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Hi all,

Found this place via another Forum that Bob set-up a while ago ( As you can see I'm a Brit (actually, Welsh) but I hope you wont hold that against me.

I'm semi-retired, used to be a Director of the now defunct Marconi Company (and no, it wasn't my fault, I escaped in 2001).

Bit of a Computer geek, write software for small businesses. I'm fairly outspoken and have opinions on just about everything and anything, so am looking forward to contributing here. (I'm only arrogant when I know I'm right.) :D

Smoke like a chimney, like a good pint or two of Real Ale, married, 2 kids (one of each), live in the South East of England in a sleepy little Town called Maldon, where, by the way, one of George Washington's Grandfathers is buried.
Cloaked said:
Howdy Doug and imwithstupid. This will be what GF should have been if Phreak ad I have our way.

I hope so. It was great there for the first year and a half I was posting there. Then it went to crap.

Whatever happened to Builder?
ImWithStupid said:
I hope so. It was great there for the first year and a half I was posting there. Then it went to crap.

Whatever happened to Builder?

Bitten by a rabid dingo. He was last seen foaming at the mouth and humping a blow up George Bush doll.

Quite sad really.
He bought GF and then it was either hacked or he just canned it. All the threads and accounts were supposedly destroyed. He put a notice to say it would be up and running Jan 08. Why on earth it will take that long I have no idea.
Guess I'd better introduce myself. I'm an expat living in Ankara, Turkey most of the year. The rest of the year I live in Nebraska. Thought I'd sign up here because the BB I usually post on is starting to get pretty dull at times.
Old Salt said:
Guess I'd better introduce myself. I'm an expat living in Ankara, Turkey most of the year. The rest of the year I live in Nebraska. Thought I'd sign up here because the BB I usually post on is starting to get pretty dull at times.

Even though I'm new here, I'll welcome you OS. As a fellow CT Forum member and, I might be jumping the gun with this but also as a former GF member.

It appears that this place is just getting off the ground, but if it's like the GF of old, you will fit in fine.

So, if I may, welcome to the community.
Humm here i am without a personal invite from Bender, i got tired of waiting. Well some of you know me some don't, but in time you will.

And Tori your Keebler Fudge Shoppe Mint Creme Filled Cookies are getting old, would you please come pick them up, by the way the interest is killing you ;).
Yea, more and more of the old gang showing up. Welcome to all new and old.

TOW said:
And Tori your Keebler Fudge Shoppe Mint Creme Filled Cookies are getting old, would you please come pick them up, by the way the interest is killing you ;).
Interest? And, just how would that work?
ManicMonday here, snafu asked me to come on over.

Don't know if I will have a lot of time to chat, or post....but good to see some of you again.
ManicMonday said:
ManicMonday here, snafu asked me to come on over.

Don't know if I will have a lot of time to chat, or post....but good to see some of you again.

Hey MM, welcome to the joint. Long time, no read.:D
ManicMonday said:
ManicMonday here, snafu asked me to come on over.

Don't know if I will have a lot of time to chat, or post....but good to see some of you again.
I sent you messages a while back to come on over.... I figured you didn't love us any more. :(