New Album coming real soon

I wud like the album to be mix of styles like a bit of everything as i love it all.... but will be happy with what ever they come up with
For the album art, it would be cool if they kind of 'industrial' look. No, not like industrial rock. I mean, pipes and pavement and metal and gears and that kind of stuff. With grays and that dark red they have on the Hybrid Theory cover and kind of dark grays, too.

For the music, I really like the piano thing like on #12 on Reanimation. I wanna hear kind of like a longer version of that. Either put in a real song or just a little track like it already is, but that'd be awsome.

Soft stuff and screamy stuff is okay, too. Breaking The Habit was cool because I always strain my ears to hear the strings in the backround, but after awhile it got boring to me and I couldn't visualize anything to it.

I like how you can always visualize stuff for LP's music, how it's so epic. So I look forward to drawing new things when I hear the new album.

I don't want a new look on LP. They shouldn't do that. Everyone freaks out and gets mad, and then they keep saying,"but it's new it's new it's cool get used to it" and all the chaos and difficulties and bla bla bla blah. SO, instrumentals and screamin' songs and soft songs are all cool. But new sound. Not new Linkin Park.

I also want to hear Chester sing again. His singing voice is my favorite, and he is the only male singer that I enjoy hearing. No screamin', just singin'. Silky smoof.
I love song number"12" from Reanimation too!

So...I love Chester´s screaming so I hope there will be lots of that.Of course there has to be good singing.I think Chester has beautiful voice.I hope there will be lots of parts where we will be able to hear piano.There must be some song from Joe Hahn.I love "Cure for the itch" and "Session".I hope Mike will design cool rhymes....

Simply I want that LP was LP.
Heres a list of what i wish to see on the new album.

- Guitar breakdowns with catchy hooks (....sorta like something from Red to Black and A.06)
- A bit more bass (Phoenix can hardly be heard on the albums)
- Drumming about the same expect more drumming like Easier to Run & APFMH
- Turntabling and sampling about the same
- Mike and Chester recieving equal share for their vocals. Rapping about the same but not watered down, more singing, a bit more heavy screaming (I like to hear Chester scream like Chino from the Deftones)
- A heavier more experimental sound in the songs with a little more piano in them.
- 14 actual songs
10 fast pace, mind blowing songs
2 slower, mellower songs with piano
1 hip-hop type rock song
1 instrumental

I'd like to see the album cover look more like the LPU 4.0 cd with the raven but with a more red and black type coloring. I like for the album to feature a special edition DVD to show the process the band went through to make the songs and for the album itself to be an enhanced cd featuring the 1st single's video from the album.
i'd like to hear a song or two that has some really loud in your face guitar/bass, throughout the whole song, not just the chorus', but in doing that, having chester sing the whole thing, no screaming at all in the song, just really beautiful vocals that we all know chester has, but having the music not really compliment his singing... it sounds retarted and doesn't seem to make sense, but i get what i mean and some other bands do this and i think it makes for a really good song, but i'm sure w/e they put out will blow us all away
BAM said:
New Album coming real soon

bring it on!!! With the anticipation i have in me i think when i'll first listen to it i'll have a ****in' orgasm!!!

Hehe, the album that I nearly orgasmed to was Disturbed's latest one, cause it was such a suprise of how beautiful the music was.

Now if LP can pull a big change like that and suprise me in a good way, then I guess I'll be orgasmin' too :p
FTboy18 said:
Heres a list of what i wish to see on the new album.

- Guitar breakdowns with catchy hooks (....sorta like something from Red to Black and A.06)
- A bit more bass (Phoenix can hardly be heard on the albums)
- Drumming about the same expect more drumming like Easier to Run & APFMH
- Turntabling and sampling about the same
- Mike and Chester recieving equal share for their vocals. Rapping about the same but not watered down, more singing, a bit more heavy screaming (I like to hear Chester scream like Chino from the Deftones)
- A heavier more experimental sound in the songs with a little more piano in them.
- 14 actual songs
10 fast pace, mind blowing songs
2 slower, mellower songs with piano
1 hip-hop type rock song
1 instrumental

I'd like to see the album cover look more like the LPU 4.0 cd with the raven but with a more red and black type coloring. I like for the album to feature a special edition DVD to show the process the band went through to make the songs and for the album itself to be an enhanced cd featuring the 1st single's video from the album.

That would be so nice...
FTboy18 said:
Heres a list of what i wish to see on the new album.

- Guitar breakdowns with catchy hooks (....sorta like something from Red to Black and A.06)
- A bit more bass (Phoenix can hardly be heard on the albums)
- Drumming about the same expect more drumming like Easier to Run & APFMH
- Turntabling and sampling about the same
- Mike and Chester recieving equal share for their vocals. Rapping about the same but not watered down, more singing, a bit more heavy screaming (I like to hear Chester scream like Chino from the Deftones)
- A heavier more experimental sound in the songs with a little more piano in them.
- 14 actual songs
10 fast pace, mind blowing songs
2 slower, mellower songs with piano
1 hip-hop type rock song
1 instrumental

I'd like to see the album cover look more like the LPU 4.0 cd with the raven but with a more red and black type coloring. I like for the album to feature a special edition DVD to show the process the band went through to make the songs and for the album itself to be an enhanced cd featuring the 1st single's video from the album.

Can you give examples of what songs? 10 fast paced Faint? 2 slower My December? a hip-hop rock Somewhere I Belong....1 instrumental HELL YEAH :D
^ Yeah I do like how they give one song to Hahn on the album, and bye what FTboy said, that would go with teh 12 songs of Hybrid Theory and Meteora, and yes, I know Meteora has 13, but I don't think you can consider Forward a song.
I think this album will be like P.O.D.'s "Satellite" album with about 16 tracks. 12 or 13 songs with about 3 or 4 instrumentals. But I personally would like more songs than anything.
I bet their new album will be better than HB and Meteora put together. I like their soft songs like Breaking the habit and Easier to run, but I wish there would be some hard songs.
As long as they keep doing what thev'e been doing, I'll be hapy with the album. But I personally wish they make more tracks, and maybe a little more contrast in some of the songs. And possibly 2-3 soft songs. My December is a great song, and I wish they made more like em.
I don't care what the artwork will be like or anything I'm sure the album will be great cause otherwise it wouldn't have taken them so long to make it. But gee.... Let it come out guys!!!! I'm tired of waiting!!!! We need some new stuff!! No more mash ups and meaningless collaborations!!! We need fresh,pure LP stuff!!!! C'mon!!!!!!
Oh...I wuz thinking about this last night.

It would be great if they had just one track of Chester moaning for like, at least 20 seconds. Like,"aaaaaaaghhh...oohhhhhyeeeah..." LIKE THAT. That would be so funny...but it would also be good for Chezzuh fans. 'Cause all Chezzuh fans think he is hot.

But if they wouldn't want to do that, they should have more Mike and Chester talking. I like Chester's voice sooo much. His voice is so appealing to my is like listening to a heavenly choir. But I also like the personality in Mike's voice. I like how...he smiles all the time. And you can know what he is feelen by his voice, you know? Mike has such a happy smile...You feel happy when you seem him smile or laugh. Chester just has a goofy smile. But Chez still has good looks...I wish I was a perfect-looking person lika him...
They are saying that the albuim is going to be more 'darker' than the other 2 albums ... I'm sure it will be awesome either way. I like the Meteora cover
Blinkin said:
They are saying that the albuim is going to be more 'darker' than the other 2 albums ... I'm sure it will be awesome either way. I like the Meteora cover

No they are saying its going to be more organic, which means its isnt as heavily produced and has a rawer sound which doesnt make an album darker. It could but it could also make an album lighter.
Stenners said:
No they are saying its going to be more organic, which means its isnt as heavily produced and has a rawer sound which doesnt make an album darker. It could but it could also make an album lighter.

ah cool ... I've not heard that much about it yet ... I can't wait.
I can't wait either it will be so cool

let me be like that girl on the 'LP is Roller Coaster' video as scream really long and loud and look like a complete idiot

I want their lyrics to sound like Hybrid Theory, and the range of heavy/soft I want to be like Meteora. And I want the rapping, screaming, and melody also. LP should slowly change their style, and not change it completely. Great bands changed over time, but not completely. Metallica changed its style after And Justice for all a bit, but not completely. As for the artwork, It would be interesting to see something with the soldier again, and some monastary or something.