

New member
Hey does that rewardhits thing really work?? how much do you usually get each month from it?


New member
Sorry for not adding the lpforums profile. I only add people i knopw in real life, simply because i post personal info I.E. Address / phone number etc etc in my bullitiens and i dont want just anyone seeing it.


New member
yeah, i didnt add lpf either because i only add people i know. with the exception of like 2 bands i really like. but not because of the personal info, i just think it's dumb to add people you know from the internet. i accepted a few people off here, but i deleted them. but i mean, whatever. it's coo, its coo.


New member
i add ppl i dont know and jsut ignore them...see i figure the higher my friends number the better...

but if you dont know them all personally (meaning you see them in the real world.. [oh my gosh.. yes people, there is such a thing.]), who gives a ****?

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