Heya my fox. How’s your head?” he looked at me with a grin, and came to my side, kicking Mark awake on his way. He awoke with a grunt and started trying to wake up Mel, key word, trying. “Rob is in the waiting room, Vi knocked him out cold and is standing watch over him to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret later. He packs one **** of a punch to his dad. I’ll tell ya that.” Said Chaz, smiling a bit. Andy was looking over the monitors attached to me. I pulled off the wires and got up, ignoring the commands to lay back down by my sister, who was now awake. “Mel, I wouldn’t get in her way if I were you.” Warned my father. I smirked and stormed out of my room. I went down the hall and saw Vi pacing in the hallway to my left. When he saw me he ran to check on his father, to see if he was awake or not. I walked fast, with Chester on my left and Andy on my right. When I walked up to the waiting room, I saw Rob spread out on some five chairs, and then, I saw my mother walking towards me. “Fox, you should get back to bed.” She said. I shook my head furiously. “No mum, this is something he asked for when he knocked me out in my **** hospital bed. Back Off mum.” I said, I was shaking because of how ****** off I was. Rob was still sleeping, but I didn’t care. I poked him viciously, until he rolled over and said, “Wha? I don’t want coffee. Go away.” I leaned down close to his ear and screamed, like I was singing, “Where the **** do you get off? WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?” He jolted awake, clasping his ears. He rolled around on the floor for a minute, wincing at the pain from my voice in his ears. I went back to my room and sat on the floor to meditate, trying to figure out why he wanted to punch me in the first place.

~~The waiting room~~

When everyone left the waiting room, Rav went to rob. He was still rolling around like a madman in a mental ward, but Rav put her hand on his shoulder, “Rob, why did you do something like that to foxx?” Rob stopped rolling and looked at his wife. “Rav, she is a vampire. He is a werewolf. Its not suppose to be. I was told to do something about it, and I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing. Listen Rav. I’ve always treated Fox like a daughter, though she was never really mine. I loved her, well, I tried, till I just broke. Now, when I see Fox, I see a young woman who never really wanted me as a father, and now hates my guts. I cant stand it.” Rave couldn’t believe her ears, “But rob, why punch her in a hospital of all places?” he shrugged. “I don’t know really. But, I think its because I’m jealous. She is so young and yet she’s found somebody she’d die for, and at that age, its amazing really. What’s more amazing is that even though her love got turned to a werewolf, she’ll still go all out to be with him. I just guess that’s why.” Rav shook her head. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Are you even listening to yourself or are you still deaf from fox’s vocals? You’re talking about hitting somebody because they are in love. *** **** rob, what the **** has gotten into you.” Rob looked into rave’s eyes, deep in thought. “Rave, if I could give you something, if I could make it so you were stronger, wiser, and happier, would you take my offer?” Rav was breathing deeply, pondering what rob was about to say to her. Something that could potentially change her life forever.



New member

That was so sweet... and well, yeah, explained a lot actually!

I just want more! Wanna know what happens! NEED CLOSURE dagnammit!


Robbeh has heart... awww... learn something new everyday!





New member
rob has a heart? since when in this story does he have a heart. I think somethings amiss. *sniffs the air* yup its either that fajita I had for lunch or somethings up


New member
~~Five minutes later~~

Rob was waiting for an answer from Rav, she could see it. She had just been offered a chance in a lifetime, a chance to become like Rob. She couldn’t believe him really, I mean, why was he just now offering her this now? She sighed, she knew what she had to do, but her trouble was how to say it to him. “Rob, honey. Listen, I’d really want to, honestly I would do it. But our kids need me and I’m not even sure why you’re offering this to me now anyways. I mean, why didn’t you do it before, like, years and years ago Rob? My kids need me now more than ever and I’m not going to turn into a werewolf when they need me the most. I’m sorry rob. Honestly I am.” She looked down, unable to look at her spouse in the face. “That’s ok Rav. I understand. I wouldn’t do it either. But I just had to ask.” Rob then kissed her cheek and fell back asleep, leaving Rav in a state of dismay and worry. Had she done the right thing? She couldn’t be sure if she had or not.

~~Two days later~~

I was release from the hospital in the morning, at about three am, so I was dead hungry, especially after living on that **** that they call food for five days, and half the time I was knocked out. I turned to my dad as soon as I walked out of the dreadful hospital doors, “Dad, please, for the love of ***, can we get some real food? I’m almost dead from starvation!” He s******ed. “Sure hun. What do you want?” I thought for a moment, all sorts of food coming to my thought, but one type stood out from the rest. “I know exactly what kind I want. Steak. Steak and steak fries and a cream soda. That’s the one thing I want right now.” Andy was waiting in the car and popped his head out of the window, “Did I hear steak?!” we all laughed, and piled into the car, in hopes of finding a steak joint open this late. Mel and mark were following us in marks car, having their hopes on steak too. Everyone went to a steak joint that happened to be open 24/7 and served me the best steak I have ever eaten. I was in pure heaven.

After we all had our full of steak, and the waiter, whom was practically stunned that he was serving Chester Bennington, got a hefty tip. “Okay Foxxy lady, time for you to get some rest. You are to go straight to bed when we get home.” Chester looked at Andy, “You can stay the night, but ONLY in the living room. If I even hear you MOVE towards the stairs, you’re gonna get shot or beaten. Understand?” a beaming Andy shook his head with intensity. Chester was grinning devilishly again. He was happy that I was okay, so happy in fact that he was gonna let Andy sleep at my house. I was taken back by this peaceful move on Chaz’s part, but happy none the less. Though, there was always a thought in the back of my head, something drilling at my consciousness, something important, but I just couldn’t place it. Suddenly, as we sat talking about absolutely nothing, my cell phone rang. I wondered who the **** would be calling me at four thirty am. I froze. It was vi. I answered the phone right away. “Heya Vi, S’up?” He was talking fast, as if he didn’t want to take his time or else he’d change his mind. He said something about needing a favor from me and Chester. I was in pure shock. Why would vi of all people need Chester’s help?



New member
Aww... see, I told you underneath that gruff exterior he was a sweet guy! haha

*shifty eyes* Then why don't I trust him...? >.> Haha.

Chester's move to let Andy stay cracked me up. That whole

If I even hear you MOVE towards the stairs, you’re gonna get shot or beaten. Understand?”
really cracked me up. Could so hear him say something like that too... XD

But Vi's call...? 0_0 *looks worried* ***... my mind's racing here! What's wrong? Are all the kids okay...? *snuffle* Is Rob okay? *sniffle* Am... I okay? *sob*

Post more dagnammit!!!




New member
Okay, sowwie for double posting and its short with that...but injoy...i havent had alot of time since i ghave final exams going on :(

~~Home of Chester and Fox Bennington~~

Vi was waiting at the door when me, Chaz, and Andy pulled into the driveway. He was cold and shaking, his teeth shivering against each other, making some sort of beat. Chester half walked half ran up to Vi, with me and Andy trailing on his footsteps. Vi was looking at Chester as if hate was there, but need of something more important was blocking the hate from filling his eyes. He was breathing heavily, “Chester. I need the biggest favor anyone will ever ask you in your life. I want you to make me into a vampire.” I stopped dead in my tracks. Was I really hearing what I thought I was? Did vi really want to be turned or was he just playing a game with me and Chester? Andy was helping me walk forward to be next to my father. My dad was in shock, “What do you mean? You wanna be turned? This isn’t like you! Who the **** are you and what did you do with Vi?!” Vi smirked grimly, “It’s really me you dumbfuck. Now change me. Do it please!” Chester folded his tattooed arms across his chest and asked the question. “Why?” Vi looked around and said. “Can’t we go inside and talk about this. I haven’t a clue if my dad is around here or not. You guys can tell. I can’t. Lets go inside please.” We walked inside and waited for Vi to spill it to us. He sat on the couch, trying to figure out how to say whatever it was he wanted to say. “well. I want to get turned because I need to be stronger I suppose, against rob. Please Chester. Foxx. Change me please.” Chester looked skeptical at vi, then turned to me to see what I would say to my brother. It all came down to me I suppose. Chesters voice rang in my head, Foxxy lady, what do you think? Should we change him? I mean what do you think we should do? I honestly don’t care if we do or not, but I wanna know what you think first.



New member
**** it! Another cliffhanger! What are you doing to me here Fox??? *cries* I loved it, naturally - but I need answers! I need closure! I need... I need another swishy update is what... hop to it! ;)

Nah, once exams are out of the way, I can wait. Too bad, I have no choice really, but I'm all anxious - I wanna see why Vi feels the need to essentially die to beat his own father for some reason... 0_0


Great! Update when you can!

~Rav :D

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