New LP album to be released in 2007


New member
I knew this would end up like this. I specualted it with Haninator. Mike already told us the album was noway near done when he said he was working on lyrics on his album. It is a disapointment but nevertheless I'll be willing to wait becuase qwerty somewhat rejuvenated my faith. I think they should release some sort of song to fill us up and give us something to chew on. Maybe the official Qwerty version. I agree a pushback is disapointing.

Lol 50 Cent rubbed off on Mike to much I rekon. Seeing as though everyone in Gunit has had their album pushed back.

But I mean I totaly appreciate the mature...omg again i hate them they just ruined my life typical linkin park blah blah.

that and the Well I hate to say I told you so. Really livens up moral.:rollseyes:

Um, I believe the solo albums if anything benifitted the album in progress just for the mere fact that it allowed Chester and Mike to come up with new creative ideas. I agree it some what hinders them and it kinda of sucks. But from what we have heard I like the way they are going. Linkin Park started album work this year. How could we expect them to finish in less than a year? It only takes common sense to realize they are perfectionists and wont put out an album unless they are totaly confident they like it and that it sounds good. They aren't some washed up band who releases two crappy albums in one year. If they were they'd be called System of a Down who definately lost whatever respect I had for them from their last two albums which sucked ***. Who knows maybe Linkin Park was on the rocks? Maybe they were in need of some down time in order to get back in that happy group mode. I mean **** half you members post **** like oh "Meteora was nowhere as good as Hybrid Theory" I'm pretty **** sure they read the messageboards and read that. Maybe they want to prove you guys wrong. Show that they heat they received for Collision Course was not becuase they were loosing their talents. But half of you probably have never produced/worked on music in your life. And if you have it's probably some **** peice of **** that will never get anywhere. Something you made in five seconds and called a masterpeice. Once you really start attempting to make something great and to top everything you've ever made it gets hard. I mean **** every time I make a new beat I do it for myself. So I can say ****. I'm the nicest out there right now. So I can say **** man when I was younger i used to dream about making this song. I used to pray so badly I could do something like this and now Im finally heading in the right direction. Now do I wanna put out a CD that is awesome? Or Do I want to put out an album that I dont think I will ever top in my life. Maybe that's what they wanna do.

But I dunno. Fox News you decide.



New member
Azk has a good point...

My friend (former co-owner of record label with me) is underground so far it has taken him 2 years to perfect his mixtape (which will be released Sepetember 25th), and **** that is just a mixtape he said 4 years for new does take perfectionism...



New member
that's nothing but dissapointing. i dont think they're working on it and we'll prolly have to wait til *** knows when.

if they couldn't do it in 3 and a half years, they can't do it in 4.

let's face it: they´re doing nothing at all.

maybe they just have only this one song "QWERTY"

maybe they didn't wrote that in the last time

maybe it was one of the songs wich didn´t make it on meteora

i don't really wanna wait anymore :mad:



New member
What is this another conspiracy thread?

Hmm I wonder if linkin park only made qwerty to lure out bigfoot!?

Anyways I mean seriously so what they pushed back dates? It's called "**** Happens".

Sorry folks but this isn't Cinderella none of you are gunna get what you truelly want in the end so suck it up and just wait for the cd to come out.

That and I bet all the people ******** will found 1000000 flaws in the new album. Lol that's life for you.

I hate it when I get heat on my music when I'm told it's just not as good becuase It crushes my will to expand. So in a sense I can vibe with them.



New member

****! I wish it was 07`! But it`s great that the guys are taking alot of their time and effort towards the album when mike says "I don't even know what genre to put it in. I don't even know what to call it." Then it`s gunna be ******* awesome! :thumbsup: -Chels

In The End']The new album has been delayed again to the beginning of 2007 :(
"We were shooting for the end of this year, I think it's gonna be towards the beginning of next year actually. We're just being really careful with what we're doing and were having a type of fun in the studio. It's probably the most fun record that i've ever done; I'm having the most fun on this Linkin Park record that I've ever had in the studio. The Fort Minor record was fun and the Linkin Park records were a lot of fun, but we're just trying out things

that... I don't even know what genre to put it in. I don't even know what to call it."



New member
**** SKIPPY! would anyone who`s ******** about this, rather have the album not be completed the way that the 6 awesome inspirers intentended.Plus the`ve been working real hard as they always do on the tourbus along with mike`s fortminor crew.So whatever theyre cooking up they`ll blow us away like they always do!-Chels


New member
Wow that put a damper to my Qwerty happiness haha. I can wait but yea I was really hyped untill right now. *Continues to listen to Hybrid Theory and Meteora*


New member
I might give up on LP. I've been patient. ive been very patient for a long time. ive waited and waited and waited and not complained at all about the delays. so they go and play shows and everyones all happy about Qwerty....

and then they say 2007. well im sorry, 2007 isnt gonna work dude lol

theres **** we've got to get straight right now. its either coming out in 2006 or theyre losing a fan.



New member
haha yes these responses are very funny. THANK YOU Azem for your posts, I totally agree! Wow you guys calm down, it wasn't gonna be released until about October at the earliest anyways, so you guys can't wait another TWO months until January?

Grow up.....

I might give up on LP. I've been patient. ive been very patient for a long time. ive waited and waited and waited and not complained at all about the delays. so they go and play shows and everyones all happy about Qwerty....
and then they say 2007. well im sorry, 2007 isnt gonna work dude lol

theres **** we've got to get straight right now. its either coming out in 2006 or theyre losing a fan.

Please knock the **** off. I understand the frustration, but it's not the end of the world. They never promised anything, and ****, they don't HAVE to produce another album for the rest of their lives, so be lucky with what you have now. Just stop the childish empty threats that will have a very small impact on everyone. You running around saying you give up isn't going to make the album come out tommorrow. The members of LP have lives and they don't want to put out a ****** album.



New member
Wow, some of you guys need to grow up. The "I told you so," and the "**** LP *cry*," comments are very immature. Yea, I'm disappointed too, but albums get delayed. Get over it. Delays are always for the best.

Would you rather have a rush-job pos album, or an album that is the best it can be?

Think about that.

Edit: Oo, Azem said something along this line too. Great minds think alike, heh.



New member
ahaha i know eh. its a bit of a bummer.

plus did u guys bother to reading that they MIGHT be pushing it back? mike hasnt confirmed an actual release date so u cant really say theyre delaying. in any case, end of 06/begginging of 07, wats the ******* difference.

finally ftboy left! no more ****** nonsense news thats fake and whinging like a 3 year old wen **** happens. =D

do u guys think that maybe shinodas just doing so we dont really expect too much of the guys? i mean in terms of a release date, theyre just putting the date back so theres no "expectation" that incase something goes rong, the fans go haywire. i think shinodas only saying this as a security measure now, so that there isnt alot of damage done later. and knowing the guys, im sure they ll do their absolute best to get that album out sooner. lets not forget last time the guys actually filmed a few singles,did an art day,did a little promo photogrpahy,plan things for the art day...etc before releasing maybe thats the excuse, and not that the album is nowhere near finished



Active Members
If it comes out 2007 it comes out 2007, there's nothing anyone can do about it....

I really waited for this CD 2 years now and to wait a couple more month won't kill me...after that Summer Sonic shows they did, I really became a big LP fan again...I listen to their CDs and bootlegs...and I realised how much they mean to I just hope that the new CD is gonna have the best songs that it possibly can have...that's what is important to me...



New member
sorry but i just read the entire thread and i have to say its like being in a room of 5 year olds that can't get their favourite toy for christmas. some of you, like me are ok with lp's decision but others are acting like children. if lp came here and read half of the comments on here i think they would say "you know what, its our effort and our money were putting into this so if you cant wait then **** you"

anyway good things come to those who wait, yeah i know we have been waiting along time but moaning and crying about it isn't going to make it come any faster.

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