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snafu said:
I see you finally got out of prison.:p


I don't know if I should be more horrified at the photoshopped picture... or at the fact that you HAVE my picture. :p
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TheJenn88 said:
Yes, another Canadian. And before you know it, we'll be taking over! Bwahaha. :cool:

You know, it's hard to believe 5 years have gone by since I first met some of you guys. A few years ago I disappeared from GF, and when I checked back after a while, it was in quite a different state (i.e. non-existant). What happened?

I too went AWOL from GF for a bit and it was gone when I tried to go back. Later Phreak led me here.

As for what happened Cloaked/Bob explains it pretty much in this thread...

http://Off Topic Topic Forum-bs.html
jhony5 said:
Bitten by a rabid dingo. He was last seen foaming at the mouth and humping a blow up George Bush doll.

Quite sad really.

You know me too well Jhony. Only dubya does it for me. :cool:

The only reason I'm not in the photo is that I had to take the picture. Well that and I wear a black hat.
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What gets me about that night was I know builder was happy and RO had to think about keeping his hat on but how in the hell did fullauto do it?
snafu said:

The only reason I'm not in the photo is that I had to take the picture. Well that and I wear a black hat.

I bet that pic was much less homo before Brokeback Mountain...
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Hi I'm ren and I'm signing in. Lovely board you have here. Think I'll make myself comfy :p
Thx for the welcome. Good to meet people that think (are warped) like me :eek:
Oh edit: Got some welcomes from some of your female as well. We are going to have so much fun here together. ;p
Thanks for letting me know my females are getting out of hand.

They will be dealt with.
Listen you overblown penguin. I sprang, sprung, popped or twisted my ribs yesterday or I'd be back on my mission to pull them out from under your thumb , yes I would. People don't try childproof caps at home. :blink: