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hmm, you sound allot like me, maybe we can argue some time, it might get interesting. now i think ill let phreakwars give you the official welcome bitch slapping
SP109 said:
Hi all,

My name is Peter Eater and I'm 14 years old today (well technically yesterday).

Now, before I get completely shut down because of my age I urge you to give me a chance because every other message board has given me a chance and said that I am very mature for my age. Anyway, I'm interested in politics and like studying America's past politics. I would say I'm a pretty smart kid, but I do shitty in school because I don't care about it.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope I enjoy my stay here and it looks like an interesting place with this age span.

If you can type a ****ing sentence, we'll let your candy ass in.

14 years old huh ??

Every 14 year old I know is nothing but a smart mouthed IDIOT.

Yes... IDIOT suits you well, you will be proclaimed an IDIOT for 48 hours bitch.

Your ability to START a post, and use the shoutbox are temporarily disabled.But you can still respond to posts.

Impress me, and I might make it less Idiot boy.

Use your ****ing brain and we won't have a problem, is that understood you little **** smoker ??

And finally.... WELCOME TO GF......Bitch
Is this how you greet all your members? I'll take on your challenge.

Also, I'm not a homosexual, so cut the ****.
SP109 said:
Hi all,

My name is Pete and I'm 14 years old today (well technically yesterday).
I am very mature for my age. Anyway, I'm interested in politics and like studying America's past politics. I would say I'm a pretty smart kid, but I do shitty in school because I don't care about it.
Hi Pete my name is Carl and I'm 57 years old (well technically I'm 57 years and 11 months if you count back to when dad pinned mom). I'm very immature for my age. I majored in **** and ass in school. Yes let's talk politics! Mispel sum wurds and use i for I and u for you or everyone will think you really like school and are a faggot.
Crispy Critter said:
Hi Pete,

My name is ASSHOLE and I'm 57 years old and suffering from early onset of ALZHEIMERS DISEASE coupled with incurable Syphilis. Have I told you the story of when dad pinned mom? He still says it was the biggest mistake he ever made!

I'm very immature for my age and everybody can see it!

I majored in **** and ass in school. (Fat boys with **** and lots of sloppy hairy ass - love to lick those little bastards)

Yes let's talk politics! What is politics anyway?

Misspell sum wurds like i do and you can look just as stuped az i doze.

I'm sorry you like school because I sucked at it.

You should be aware that I am a child molester forced out of the continental USA to the penal island of Puerto Rico. :eek:

Welcome to GF!
SP109 said:
Hi all,

My name is Peter Eater, and I'm 23 years old today (well technically I'm 14 but my fake passport says 23).

Now, before I get completely **** packed by Vortex, I urge you to give me a chance to blow you, because every other message board has given me a chance, and said that I am very tight when I suck. Anyway, I'm interested in pole stroking and like studying America's ass politics. I would say I'm a pretty well endowed kid, but I do **** packing in school because I don't care who watches.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope I enjoy my stay here and it looks like an interesting place with this age span.

hmm, yes...welcome to GF.
Hey,im a new memeber here too. I found this site by accident aswell. Im not too pissed off today so this will most likely be my only post for today. I just wanted to say hey and i hope your not too hard on me when i do post :D
GF, is never hard on ANYBODY who knows how to think for themselves, keep this in mind, and you'll have a blast flaming something or someone.

WELCOME.......for now
your a frikken idiot kid said:
Hey,im a new memeber here too. I found this site by accident aswell. Im not too pissed off today so this will most likely be my only post for today. I just wanted to say hey and i hope your not too hard on me when i do post :D
Jersey sucks? I really liked Jersey but I was a hayseed import from WV. I learned quickly from an Italian guy to go to Newark and stand on the corner and ask every girl that came by if they want to ****? Get slapped a couple times, ignored 700 times and then that one would say yes!

I liked to go to the international clubs and pick up the British and Irish girls that worked for millionaires on an indentured contract. I ran a deal for several months where a girl who had off Tuesday night and her friend who had off Thursday night didn't realize I was seeing them both. Nice digs to visit a lady when the rich guy takes the wife to NYC to a play.

I lived near Princeton and there was an abundance of rich people there with rich brat kids so my friend and I would go party cruising and crash parties...just put on the right garb and follow the crowd, look down your nose when someone ask who invited you and answer whatever Todd or Jessica and ignore them as you do a few joints or drink up their beer, swim in their pools and eat their food. And, later when they are wasted choose one to shag.
im new and live in alaska, which alone PISSES ME OFF. not to mention almost every other aspect in life. cant wait to start bitchin. thanks.