Next Single: Shadow of the Day


New member
This supposedly comes out on the 8th, well a least the single, yet there is no tracklising. Hmm This isnt being built up as much as Bleed it Out or WID in my opinion, its kinda being quietly made...dum dum dum


New member
This supposedly comes out on the 8th, well a least the single, yet there is no tracklising. Hmm This isnt being built up as much as Bleed it Out or WID in my opinion, its kinda being quietly made...dum dum dum
It's not time to build it up yet lol.

Actually, my computer teacher played it today o_O Crazy. And people in the class said they had it on their iPod! :D



New member
You are crazy, Shadow of the Day is one of the best songs they have ever written. I am very surprised they chose it as a single, but it's genius. It really appeals to the public. I love it <3

Plus it's a total beast when played live right after In Pieces ^_^



New member
Psh, Hahn what the ****! It's a rip off of With or Without you, In my opinion it is the opposite of "the best song they have written" since in my mind, they definately didn't write, it's just the same **** as With or Without but more "Technical" as LP has been known to do. The song should be marked as a cover, not an original song.


New member
the vocal style is completely different I have no idea what you were going for there, the songs are are about two completely different subjects, the bass gives the song a different feel and tempo than shadow of the day, the guitars are somewhat similar, but have me listen to both and try to pass off linkin park as U2, or U2 as linkin park ill just look at you like you're a dumb ***.


New member
The singing styles are pretty much the same note wise, Bono is just a bit more Raw with his singing. and the overall music is pretty much the same, sure there are some differences, drum beat is still the same, and the guitar is highly repeatable. The songs have little or no difference.


New member
whatever, im not going to argue, you can be ****** at the world if you want i really dont care, id rather just enjoy the music


New member
I am not ****** at the world, I do not understand how you got that assumption, I am just merely stating the LARGE similarities between the two songs


New member
for me its still the crappest song theyve made ever, sure its a great performance song, but really, thats the only thing its got going for it, perhaps it'll make a good single cause its poppy and not at all rock, its like cashing in on Maroon 5's success with the soft rock thing, well ok its not anything like that, but really, in an album like MTM, to release a single like this? id have gunned LOATR,GU and NMS to round out the album, a solid 5 single release from an album that has caused so much division(well initially) woulda been the way to go...but oh well.


New member
One is LPOther is U2


OLEEE :D !!! Something clever for one time... I was desesperated seeing that everybody here was falling in the same "trap". Please, dont argue about something soo foolish like this, you're never going to get a equal point, 'cos we're into "likes's path" and everybody should know this "path" is sooo subjective. I think it shouldnt be a problem if one (or two, o three, or everybody which it isnt true in this case) doesnt like SOTD (although, dear DarknessLover, I think you should keep some adjectives *cough **** cough* for you. Nothing that implies work, in all senses, is this. I think it'd be better if you just add: I dont like this song, and I'm sure everybody here will be able to understand you. Sure. We arent dictators!! :) )

In definitevely, I think this thread was created to talk about this song, as we're doing now, but I think it's useless to argue about if you like more or if you think it doesnt deserve as a song. I hate comparisons, I really hate them. You cant compare two songs 'cos they are totally different; they talk us about different feelings, experiences... so, please, listen me (and Linkin_lp_park as well, btw): dont waste your lovely time arguing about something "without future". For me it's wasting time. I'd prefer to read about what you think of the lyrics, the rythm or the future vid!!! :D



New member
i gave up bothering to read your posts along time ago, it smashes of a massive condescending tone,even if you dont mean it,so sorry if i offended, but its annoying being called dear then told your wrong or to be told off,again,sorry if you dont actually mean to come off that way

SOTD? i want nothing to do with this next single. want a soft track to release? look no further than track 3, LOATR, it smacksdown SOTD any day of the week!



New member
You talk about what I said? Oh, it's ok if you dont read them, you dont take my life away from me if you think they've a massive condescending tone. Honestly I prefer to have this " massive condescending tone"... (btw, how can a thread have any tone when it hasnt sound?? Maybe you read it with this tone 'cos if not, I dont understand it... did I put a message where it said: read it with a massive condescending tone?? :confused: ) but, ok, ok... for the next time, I wont be boring, and I'll just say: you guys are losing your time arguing about something without ******* solutions, cos do taste have a objective solution? (Does it has a "massive condescending tone?)

P.S....when you find the answer, tell it to me!) ;)

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