Newest Moderator


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Everybody give a welcome to RoyalOrleans as GF's newest Moderator, he will be replacing Master_Jaffer.
R.O. is a good choice
i would say may he rule with an iron fist, but an M82A3 would be more fun no? :D
OH GODS!!! I got my premium status just in time LMFAO Really though this could get VERY interesting LOL
Congrats RO,I won't deny I'm a little scared of this development too.I won't be messin' with you that's for sure.maybe a little.. ;)
Outlaw2747 said: to become a mod, how to become a mod... :confused:

Try growing an intellect as big as your ego ;) DOH!!!

OK so I have been reading the AIG Heugh thread too much lately!!!

Sorry man I couldn't let that go LOL
tizz said:
Try growing an intellect as big as your ego ;) DOH!!!

OK so I have been reading the AIG Heugh thread too much lately!!!

Sorry man I couldn't let that go LOL

Congratualtions on commenting on something you know nothing about because I do not have a large ego. Therefore I do not think I am better than anyone else on this site (besides the COMPLETE morons). So umm...try again.