New LP album to be released in 2007


New member
I might give up on LP. I've been patient. ive been very patient for a long time. ive waited and waited and waited and not complained at all about the delays. so they go and play shows and everyones all happy about Qwerty....
and then they say 2007. well im sorry, 2007 isnt gonna work dude lol

theres **** we've got to get straight right now. its either coming out in 2006 or theyre losing a fan.
I still think its stupid that you would stop being a fan Mark due to an album being delayed... almost all albums are usually delayed, and its really not uncommen for bands to go for years without making an album you know...

And Reflectionist and Hahninator both need to calm down... after all Ref ******* the most, and Mark complains the most so you guys are even. ;)

No offense was meant to anyone in this post.

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DJ BloodFrost

New member
So the thread went from a broadcast of LP's album POSSIBLY being delayed to a flame war on members' personal lives. Productive. *shakes head*

If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. And that goes for everyone. Please, just grow up. It's just an album.

So the thread went from a broadcast of LP's album POSSIBLY being delayed to a flame war on members' personal lives. Productive. *shakes head*
If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. And that goes for everyone. Please, just grow up. It's just an album.
Beautifully said.



New member
Okay, everyone. I felt as if I overreacted yesterday in saying LP is a disappointment. That is my fault and I am sorry. I understand why LP is delaying the album with hard work their doing, Mike concluding Fort Minor, the Hurricane Katrina program, and all stuff that their doing. Sometimes I just get a little out of hand and say things I don't mean like what I said yesterday. I will wait for this album with patience like most of us will but I will have to put LP's music to the side until their new album approaches.

Yes now I do realize it is common for bands to push their albums back. I mean look at Rage Against the Machine. It took just about 4 years to release only their second album and it was great. I'm sure the same will happen with LP and their new album. For this extended wait I can say I am looking forward to the new music from other groups coming out soon.

Papa Roach's new album in September

Deftones' new album in October

Incubus' new album in October

Amity Lane album in October

I think these albums will hold my patience together until January when the new LP album is released. Until then, I will have these albums to help cope me.

Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted. If you really knew me you would see that I am very good person and very mature. I like being on these forums and reading and talking to everyone of you die hard fans. You are all great online friends to chat with and its very exciting to share the news and stories of one of our favorite bands if not our favorite.

So new LP album in January 2007. Bring it on.



New member
I think someone said this earlier in the thread, but it's not even confirmed that it will be delayed. It sounds like mike casually said that it looks like it will be delayed the way things are going. It might not even be delayed, and if it is, maybe it's something amazing like a double disc album.


New member
Okay, everyone. I felt as if I overreacted yesterday in saying LP is a disappointment. That is my fault and I am sorry. I understand why LP is delaying the album with hard work their doing, Mike concluding Fort Minor, the Hurricane Katrina program, and all stuff that their doing. Sometimes I just get a little out of hand and say things I don't mean like what I said yesterday. I will wait for this album with patience like most of us will but I will have to put LP's music to the side until their new album approaches.
Yes now I do realize it is common for bands to push their albums back. I mean look at Rage Against the Machine. It took just about 4 years to release only their second album and it was great. I'm sure the same will happen with LP and their new album. For this extended wait I can say I am looking forward to the new music from other groups coming out soon.

Papa Roach's new album in September

Deftones' new album in October

Incubus' new album in October

Amity Lane album in October

I think these albums will hold my patience together until January when the new LP album is released. Until then, I will have these albums to help cope me.

Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted. If you really knew me you would see that I am very good person and very mature. I like being on these forums and reading and talking to everyone of you die hard fans. You are all great online friends to chat with and its very exciting to share the news and stories of one of our favorite bands if not our favorite.

So new LP album in January 2007. Bring it on.

This is what we call a MATURE nonimmature post. :thumbsup:




New member
i personally don't care how long it takes for them to finish the album, i just want it to be spectacular.

and btw mark, my last comment was made in response to your "i quit" post. quit being a crybaby.



New member
Okay, everyone. I felt as if I overreacted yesterday in saying LP is a disappointment. That is my fault and I am sorry. I understand why LP is delaying the album with hard work their doing, Mike concluding Fort Minor, the Hurricane Katrina program, and all stuff that their doing. Sometimes I just get a little out of hand and say things I don't mean like what I said yesterday. I will wait for this album with patience like most of us will but I will have to put LP's music to the side until their new album approaches.
Yes now I do realize it is common for bands to push their albums back. I mean look at Rage Against the Machine. It took just about 4 years to release only their second album and it was great. I'm sure the same will happen with LP and their new album. For this extended wait I can say I am looking forward to the new music from other groups coming out soon.

Papa Roach's new album in September

Deftones' new album in October

Incubus' new album in October

Amity Lane album in October

I think these albums will hold my patience together until January when the new LP album is released. Until then, I will have these albums to help cope me.

Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted. If you really knew me you would see that I am very good person and very mature. I like being on these forums and reading and talking to everyone of you die hard fans. You are all great online friends to chat with and its very exciting to share the news and stories of one of our favorite bands if not our favorite.

So new LP album in January 2007. Bring it on.

'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.



New member
'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.
Another rep.

Becuase I have to agree with him.

Wether or not thats a paradox :p



New member
'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.
I mean look at Gran Turismo 4.It was often delayed,the fans complained,but it turned out to be the best racing sim ever made. Now I don't hear any one complaining about it being delayed now, so in the end, the LP album delays will be forgotten,so why dont we just accept this in advance?



New member
I mean look at Gran Tourismo 4.It was often delayed' date='the fans complained,but it turned out to be the best racing sim ever made. Now I don't hear any one complaining about it being delayed now, so in the end, the LP album delays will be forgotten,so why dont we just accept this in advance?[/quote']
Exactly. Reppies for you.


New member
'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.
Thats what I was saying earlier, the thing ive been waiting on for 3 years or so is the new Zelda game. It was supposed to show up last fall. Is it out? No. But it looks more and more amazing every time some new stuff is released. I expect the same from the new LP album. Why throw out some album that is unfinished and doesnt have the time and effort to make it the best?



New member
'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.
Yo I repped this dude too earlier. He's gone up a bit then, hahaha.



New member
Mike will propbably explain the delay in the LPU chat on Wednesday or if they are in fact delaying the album. Now when I look at his reply I see he says "I think it might be towards the beginning of next year" which means it could be sometime late december.


New member
It's like LPF had one giant PMS period from the LPF awards till now :p

Glad it calmed down.. I repped azem earlier..



New member
If one of you are going to be at the LPU chat with Mike, would you mind asking him a few questions for me? First, could you ask him that even though the LP album has been delayed, is the website going to be open anytime soon? And last, is the band going to be heavily activy in the months prior to the release of the album?

Thats all. I would ask but I'm not in the LPU. If someone in LPU could ask him these questions, I'd really appriecate it. Thanks.



New member
'Cept I never complained about the album being delayed. Shigeru Miyamoto (the CEO or something from Nintendo) said once, "A Bad game is bad forever, a delayed game is eventually good." And I think the same can be said here. I just get upset about kids who don't understand that, and act like it's the end of the world if things don't go exactly right for them.
Whoa I was just about to say that. Because the new Zelda game for Gamecube has been delayed like 3 times. I was supposed to be released in early 2005 or something and that never happened, and that's what Miyamoto was talking about.. their improving the game and stuff.
So just a patient. Their putting all this work into an album and it gets a bit delayed and everyone goes insane. Come on, there's other music out there. Just wait, the day will come before you know it.



New member
Whoa I was just about to say that. Because the new Zelda game for Gamecube has been delayed like 3 times. I was supposed to be released in early 2005 or something and that never happened, and that's what Miyamoto was talking about.. their improving the game and stuff.
So just a patient. Their putting all this work into an album and it gets a bit delayed and everyone goes insane. Come on, there's other music out there. Just wait, the day will come before you know it.
Actually, the quote was from when Ocarina of Time kept getting delayed. Look how THAT turned out. 1998 Game of the year.

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