No, I'm not being a Cry Baby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Does anybody know who the heck this guy is? He is a pioneer member but does not appear to be very active:

http://Off Topic

I'm not being a whiny bitch or anything but I noticed he "bad repped" me immediately 3 times in a row. I have never had the heart to bad rep anyone so I am not sure how it works. Don't you have to spread rep around first?

If he is just messing with me or if he is a stealth mod (do they really exist?) then it's fine but I wasn't sure why he singled out my comments. Did anyone else get **** on by this turdlet?
Never seen or heard of the ****er. He hasn't posted **** since July. It might just be a common identity that all the mod's use just to **** with people. Seen it done many times. You never know.:confused:
Well, I just gave the turd monger some bad rep too. I wasn't going to at first if it had been just me but he did the same thing to my hos, Kath and Feck.

Did he get you too, Builder and Zuki?
Weird, don't you think? He can rep 2 to 3 times in a row....But yet, we can only rep once?
Phantom said:
Well, I just gave the turd monger some bad rep too. I wasn't going to at first if it had been just me but he did the same thing to my hos, Kath and Feck.

Did he get you too, Builder and Zuki?
Don't know if he got me or not. I don't keep up with the rep ****. It mean's nothing. I'm just here and that's it.:rolleyes:
Zukiman said:
Don't know if he got me or not. I don't keep up with the rep ****. It mean's nothing. I'm just here and that's it.:rolleyes:

Personally, I never really understood what rep does.
Phantom said:
Well, I just gave the turd monger some bad rep too. I wasn't going to at first if it had been just me but he did the same thing to my hos, Kath and Feck.

Did he get you too, Builder and Zuki?

That's the spirit. He got me once.

Must have used up his rep score.

If you go the full circle, meaning give rep to everyone, you get a fresh shot at it. That's where the three-shot comes in. ;)
RoyalOrleans said:
I didn't think you could give rep to a raging douche bag.

Raging douchebags are lower on my **** list than immature turdlets. ;)

I will need to choose my words more carefully in the future. Apparently my personality is not known well enough around here for me to get away with calling mods raging douchebags... even in jest. :D
Phantom said:
I will need to choose my words more carefully in the future. Apparently my personality is not known well enough around here for me to get away with calling mods raging douchebags... even in jest. :D
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