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Hello Everyone,
was just browsing the net, and found this...sounds interesting...I rarely get totally pissed off at anything, all though threre are occasions :mad:
But normally, I'm pretty passive.
I hope to be around for awhile and get to know you all.
Nope not at all, you can spend your time being a voice of reason in your own moral values. Don't need to be mad about anything

We love to hate everybody, but most of all, we love it when people can rationalize there hatred. It always makes the best debates.
Hello. I'm new here, I was looking for a debate topic on the internet and found this site. Interesting. Anyway, my name's Minami and I'm from Japan. I'm 13, just a little kid. ^^ I speak English better than Japanese, I think. I'm not so sure myself.
I am new to forum posting in general. This is the first forum that I have joined. My profile says enough about me. I hope that I can continue to find stimulating debates to read as well as to reply back. I am not looking to offend or be offended.
Welcome both of you, Lokibird, if your not looking to be offended, yur in the wrong place. The subject matter here is very very frank and probably offensive to most anyone.

My best advice for posting, is simply maintain relevance, minimize slander, cuss all you want. And, have fun !!

Minami, we will permit you to be here too even though you are 13, please be advised you will be dealing with adult subject matter, and very strong debate.

This is not a fun and games site by any means, and we expect you to conduct yourself as if you were face to face with the person you are debating. I trust that won't be a problem. I'm sure if you follow those guidelines, you'll learn something from a site that is clearly adult oriented, yet open to anybody who can type.
Howdy...Vortex here...most people call me V...but im here...queer...and frankly damn used to it. Im just here to bitch, make friends, and have a great time...

after all american tradition is to complain to whomever will listen...

and im here to bitch...

que..sera sera...lets get things started....

and no im not here to convert get a "hook up" or do anything sexual..(just want the biggots to know)

just here to chat and complain.....lets get going..

oh yea...
and hi!
Vortex said:
Howdy...Vortex here...most people call me V...but im here...queer...and frankly damn used to it.
and no im not here to convert anyone...

I doubt you COULD convert anyone who wasn't already gay in the first place (except mattthebuddha). If you could, then the world sure is in trouble. Other then that, welcome.
I kinda stumbled upon this site myself. Just searching for things. I registered in probably February or so but didn't post just watched once a month or so. The past week however I've really grown to respect what you guys have created here and I'm here to say... "You guys are ****ing geniuses" and you can quote me on that. By the way if anybody has a personal problem with anything I say they can email me anytime. I try not to offend too much and definately not without reason. However if you **** with me I can argue until the end of time so be prepared for the long haul.

Oh yea HI