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Ok guys/gals,

I've found some good threads and good conversations but, then it sometimes resembles romper room.

I must say there are some intelligent teenagers talking in that TEENAGE thread I started.

I hope to stick around for awhile :cool:



New member
Once you get into the groove of it, the bullshit bothers you less (the complete dolts will still **** you off though) I am glad you are stickin around ;)

Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Ok guys/gals,I've found some good threads and good conversations but, then it sometimes resembles romper room.

I must say there are some intelligent teenagers talking in that TEENAGE thread I started.

I hope to stick around for awhile :cool:

Good Threads come and go.

Occasionally, awesome one's visits us and linger for some time.

Lots of time, people just blow off steam, poke fun, laugh, get mad, and generally get to know one another through communicating in whatever form catches them at the moment.

What did you expect...perpetual wisdom?



New member
What did you expect...perpetual wisdom?
Well, that can be found here too, in the vocabulary improvements thread, of course. :)

Occasionally, awesome one's visit us and linger for some time.
Or malinger, in my case. :D Awesome? I'm much too humble to accept such praise, but then again, I make exceptions. ;)


Anna Perenna

New member
If this place is simply a rudeness-infested flame-war fest, I guess I picked the wrong place to stop in at.
What's wrong with a rudeness-infested flame war fest?


Live a little.


You might find you enjoy it.



New member
Poor Vortex - he can't be that bad, then. 

I honestly think that I should take over as PE #1.


In other words, stop discouraging me
;) ;)

Darlin' i am not one to pity trust me. Im very secure in my homosexuality to put up my bullshit sheild on the *** comments.......

But ill respond none the less

What's wrong with a rudeness-infested flame war fest?

Live a little.

You might find you enjoy it.
Oh sweetheart we do.........we just like to respect you in the morning before you start tearing our ******** to shreads....

a sprinkle of advice from me to you!

Good Threads come and go.
Lots of time, people just blow off steam, poke fun, laugh, get mad, and generally get to know one another through communicating in whatever form catches them at the moment.

What did you expect...perpetual wisdom?
Hello Cogito Ergo Sum,

I do realize how boards work, and how troll infestations occur all too often.

By the name of this board, it's reasonable to assume people come to "just blow off steam, poke fun, laugh, get mad, and generally get to know one another through communicating " yet, I suppose the reason for my original post in this thread was due to it being the INTRODUCE YOURSELF thread.

Believe me, I've survived over a year on an adamantly jihad-bent website which cheered daily at the deaths of Americans.

I have been on religious boards where I had to continue speaking while a member kept repeating the phrase "dead Jew on a stick" when speaking about Christianity.

So it isn't that my skin is thin, I simply see no reason for attacking anothers persona or character.

line 97: It was not so much what Jesus taught about the balanced character that impressed his associates as the fact that his own life was such an eloquent exemplification of his teaching. He lived in the midst of stress and storm, but he never wavered.

His enemies continually laid snares for him, but they never entrapped him.

The wise and learned endeavored to trip him, but he did not stumble.

They sought to embroil him in debate, but his answers were always enlightening, dignified, and final.

When he was interrupted in his discourses with multitudinous questions, his answers were always significant and conclusive.

Never did he resort to ignoble tactics in meeting the continuous pressure of his enemies,

who did not hesitate to employ every sort of false, unfair, and unrighteous mode of attack upon him.


New member
Well Richard, me feelings on that are pretty simple... better to "ATTACK" someone verbally on a silly message board, then to attack them physically on the street. It's what we do at GF from time to time, and nobody seems to mind, the regular members come back for the attacks.



Well Richard, me feelings on that are pretty simple... better to "ATTACK" someone verbally on a silly message board, then to attack them physically on the street. It's what we do at GF from time to time, and nobody seems to mind, the regular members come back for the attacks.

Hello phreakwars,

While I agree with your sentiment, the crux of your message indicates that "ATTACK" someone is inevitable.

Perhaps renting this movie from your local movie rental store one evening might cure that feeling ;)


Anna Perenna

New member
Darlin' i am not one to pity trust me. Im very secure in my homosexuality to put up my bullshit sheild on the *** comments.......
But ill respond none the less

Oh sweetheart we do.........we just like to respect you in the morning before you start tearing our ******** to shreads....

a sprinkle of advice from me to you!
Didn't anyone ever tell you that giving unsolicited advice is really annoying?


A sprinkle of advice from me to you!



New member
Didn't anyone ever tell you that giving unsolicited advice is really annoying? 

A sprinkle of advice from me to you!

Goodie the troll is back!

If i answer your questions 3 will you shut the **** up?


Anna Perenna

New member
Goodie the troll is back!

If i answer your questions 3 will you shut the **** up?
No, call me anything but a troll!




You cut me to the troll bone with your cruel, cruel adjectives.


What was my question again?


And my own answer to you is, of course, never.



New member
im saying hello ,,,,,,,again.....

Hello to E/everyone. i may be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. which wouldnt be the first time. and i doubt it will be my last. i would be a 25 yr old female, if i could switch the numbers around. so for lack of a better word, i guess you could say that i have been around the block once, or twice. i am not sure if i am more ****** off, or more dissapointed.

due to situations in my life in the last 8 yrs, i have actually learned more about people, that i learned about myself. <will explain "myself" later>.

i consider myself to be open minded. and i NEVER base, or form an opinion, to be with the style of piers, or social group.

So people with out any morals. just,,,,,,,, just........ absolutely.... ,,,,,, well, there isn't a word for it... but,, a,,,,,, sh t, they give me a head ache.





New member
im saying hello ,,,,,,,again.....
Hello to E/everyone. i may be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. which wouldnt be the first time. and i doubt it will be my last. i would be a 25 yr old female, if i could switch the numbers around. so for lack of a better word, i guess you could say that i have been around the block once, or twice. i am not sure if i am more ****** off, or more dissapointed.

due to situations in my life in the last 8 yrs, i have actually learned more about people, that i learned about myself. <will explain "myself" later>.

i consider myself to be open minded. and i NEVER base, or form an opinion, to be with the style of piers, or social group.

So people with out any morals. just,,,,,,,, just........ absolutely.... ,,,,,, well, there isn't a word for it... but,, a,,,,,, sh t, they give me a head ache.


Hello again? It says this is your first post, was you here before?

In any case, feel free to express your thoughts about the scum of the earth...intelligently. I do all the time. Welcome to GF.

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