~~Rob’s house~~
Rav was pacing back and forth, waiting any news on her youngest daughter. After Rob stormed off to the hospital she was worried he’d do something drastic. The telephone rang loudly, breaking Rav of her concentration. “Hello?” she said carefully. It was Mel. She was saying something about Rob pumbleing Fox while she was in the hospital bed. Rav was barely listening to Mel, she was too worried about her Fox. “Alright Mel. I’m gonna come to the hospital. Is Rob still there?” Mel told her that Vi showed up right when Rob hit Fox and knocked him unconscious, he was now laying in the waiting room. “Alright, Bye.” And with that, Rav grabbed her keys and went to the hospital to lay her mind, and maybe her fist, on Rob, and It didn’t matter that he was a werewolf.
~~Hospital…Fox’s room.~~
I woke up again, this time, with pain on my face and neck. Instead of Mel and Mark standing over me, they were sleeping on each other, and somebody to my right, leaning against the wall. “So Foxxy lady. Sleep well, again?” came a voice that I knew all too well. “Yeah dad, I was thrilled to sleep again. Where is he? I’m gonna kill him!” Chester laughed at my flare-up. He looked to the door and waved his arm, and quickly Andy walked in. “Heya my fox. How’s your head?” he looked at me with a grin, and came to my side, kicking Mark awake on his way. He awoke with a grunt and started trying to wake up Mel, key word, trying. “Rob is in the waiting room, Vi knocked him out cold and is standing watch over him to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret later. He packs one **** of a punch to his dad. I’ll tell ya that.” Said Chaz, smiling a bit. Andy was looking over the monitors attached to me. I pulled off the wires and got up, ignoring the commands to lay back down by my sister, who was now awake. “Mel, I wouldn’t get in her way if I were you.” Warned my father. I smirked and stormed out of my room. I went down the hall and saw Vi pacing in the hallway to my left. When he saw me he ran to check on his father, to see if he was awake or not. I walked fast, with Chester on my left and Andy on my right. When I walked up to the waiting room, I saw Rob spread out on some five chairs, and then, I saw my mother walking towards me. “Fox, you should get back to bed.” She said. I shook my head furiously. “No mum, this is something he asked for when he knocked me out in my **** hospital bed. Back Off mum.” I said, I was shaking because of how ****** off I was. Rob was still sleeping, but I didn’t care. I poked him viciously, until he rolled over and said, “Wha? I don’t want coffee. Go away.” I leaned down close to his ear and screamed, like I was singing, “Where the **** do you get off? WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?” He jolted awake, clasping his ears. He rolled around on the floor for a minute, wincing at the pain from my voice in his ears. I went back to my room and sat on the floor to meditate, trying to figure out why he wanted to punch me in the first place.
~~The waiting room~~
When everyone left the waiting room, Rav went to rob. He was still rolling around like a madman in a mental ward, but Rav put her hand on his shoulder, “Rob, why did you do something like that to foxx?” Rob stopped rolling and looked at his wife. “Rav, she is a vampire. He is a werewolf. Its not suppose to be. I was told to do something about it, and I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing. Listen Rav. I’ve always treated Fox like a daughter, though she was never really mine. I loved her, well, I tried, till I just broke. Now, when I see Fox, I see a young woman who never really wanted me as a father, and now hates my guts. I cant stand it.” Rave couldn’t believe her ears, “But rob, why punch her in a hospital of all places?” he shrugged. “I don’t know really. But, I think its because I’m jealous. She is so young and yet she’s found somebody she’d die for, and at that age, its amazing really. What’s more amazing is that even though her love got turned to a werewolf, she’ll still go all out to be with him. I just guess that’s why.” Rav shook her head. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Are you even listening to yourself or are you still deaf from fox’s vocals? You’re talking about hitting somebody because they are in love. *** **** rob, what the **** has gotten into you.” Rob looked into rave’s eyes, deep in thought. “Rave, if I could give you something, if I could make it so you were stronger, wiser, and happier, would you take my offer?” Rav was breathing deeply, pondering what rob was about to say to her. Something that could potentially change her life forever.