New LP album to be released in 2007

ahaha i know eh. its a bit of a bummer.

plus did u guys bother to reading that they MIGHT be pushing it back? mike hasnt confirmed an actual release date so u cant really say theyre delaying. in any case, end of 06/begginging of 07, wats the ****ing difference.

finally ftboy left! no more shitty nonsense news thats fake and whinging like a 3 year old wen **** happens. =D

do u guys think that maybe shinodas just doing so we dont really expect too much of the guys? i mean in terms of a release date, theyre just putting the date back so theres no "expectation" that incase something goes rong, the fans go haywire. i think shinodas only saying this as a security measure now, so that there isnt alot of damage done later. and knowing the guys, im sure they ll do their absolute best to get that album out sooner. lets not forget last time the guys actually filmed a few singles,did an art day,did a little promo photogrpahy,plan things for the art day...etc before releasing maybe thats the excuse, and not that the album is nowhere near finished
If it comes out 2007 it comes out 2007, there's nothing anyone can do about it....
I really waited for this CD 2 years now and to wait a couple more month won't kill me...after that Summer Sonic shows they did, I really became a big LP fan again...I listen to their CDs and bootlegs...and I realised how much they mean to I just hope that the new CD is gonna have the best songs that it possibly can have...that's what is important to me...
sorry but i just read the entire thread and i have to say its like being in a room of 5 year olds that can't get their favourite toy for christmas. some of you, like me are ok with lp's decision but others are acting like children. if lp came here and read half of the comments on here i think they would say "you know what, its our effort and our money were putting into this so if you cant wait then **** you"

anyway good things come to those who wait, yeah i know we have been waiting along time but moaning and crying about it isn't going to make it come any faster.
i remember when meteora came out, there were tv commercials about their new album...Nobody does that.. I knew they've put out new album before i became their thue fan
Jeezy said:
If it comes out 2007 it comes out 2007, there's nothing anyone can do about it....
I really waited for this CD 2 years now and to wait a couple more month won't kill me...after that Summer Sonic shows they did, I really became a big LP fan again...I listen to their CDs and bootlegs...and I realised how much they mean to I just hope that the new CD is gonna have the best songs that it possibly can have...that's what is important to me...

Exactly, listening to all that Summer Sonic stuff really got me pumped and read and I dont think another o like 4-6 months will kill me. It's not the first time something has been delayed ive been waiting on something for 3 years to come out, it's still not out and im still hyped for it :)
I'd rather the band takes their time rather then hashing out an album as early as possible to keep a couple impaitent fans happy. I'm used to long gaps in between artists records so I grown to accept it :D
misery said:
Wow, some of you guys need to grow up. The "I told you so," and the "**** LP *cry*," comments are very immature. Yea, I'm disappointed too, but albums get delayed. Get over it. Delays are always for the best.

Would you rather have a rush-job pos album, or an album that is the best it can be?

Think about that.

Edit: Oo, Azem said something along this line too. Great minds think alike, heh.

I thought you were quoting me for a second I was like where the hell are the quote things. :p

So I guess its gunna be a while before Snow White Tan drops

once the album releases thoes few fans that allegedly left will come back. Its obvious :p
but NO ****in band's main member dont break the promises :mad:

After the project revolution 2004, mike said it is the last tour then we will be busy in the new Album ... but didnt ****in happened !! :mad:

then ultimately FORT MINOR was released and NO ALBUM ... after that mike AGAIN said it will be Summer of 2006 DEFINITELY!!!

But summer came and went, and NO sign of Linkin PArk !!

and then Mike Said ... Nopes it is Actually Fall of 2006

and nowMIKE SAyin " No guys, it is actually start of 2006"

i dont know why mike always tell lies to the media and the fans, havent they even planned about the album, like other bands do?

**** LP

p.s. i started this kinda thread about mike's ANNOUNCEMENTS here, but hahninator and other guys locked the thread and said it will not happen, lol, it is happened now .. isnt it?

EDIT: announcing to the media and the fans, which mike usually have announced different dates, is a BIG thing for the band !! is not like tht mike calls his mom every 4 months and say "hey mom! the album will be released in summer 2006" .. then after 4 months, mike calls his mom again and says" hey mom!! it was not summer of 2006, it is actually fall of 2006" :p
Get your panties out of a bunch man. He gave generalities he never really said it was coming out November 23rd 06 or anything so technically it doesn't matter. Your acting like he's your boyfriend and he keeps lieing to you and your outraged. Jesus. :rolleyes:
evulture said:
but NO ****in band's main member dont break the promises :mad:

After the project revolution 2004, mike said it is the last tour then we will be busy in the new Album ... but didnt ****in happened !! :mad:

then ultimately FORT MINOR was released and NO ALBUM ... after that mike AGAIN said it will be Summer of 2006 DEFINITELY!!!

But summer came and went, and NO sign of Linkin PArk !!

and then Mike Said ... Nopes it is Actually Fall of 2006

and nowMIKE SAyin " No guys, it is actually start of 2006"

i dont know why mike always tell lies to the media and the fans, havent they even planned about the album, like other bands do?

**** LP

p.s. i started this kinda thread about mike's ANNOUNCEMENTS here, but hahninator and other guys locked the thread and said it will not happen, lol, it is happened now .. isnt it?

EDIT: announcing to the media and the fans, which mike usually have announced different dates, is a BIG thing for the band !! is not like tht mike calls his mom every 4 months and say "hey mom! the album will be released in summer 2006" .. then after 4 months, mike calls his mom again and says" hey mom!! it was not summer of 2006, it is actually fall of 2006" :p

**** HAPPENS!!! It's life - get used to it. You Know the pressure these guys are under? In reality, they don't owe you ****, they don't have to put out a new record, they're doing it because they want to. Get off your computer and try living life once and a while, **** like this happens.
[LP] In The End said:
The new album has been delayed again to the beginning of 2007 :(

"We were shooting for the end of this year, I think it's gonna be towards the beginning of next year actually. We're just being really careful with what we're doing and were having a type of fun in the studio. It's probably the most fun record that i've ever done; I'm having the most fun on this Linkin Park record that I've ever had in the studio. The Fort Minor record was fun and the Linkin Park records were a lot of fun, but we're just trying out things
that... I don't even know what genre to put it in. I don't even know what to call it."


Damn!>.< And I thought I might have it by the end of the year :(

Oh well I hope the cd kicks ass :)
Guys you gotta calm down down. Yeah it sucks, but yall should respect their hard work. They're workin sooooo hard for you guys cuz they want yall to be happy with the new album. At least they sang QWERTY. Don't hate them because they're workin hard respect them.