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My nic is diamond and none of you know me. I got the link off Beavers Blog and am known as unconcerned on the flame boards.
So here I am on a little goodwill mission spreading a little joy and happiness wherever I go (and relief whenever I go).

I gather this board kind of rose out of GF? What happened there?
Good morning All......

Skategreen here.

GF was the first and only board I ever really visited. Dropped by one day and then challenged to stay by the gauntlets hurled by Phreak. "Off Topic Forum" sounds a bit more tailored to the postings I'm inclined to. ... I'z never one much for playing in the seamier side of GF.

I don't do Role Playing Poster Posings. Whatcha see is whatcha get -

I'm much pleased to have this new board with old friends coming round.
..and you're all invited over for tea. (exit 66 North off the LIE)

My handle is timesjoke, I took it from the song Time, by Pink Floyd where it talks of the way people do their best to beat time, but in the end, time always wins.

I found this forum just randomly searching, I hope I like it here.
timesjoke said:

My handle is timesjoke, I took it from the song Time, by Pink Floyd where it talks of the way people do their best to beat time, but in the end, time always wins.

I found this forum just randomly searching, I hope I like it here.
Out of curiosity, which key phrase did you use to find this site?

Bender said:
Out of curiosity, which key phrase did you use to find this site?


I ended up on a home page that did not seem to work and clicked on help tab where the comment talked of this forum with a link, so I followed the link to here.
timesjoke said:
I ended up on a home page that did not seem to work and clicked on help tab where the comment talked of this forum with a link, so I followed the link to here.

Way to completely avoid the 'key phrase' question... Unless that was your key phrase, in which case I would have to question what the hell you were looking for.
ToriAllen said:
Way to completely avoid the 'key phrase' question... Unless that was your key phrase, in which case I would have to question what the hell you were looking for.

Thanks for the warm welcome ;)

I was looking up forums and I tend to have several searches going when I am randomly looking around. I have no idea of my original search parameters because after I applied for an account, I closed the tab and waited for my activation email. If I had known you guys wanted that information I would have kept it, sorry if I somehow messed up in your eyes.
timesjoke said:
Thanks for the warm welcome ;)

I was looking up forums and I tend to have several searches going when I am randomly looking around. I have no idea of my original search parameters because after I applied for an account, I closed the tab and waited for my activation email. If I had known you guys wanted that information I would have kept it, sorry if I somehow messed up in your eyes.

Well, I guess you'll know better for next time won't you?:rolleyes:
Timesjoke is referring to the link shared on the homepage of GF. He tried to sign up as a member at GF, and it wouldn't let him.

Welcome Timesjoke!
timesjoke said:

My handle is timesjoke, I took it from the song Time, by Pink Floyd where it talks of the way people do their best to beat time, but in the end, time always wins.

I found this forum just randomly searching, I hope I like it here.

I hope you like it here too. It might look baron but that?s because it?s a new board. So lets get the party started!

Welcome aboard.
snafu said:
I hope you like it here too. It might look baron but that?s because it?s a new board. So lets get the party started!

Welcome aboard.

Thanks, things look to be shaping up nicely.
Well here I am. What on earth happened at GF ? First some Aussie Bint Mod tells me I'm no longer welcome. Then I'm told to change my log-in name, - or else.Then I can't access the site.

See what happens if you leave a woman in charge of anything - Mayhem ...
sheik-yerbouti said:
Well here I am. What on earth happened at GF ? First some Aussie Bint Mod tells me I'm no longer welcome. Then I'm told to change my log-in name, - or else.Then I can't access the site.

See what happens if you leave a woman in charge of anything - Mayhem ...

I beg to differ, my dear. A woman was 'in charge' for many years and things went just fine.

Two women if you count Bender...:D
ToriAllen said:
I beg to differ, my dear. A woman was 'in charge' for many years and things went just fine.

Two women if you count Bender...:D

Just kidding Tori

Who's going to tell Phreak that in colloquial English - British usage, a bender is a gay man ?
sheik-yerbouti said:
Just kidding Tori

Who's going to tell Phreak that in colloquial English - British usage, a bender is a gay man ?

He's referring to the character 'Bender' on the hit animated television show, Futurama who was a robot 'bending unit.' Haha.