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Phreakwars, exactly. Mostly coders and whatnot but they get together and game. So, stick with GF.

Cogito, Speak English. Speak slowly for the idiot.

Fresh Meat signing off.
Sydelbow said:
Oh, and do you find TAZ to be.... overly analytical? I can barely take some of their admins motives...
I find that we at GF do mainly the opposite of what is suggested, and we have strengthened our membership in doing so. So mainly I would say that 90% of them are full of ****.

Edit: No names mentioned. The ADMIN of this forum is a staff member.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
"they game", now there's a thrill...whoopee... :rolleyes:

So you get your jollies another way-- WHOOPEE.
None of my group are hardcore gamers, save one that competes, but c'mon. Entertainment is entertainment IS entertainment. And a party is a party. We've got a party with an internet connection and a closed server. Soda and pizza and one idiot that humps everything, a little alcohol hidden from minors, and you've got yourself a party like everyone elses.
Roll your eyes all you want, but don't spit on my pizza party.

Phreak, I had to bite my tongue on TAZ yesterday. Didnt want to call anyone an asshole. But I've got a feeling I won't be paying much attention to that forum anymore except possibly the articles. Which... are far too long for my attention span.
phreakwars said:
I surprised they haven't banned me for being an arrogant ***** yet.:D

I've been trying !!:p

This morning I got worried they might try having a mod message me for agreeing with you. I outright called a majority of admins like, creepy and sneaky.
It's just something that carries over from the impact of this site. We are VERY free speech around here, even when we "idiot box" people, and in being that way, one tends to be able to express themselves alot more openly in their writing style. I am not gonna say that this site makes people into assholes, but this site does have a way with making people open up a bit more, sometimes it's an asshole waiting to come out, sometimes it's people like me who have their own perspective on things. And I merely state that perspective on TAZ, and I could care less who finds it offensive.

I understand that - we've got quite a bunch of characters on 7hm as well. That's why I stay. Surely it ain't for the articles on Video Card Hardware. It's for the people, because most of them don't suck.

The Rock, BTW....
I went to UMiami (years after him), and so he came to our homecoming game once. And brought with him a large attitude problem. You would like him ;)
phreakwars said:
OK, fine whatever, so anyways, you have made your introduction, now **** off and find some other topic, I'm sick of chattering with you.


That takes me back.
Hey all,

I am a Mac enthausiast I am slightly depress and am currently pissed at: crime. My house was robbed two weeks ago. But that jackass didn't even take my 1300$ PowerBook on my home office desk. He did take my kids old Compaq Deskpro with a dead hard drive, but he took my brand new LCD TV :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Welcome Sean. Make a separate thread about your unfortunate incident and we will be happy to give our two cents on **** sucking, poor ass thieves that need to be shot and killed on sight. :)
Well this is about 200-some posts late but, Hi, my names Hamza, I'm 16 years of age and I live in Canada but I was born in the states...
italiano_Pride said:
How ya doin', names IP, i'm a friend of Spleefman's. Crawled out of my forum to come & say hi to your.

:) A friend of Spleef's is always welcome.
I miss his interesting posts.

Welcome to Off Topic Forum!
He lost his job & has been really busy. Some bitch said he was using "foul language at his desk" & got him fired. THats bullshit man, he had a family. He's starting to get the recording process rolling again though.