New LP album to be released in 2007

Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
Whoa I was just about to say that. Because the new Zelda game for Gamecube has been delayed like 3 times. I was supposed to be released in early 2005 or something and that never happened, and that's what Miyamoto was talking about.. their improving the game and stuff.

So just a patient. Their putting all this work into an album and it gets a bit delayed and everyone goes insane. Come on, there's other music out there. Just wait, the day will come before you know it.

Actually, the quote was from when Ocarina of Time kept getting delayed. Look how THAT turned out. 1998 Game of the year.
Reflectionist said:
Actually, the quote was from when Ocarina of Time kept getting delayed. Look how THAT turned out. 1998 Game of the year.
Haha, my bad. I guess someone might have been quoting him on the Ninty forums and was refering to the new one, and I got my facts wrong.

But yeah, just look how it turned out. Often called the greatest game of all time.

:: patiently waits for new album::
Hahninator said:
best game ever. OOT is freaking amazing O_O

I love that game too, dude. I just can't play it anymore after I've played Wind Waker. Because the graphics look Teh Suck after you go back.... you know?
that looks pretty gay to me. thats my opinion, but it really does. the graphics look too damn in depth and too good. the commands look too complex. they probably arent but you dont need a view that can change to like 600 different cameras lol. link looks pretty weird too. and wow, what's up with the top right corner? the actions field looks all different o_O

I think they should chill with the graphics and all hi-tech effective stuff theyre giving the zelda games.
Hahninator said:
lol **** is hitting the fan everywhere dude it's hilarious.
hilarious? you said you lost faith in them and that you hate them :p and now you're laughing at people who almost cut theirself.
Chris said:
hilarious? you said you lost faith in them and that you hate them :p and now you're laughing at people who almost cut theirself.

I did hate them last night lol. that was just a 1 night thing though >_< I seriously went apeshit over Mike's comment about the album coming out in 2007. It totally caught me off guard.....
Hahninator said:
I did hate them last night lol. that was just a 1 night thing though >_< I seriously went apeshit over Mike's comment about the album coming out in 2007. It totally caught me off guard.....

Well, I don't see how anyone can doubt your maturity now.
Ref I am honestly sick of your hateful comments toward me and other members.
If you can't say anything nice dude then don't say anything nice at all. I don't sit here and poke fun at you and all your replies all day long.
*jumps into the conversation*
lol this thread is the most hillarius thing ever that i havent been a part of XD

look just calm down guys
stop fighting...****, its all in the past and it should just stay there.
as for the LP delay, dont take it as a bad thing. i mean today is a new day, take it as one less day of wait. it will come eventually and when it comes, we'll all become cheery ^.^