Need some girl help.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2005
Just south of Buffalo, NY
About 4 years ago, I was pretty good friends with this girl in my history class. (This was 7th grade) We used to joke around, and kind of flirt, but just for fun. I started to like her near the end of the year, and liked her a lot the year after that. I was kind of fat though, so I didn't have enough confidence to ask her out. In freshman year of high school I transferred to a nearby school, so i didn't get to see her much at all. We continued to talk occasionally online, but I never really called her or talked to her much. I'm now in 11th grade, and have been talking to her occasionally, but i haven't seen her in a while. I'm not really fat anymore, and I have much more self confidence, but i'm not really sure how to go about this. I really liked her for the past few years and want to get to know her a lot more. I just feel kind of weird asking her to meet up or something considering i haven't seen her in a few years. I don't wanna freak her out or seem like a stalker or anything...
lol ok so first of all, it seems like if it were a relationship in this, it would be long-distance. as most people know, long-distance almost never works out. aside from that, i have to say...WTF is wrong with you dude? i mean, it wouldn't matter what you look like because when someone likes you, they like you for who you are first. if you're 'cute' and an asshole, it wouldnt work out either now would it?

now, you could give it a try...dunno what to really say though...if ya'll see each other like real good friends, maybe it would be a good idea to meet up first...get to know each other better. once that's done, once you know you might have a chance, go ahead and take the plunge. if she says no, well too bad, it might've not worked out anyways...

sorry for the harshness dude.
i would suggest (listening to staind right now leave me alone :p) to give it a shot, but get ot know her better first. hang out with her some, if that means skipping school, go ahead and skip school! in the end it should be worth it...
just don't take things too far before you ask her out. it would annoy her if you just call her like five times every day and crap like that.
you can do what said but keep in mind i was listening to Staind while i thoguht of it :p
hmm well if you were good friwnds then she wont mind going with you. Tell her you want to catch up on the good old times or something. If she does not want to then its to bad. you are in a dif school so it wont hurt no one. but i dont think you should make it sound like a date at first. Just sy you wanne talk.
Yea say you wanna catch up and meet up with her first..then maybe after you meet up with her tell her the next time you talk to her how you feel bout her
Yea, i also think you should ask her out like friend for the first time, if she accepts try to notice if she'd like to see you again, if yes..well, that should be a good start.
mm not really. we'd just hang around in the school sometimes. maybe i'll ask her to meet up at a restaurant or something; i'm having trouble thinking of places becuase there's not much to do around here.
not really, i think that they lock it after school, plus i don't go there so i don't think they want me wandering around. I do wait there in the morning for about 5 minutes though for my transfer bus, so i'm gonna see if maybe we can meet up somewhere (cause i can wait inside in the morning)
You should try going somewhere where you know is special for the both of you. Maybe try to remember if there was any place y'all wanted to go during your friendship in the past. It'll mean a lot if you took her to a place that had a huge amount of importance.
yea..if you talk 2 her on the phone or online tell her...hey its been so long..wanna hangout next weekend at ......... so we can catch up on old times...but make sure that you don't slide too much into the friend zone
-hey its been so long...
* who are you?...
-its me [insert name here]
*omg are you serious?!?
-sure am...the one and only. listen, i was thinking, we haven't hanged out in a while...I was wondering if you want to hang out sometime.
*that would be where?
-i was thinking [insert place here]...
*O.O omg are you serious?! I'd love to!

that was just something I made up...but it would go something like that. just try the best you can...good luck man.