It's simply not the course I would choose to follow. Sheesh.
Because your always the one dishing out the abuse, you have never had to be constantly bombarded by it the way I am by people like eddo.
Not necessarily. As I labored to point out previously, there are other co-morbidities that can be taken into consideration to be approved for gastric surgery. My doctor and I had a lengthy discussion about it and decided it would be a successful option for me....and it has.
If your going to have a need for surgery to remove the flabby skin your severely over weight.
What, were you going to stand on my back while I did pushups while barking orders and insults at me between bites of a Philly sandwich with extra cheese and big gulps of sweet tea?
I guess leading by example is only something OTHERS should do, huh.
What idocy are you talking Ali? I am not obese, you think being 150 pounds overweight is the same as being 10 or 15 pounds?
What do you think refined sugar does? Make big, bulging muscles? All it is good for is creating fat. I'm saying is that if your doctor said you should drop some extra weight, then refined sugar is not helping your cause.
Sugar is potential energy that burns off fast, an active person will burn off refined surgar almost completely, but if your already severely over weight then yes, it is more harmful because your already stressing your system as it is. In face, many very fat people get diabetes as a result and many of those get over diabetes when they lose the excessive weight.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh bullsh!t. That's an excuse wrapped in a an alibi and shrouded in self-justification.
Funny how it's ok for your doctor to be sympathetic to your "unique" situation but mine, according to you, was enabling me.
Your massively overweight Ali. You cannot compare yourself to someone who is not.
I guess you don't know that most people with thyroid problems easily get past it with medication.
Well, that's very interesting as well. I made healthy food choices before my surgery and exercised, but it wasn't enough. I was never a huge, binging eater so when I tried diets like Nutri-system they didn't work because the amount of food they recommended (reduced intake to result in weight loss) was roughly the amount I was already consuming so it was pointless for me to continue with their program.
Diets never work. Look at the nutri-system commercials, they show someone lost 30 pounds and in small letters they say "results not typical".....what....losing weight is not typical?
Of course not, you have to change your lifestyle, a "diet" is you punnishing yourself, putting your mouth on restriction and it never works for the very obese.
I do understand the concept of restriction, so I tried medications to help me combat hunger when I severely reduced my caloric intake, but they left me feeling edgy and jittery. I'm very sensitive to medications and there was no way I was willing to take them over the long term.
Because of my sh!tty metabolism and family history, the doctor and I decided that gastric surgery would allow me to have the severe restriction I needed without constant hunger pangs that typically cause most diets to fail.
The problem is your hand bringing food to your mouth, I'm sorry to be blunt but your little attempt to try and make us sound the same is lame to the extreme. I am about to turn 44 years old and have a few extra pounds, I am not obese.
But, yes my own extra weight is because of the same reason, my hand puts food into my mouth, that is my fault, we are just talking much different degrees and mine is not dangering my health, yours was.
What? You don't like giving up everything and feeling hunger pangs? Do you find that to be an uncomfortable experience?
All you need to do is practice a little self control. I'm sure the discomfort would go away in NO time.
Yet I was admonished because I said once in awhile I allow myself treats and I liked to drink beer on occasion. You told me that one treat and one beer was TOO MUCH if I was "serious" about losing weight.
Fukking hypocrite.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself Ali, your better than this.
You were severely over weight, I am not, my colesterol was high and now I have it down below what my doctor wants me to keep it......I am healthy, I am active, and I keep myself checked on a regular basis.
I will do what I need to do and if I need to make a drastic loss of weight for my health I will do that because I have the will power to do what I "need" to do, but I see no reason to make drastic moves when I am healthy and not in danger.
You were in severe danger, for many years, your situation is nothing like mine. So your solutions are nothing like mine.
But, I am not saying your a bad person for getting the belt Ali, I was talking as a devil's advocate to show that surgery is a big, big step. You did what you feel is right and I support you on that, I don't think your a bad person for not having the ability to do this on your own, at least you were able to admit to yourself that you had an issue you could not handle and got the help you needed........I respect that more than you might think.
The important thing is to know that your going to finally get down to a healthy weight, your life expectancy is going to go way up with this and that is a good thing. Your self esteem is going to go way up because of this and that is a good thing. Your food bill is going way down and that is a good thing. I am sure the plus sizes cost more so your going to spend less on clothes.
Looks to me like everything in your life is going to get so much better by losing the weight, so good job, I'm proud of you for doing what you had to do.
Should I return the insults? Treat you the way you treat me? Maybe some fat jokes or talk about the muppet characters?
Maybe instead I will just say that I forgive you and maybe you can forgive me some day.