im saying hello ,,,,,,,again.....
Hello to E/everyone. i may be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. which wouldnt be the first time. and i doubt it will be my last. i would be a 25 yr old female, if i could switch the numbers around. so for lack of a better word, i guess you could say that i have been around the block once, or twice. i am not sure if i am more ****** off, or more dissapointed.
due to situations in my life in the last 8 yrs, i have actually learned more about people, that i learned about myself. <will explain "myself" later>.
i consider myself to be open minded. and i NEVER base, or form an opinion, to be with the style of piers, or social group.
So people with out any morals. just,,,,,,,, just........ absolutely.... ,,,,,, well, there isn't a word for it... but,, a,,,,,, sh t, they give me a head ache.