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lancer1861 said:
"You guys are ****ing geniuses" and you can quote me on that.

Hmm, think I will, and your right. Members that are here for the long haul do see this site for what it really is, and not for how its name and subject matter are presented to the casual onlooker.

Do you not find it quite ironic that a website with such a suggestive theme as hatred can be so diverse in its form that equality amongst posters,is what makes it thrive. We have Blacks, whites,hispanics,chinese,a ****ing Swede,japanese,Muslim,Christian,Satanist,Buddist, homosexuals, pedophiles,deviants, and general ****ing society rejects on this site who are EACH given there place to speak no matter how offensive they are and how much they are hated. (WE HAVE A ****ING MUSLIM MOD FOR CHRIST SAKES !!! WHAT A TRIP !!) As long as they have a mind to use, and a thought to process and convey to the world, they are welcome here, just as you are.

Call it hard pressed moderation, call it facism, equality is always pushed to be a constant.
Hey folks,I am tizz, and it is my name, even I couldn't make that up. I look forward to checking this place out more as I have time. Just so you know, I am only learning how to type with caps, correctly, my spelling sux and I almost always spel the as TEH. Just a warning to you all. I suppose I really should get spellcheck but I am also technologically challanged and also very technologocally lazy!!!!!! I am older than I once was and younger than I will be. I am female, I am a single mother. I like to talk and I am ALWYAS right, well at least in my world I am. I am easy going and rarely get offended though I do not tolerate hate or intolerance very well. I can easily go off on a rant (duh like you can't tell that by now) and I rarely back down from an intelligent debate. Ok that's all I give for now. off to check this place out further
Hey giys I'm pjbuk, the hard hitting queer with paganesque views. See tizz above? I know her, she's my bud. See new member bonoboy? He's my bud too.

I can get a little jokey, but I get pissed off a lot too. REALLY pissed off.

Don't like gay people? Bite me.

My name is bonoboy and I am a funny ****er...See pjbuk and Tizz who also joined your lovely forum site today? Well they are my friends. Pj is a big girls blouse and Tizz is a right old wobblygob watch her like a hawk...They may be my friends but they also smell....A lot....Nice to meet y'all.... :p
Hi all.. Blakrose here doh . I'm from Down Under. A bit shy (sometimes), but will see what goes on round here. Should be interesting :p Oh and also friends with PJ, Tizz and Bono :D
Hey babe, and don't wprry folks, we aren't here to take over (HA!) Anyway you can blame bonoboy for posting a link to this place at
Welcome, welcome, and WELCOME, 3 of ya huh??

So who should I PICK ON FIRST. I could start with the GAY person, but that gets old quick, I could pick on the mom but she has enough stress in her life, I fear I would only lead her into total meltdown in 3 posts or less. Who that leave... the ****ing comedian over there...hmm, OK, wanna hear a joke ??

Lets "HEAR" the tape of your birth in stereo. Bet that was pretty funny. If anything at least SAD..

But anyway, this is the members lounge and not the FLAME lounge, so I'll spare you the joy of my company for now.

I just booted a ****ing swedish **** out today and my fingers still pretty damn close to clicks to kick some more assholes out.

You will be screened for retardation and herpes periodically, so I trust you will read the HOW TO PLAY BY THE NO HOLDS BARRED RULES announcement before making complete asses of yourselves.

There is alot of tough love here, and alot of outright sillyness. The people who remain on the site the longest are the people who can think for themselves. This is what we want from you, nothing more, nothing less.

You can KILL each other in posts as a personal war as long as its in a seperate post. But PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, when using the shoutboard or live chat, engage in CIVIL CASUAL conversation with each other. The people who argue the most MUST be able to find a casual conversation in the LIVE chat and SHOUTBOX. Think of THIS forum, the SHOUTBOX, and the LIVE CHAT as the world away from the hatred we spew on the boards and we should all get along just fine and have some fun.

Now quit reading my bullshit and get out there and speak your mind !!!

P.s. Tizz, thank you for posting a link to our page in another page, were always looking for people to hate.
You are an intriguing phreak aren't you. Fear not for I do not feal offense easily. I give as much as I get and enjoy every second of it. When you live in a world of children with it's cencored language and neverending timeouts, you need to cut loose and act like a big kid when all are safely tucked into their beds. I can see I will have much fun here. HHMM still scratching my head about the levels of intelect but I have not gone deeply into the crevasses yet. We shall meet again Phreakboy!
Hey thanks for the big ole welcome. There are more of us here now I believe, and hopefully more too will come from Plaza. This is a cool site you have here. As the designated queer of the bunch I shall look forward to some downright bitchy arguments with a homophobe or two, but of course, not in THIS forum.

I'll see those 'men' out there on the boards, alone, in the dark.................

Look forward to seeing some of you guys at Plaza too where you are very welcome, nay, encouraged to have a graphic or text link to here in your sig.

Cheers Again.

Hello to all! Newbie here, to this forum, not forums in general. Looking forward to checking this place out and seeing what's what!
bonoboy said:
My name is bonoboy and I am a funny ****er...See pjbuk and Tizz who also joined your lovely forum site today? Well they are my friends. Pj is a big girls blouse and Tizz is a right old wobblygob watch her like a hawk...They may be my friends but they also smell....A lot....Nice to meet y'all.... :p

hey what about me asshole !!!! :mad:
Hi kernie, looks like my helmet's gonna come in handy here :) I see bono, and pj and tizzie. Are you guys being good?
as good as can be expected.... Actually I am a pretty good egg I wuld say. Just don't REALLY piss me off and for gods sake don't ever tell me you are John coates or Ahmed Bahget!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO