Non-English Speaking Americans?

Spanish is the most widely spoken language on the planet. It is a romantic langauge. You need to learn to speak it as a survival skill if nothing else. The folks that speak it are here to stay, with more on the way all the time. You canadians are not exempt either. Yous should be saying si instead of aa, it was just a little too far for them to walk. Nowadays they have cars and will make it up there! Besides the people that speak this language are generally smaller than you canadians, so you can fit a whole bunch in your country.
Jhony5 said:
I'm not sure what you mean by that rap artist comment?

took me a second to figure out why i said that as well :)

It was a reflection on how odd we can be. Saw a very handsome white man in a very nice suit get out of a lexus with gansta rap blaring... get out of the car and proceed to talk to his friends in the most refined ghetto talk ever.

i couldnt help but stare at these white folks act like they were living in the hood and trying to make it. if you closed you eyes you woulda been in harlem...

basically we are strange people......
hopeUslide said:
Spanish is the most widely spoken language on the planet. It is a romantic langauge. You need to learn to speak it as a survival skill if nothing else. The folks that speak it are here to stay, with more on the way all the time. You canadians are not exempt either. Yous should be saying si instead of aa, it was just a little too far for them to walk. Nowadays they have cars and will make it up there! Besides the people that speak this language are generally smaller than you canadians, so you can fit a whole bunch in your country.

****ing retard.

I don't need to learn to speak that ****ing garbage. I don't see many spics in my travels. The ones I run into are illiterate scum that come into my store and want to ask me where the bread and milk are. And all they get is ignored. You almost sound threatening in your opinion on foreigners who poise themselves as handi-capped by not learning the language of the country they are illegaly invading. Its the ****iness of people like you who insist that its the responsibility of Americans to cater to illegals. People don't seem to understand, if you can't speak english, then your likely here illegaly.

I get so ****ing mad when people complain about getting beat up by border patrol while trying to sneak into America. After 9/11 America should kick the life out of ANYONE trying to sneak in.
I'm sorta glad to live in Canada! It's harder to immigrate illegally unless you're skipping from Mexico, to USA, and then to Canada.
In Canada, we have two official languages - English and French. It's almost a standard that you speak either fluently. Even if you're in a typical all-English speaking community, if you speak french, we'll bend over backwards to accomodate. If you don't speak either, people will just look at you and wonder why the hell you got citizenship. If people are going to live in my country, they are going to speak my languages. If they don't, fine, learn, but they should not be allowed to work in public service.

I'm acutally ashamed, as a Canadian, not to be fully fluent in French. When dealing with French people, I feel embarrassed, because it is an official language, and most French-Canadians know English very well, if not perfectly. But for me, it's almost an unspoken rule that whether you speak English or French, you are welcome - but if you don't, good luck. We'll try and help you, but don't get in our way.
hopeUslide said:
Spanish is the most widely spoken language on the planet. It is a romantic langauge. You need to learn to speak it as a survival skill if nothing else. The folks that speak it are here to stay, with more on the way all the time. You canadians are not exempt either. Yous should be saying si instead of aa, it was just a little too far for them to walk. Nowadays they have cars and will make it up there! Besides the people that speak this language are generally smaller than you canadians, so you can fit a whole bunch in your country.

IT'S CHINESE!! Get you're facts straight. And it's funny when you try and make fun of us Canadians, but it's just idiotic when you screw up... IT'S EH.

1 Mandarin
2 Spanish
3 English
4 Arabic
5 Bengali
6 Hindi
7 Portuguese
8 Russian
9 Japanese
10 German

But, I will give you credit, you were close. ;)
Hamza123 said:
IT'S CHINESE!! Get you're facts straight. And it's funny when you try and make fun of us Canadians, but it's just idiotic when you screw up... IT'S EH.

1 Mandarin
2 Spanish
3 English
4 Arabic
5 Bengali
6 Hindi
7 Portuguese
8 Russian
9 Japanese
10 German

But, I will give you credit, you were close. ;)

This all fits into the 'who gives a **** catagory'. I don't care what ****ing language is the most widely used. If you don't speak my language and we are both in my country, then I want you to leave my space.

As a side note:You Canadians are awful touchy about your slang, eh !
So hope, let me get this straight. YOu have no respect for French speakes and think Spanish is the end all be all.
What idiot you are...another asshole that we have to babysit.
hopeUslide said:
EH,si,we, its all the same to me. When your womens talk it its kinda sexy though.

Thats Oui, not we... I don't wither he's keeping a steady pace or is getting dumber by the minute?

If you're going to slanderize and be an asshole atleast go about it intelligently!
eisanbt said:
Thats Oui, not we... I don't wither he's keeping a steady pace or is getting dumber by the minute?

If you're going to slanderize and be an asshole atleast go about it intelligently!

LOL< eisan, your asking this person who sounds like he speaks Spanish and English to also have a clue about French, highly unlikely...
He comes off that he looks down on everyone who does not speak, I wonder how that plays in day to day life...
As many times as Ive been corrected on my linguistic abilities, Im sensing that there are bi-lingaul non-americans, bi-lingaul americans, and those who sell to those that are neither.
hopeUslide said:
As many times as Ive been corrected on my linguistic abilities, Im sensing that there are bi-lingaul non-americans, bi-lingaul americans, and those who sell to those that are neither.

Say again wha...?
HopeUslide said:
As many times as Ive been corrected on my linguistic abilities, Im sensing that there are bi-lingaul non-americans, bi-lingaul americans, and those who sell to those that are neither.
Ding! Fries are ready!
You know why I love to come here??
I get to talk **** with people, hear other peoples view, chat with people that I will never have the opportunity to meet in person.
I also get to sharpen my grammar, spelling and debating skills,
HOPE you need to seize that opportunity...NOW
hopeUslide said:
Well then, take them, take them all to canada and teach them french eh!!!

Why would we take them all to Canada? They should stay in their own country with their own language. I don't know where you come from, but if it isn't Canada, stay there, and if it is, leave.

hopeUslide said:
EH,si,we, its all the same to me. When your womens talk it its kinda sexy though.

If you're going to try and argue a point, for the love of God, at LEAST understand what you're arguing, and hold it at the same face value as your own opinion.
It's OUI, not we :) Someone has already probably pointed that out by now, though.

You can't honestly expect people to take you seriously when you're hardly literate in the language spoken here.
It is true that immagration made America what it is today, but what do we stand to make America into if we continue to allow the open door policy to exist? We all beared witness to the fact that America was an easy target to Saudi nationals when they used our welcome mat to wipe their bloody feet on.
Aside from terrorism there are other problems that have come from allowing foreign peoples to walk in unchecked. Specificaly Mexicans. My next door neighbor happens to be Mexican. He has his own contracting business, a nice house and all that. This is a guy that is not only helping to make his own life better, but helping to make American society better. However he came here legaly with the intention to not sponge of the taxpayers. This is not the case when they sneak across our border and follow the 'How to suck America dry' handbook.
I say we stop deporting them one at a time only when they break the law. Its time to round 'em up. Mass deportations are in order. Watch the crime rate drop. In America, we have our own share of scum and we don't need more of them.