One is LPOther is U2
!!! Something clever for one time... I was desesperated seeing that everybody here was falling in the same "trap". Please, dont argue about something soo foolish like this, you're never going to get a equal point, 'cos we're into "likes's path" and everybody should know this "path" is sooo subjective. I think it shouldnt be a problem if one (or two, o three, or everybody which it isnt true in this case) doesnt like SOTD (although, dear
DarknessLover, I think you should keep some adjectives *cough
**** cough* for you. Nothing that implies work, in all senses, is this. I think it'd be better if you just add: I dont like this song, and I'm sure everybody here will be able to understand you. Sure. We arent dictators!!
In definitevely, I think this thread was created to talk about this song, as we're doing now, but I think it's useless to argue about if you like more or if you think it doesnt deserve as a song. I hate comparisons, I really hate them. You cant compare two songs 'cos they are totally different; they talk us about different feelings, experiences... so, please, listen me (and
Linkin_lp_park as well, btw): dont waste your lovely time arguing about something "without future". For me it's wasting time. I'd prefer to read about what you think of the lyrics, the rythm or the future vid!!!