My Version of our LPF family!

Great update, as always. Yeah I definately think that Chas knows - the man aint stupid, let's face it.... and as good as Foxx may be with her psychic abilities I doubt she'd have the degree of control over it that he would. He'd know. There's no way he'd not know ;)
~Rav :D
Mel and Mark were holding each other intently on the porch when we pulled up in the driveway. Mel looked at me, smiled and waved. “well well well. Look what to dogs dragged in.” I muttered to myself, still wondering if my dad knew about me and Andy or not. Chester stopped the car, looked at me with the ever popular grin, and said, “If you guys sneak out of my house one more time just to go down to a freaking motel, I’ll chain you in the basement and not let you out till you’re twenty-one. If ya’ll want to do something…and I know what ya’ll was doing, tell me and I’ll leave the house for a little bit. But NO MORE SNEAKING OUT. I don’t want anything bad happening to you. Remember, there are people out there that may want the both of you dead. Oh and one more thing, you two are gonna clean my house top to bottom, including the outside, you know how f-ed up it can get when me and the guys are throwing random crap at each other, as you’re punishment….for now.” I looked at Andy, he had a bewildered look on his face. We got out of the car silently and headed inside, followed by Mel and Mark. Mel spoke up when my father was serving drinks from his bar. “me and mark came to give ya’ll moral support and stuffs of the sorts.” She grinned. I turned to my sister. “Moral Support? Yeah, right, that’d be a first. You’re most likely over here cause you and rob got into a fight or something like that.” Mark spoke up for once and said, “Ya know, we dragged our lazy selves up outta bed and over here just to give ya’ll support and this is how we are repaid?” he started laughing, so did Andy. I didn’t feel like arguing at the moment, all I wanted to do was relax and get ready for this freaking meeting.

I walked upstairs and shouted “I’m taking a shower, so nobody better flush the ****ing toilet!” Chester ran to the downstairs bathroom and flushed just to be a jerk about it. Andy laughed a little bit, but I could tell he was starting to feel the tension and worry about tonight, not to mention Chaz knew about what Andy and I did so Andy was most likely trying not to say anything that would rub Chester the wrong way. My cell phone rang while I was in the shower, I didn’t care. It was Vi. He was out on the town and wanted to know how to blend in with the humans. Wow, I thought, I never realized how dumb guys can be. I finished my shower and changed into dark clothes, a hoodie, some jeans, and chains. I didn’t really care how I looked. I wanted this day to be over with. The stress of the damn “meeting” with my family and those who I loved was unbearable. I stomped into my room, ignoring the shouts from my dad. I looked at my clock, it was almost 4 o’clock pm, and the next 7 and a half hours were gonna be the longest in my life. I turned up my music and laid on my bed, not thinking, not blinking, not doing anything….when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
Agreed, Chas is all seeing, all knowing, all wise... or just being a plain wise*** XD, regardless it's all good. Can imagine though that Fox must be really freaking out right about now though. Can tell by the way she's snapping at Mel etc. Still, wondering how exactly they're gonna cope with this 'meeting', as if getting busted just for being young, curious and in love aint bad enough. Poor Fox. Poor Andy. Poor Vi for that matter *lol* They're all lost and in need of a little guidance... wonder though if this 'meeting' will help things... or perhaps make things worse??
Looking forward to that. Great as ever. Nice display of inner angst there. Yay for the drama. Love it :thumbsup:
“Who is it?” I screamed. The voice was soft. “Its me…Andy. Can I come in?” I sighed. “Will my dad kill you?” he paused, then said “No, he knows I’m up here. He doesn't mind. Now, can I come in?” I got up out of my bed, and stumbled my way to the door. I unlocked the deadbolt and the chain lock and opened the door to reveal Andy standing in the hall. “Hey, your dad wanted me to see how you are doing. And to tell you that vi is home. And, uh, your mum is here. I don’t know why, but she said she wanted to give us support or something.” I looked over his shoulder and saw everyone was looking up at me. I had a lump in my stomach at the thought of my dad telling my mum what I did. “I’m fine Andy. Can you tell Chester to come up here? I need to ask him something.” He nodded and went back down to the living room. Rav was sitting on the couch, looking up and smiling at me. I hoped to god that she didn’t know. Chester came up to my room with a wild grin on his face….and I pushed him into my room and closed the door. “Chester, tell me. Did you tell mum what happened?” He started laughing. “Are you nuts?! Me?! Tell her something like that? What do you think I am stupid? If I told her something like that she yell at me for telling her then punch me a few times for not stopping you. God Fox. Give your old man SOME credit.” He shook his head, “God I hate saying that. So Foxxy lady. Get your ass downstairs and say hi to your mum. If you do I’ll make you a White Russian. It’ll be our little secret.” He left my room, laughing still.

I walked downstairs, still a bit worried about the meeting. There was something amiss when I walked down the stairs. Something different. I scanned the faces in the room and found somebody I didn’t expect to be there in my life. “Hello Rob.” I said. He was standing behind my mother, holding onto her shoulders. Rob gave a faint smile and said, “I hope you don’t mind me being here fox. Your mum wanted me to come and apologize to Andy for the whole ‘trying to kill him’ thing.” He turned to Andy and held out a hand. “So. Sorry man, no hard feelings?” Andy looked at rob for a moment and eventually shook his hand and walked over to me. “Mum, Rob, Mel, Mark. Thanks for being here and stuffs. I’m just a little bit freaked over this whole thing.” I said with my head down. Chester was at the bar, making my much needed drink. Mel and mark were whispering together, with occasional glances to me. I didn’t read their thoughts though, my mind was too busy for that. I went to my dad and took the drink, ignoring the subtle scoff from mum. There was two hours left now before we left for the cliffs, and I was starting to shake. My father and my boyfriend held onto me to help hide it from the others, they knew I couldn’t look weak right now.