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hi, glad i found this website, there are alot of issues that i am pissed off about, hope i can vent, and i am also looking forward to sharing thoughts and ideasand listening to others vent as well. :rolleyes:
I'm gald I found this site also. It was an accident buthey that's okay! I'm pissed quite often so this may be my new favorite site. Now if I can just figure out how to work the thing!
gooday all. interesting site,glad i fell on it accidently. looking forward to joining in. at the moment my comp. tells me i;m alone on this site so everyone must be asleep. catch all anon
Hey everyone..glad to find a forum where we can discuss almost anything! Im from malaysia btw..when it comes to racial and religious your man..haha..nah jus kidding..hope to find some open minded folks here.

So far I like this place. Should be fun.

I'm just an ordinary man with ordinary intelligence, ordinary looks, ordinary penis size, ordinary car, ordinary kids, and a wonderful ordinary life. SO, don't try to accuse me of being stuck up or snooty. I'm not.


If you state wild things without proof, I'll nail you. That's my pet peeve. It's what really pisses me off.

Other than that, I'm a ordinary nice person.

Enjoy! :)
ya know what pisses me off? I just wanted to say whats up and somethin popped up and said it was to short and needed to be longer than 10 characters. lol. Im just kiddin, but now its longer. Anyway... Whats up. New here. Great site.
I'm also new. I'm not that pissed off though, well maybe a little. I'm just looking for somewhere to debate really.
I use it on another site and it is popular so I decided to add it here. Gives users a wider variety of topics to participate in.

Welcome to the site.