Non-English Speaking Americans?

Jhony5 said:
It is true that immagration made America what it is today, but what do we stand to make America into if we continue to allow the open door policy to exist? We all beared witness to the fact that America was an easy target to Saudi nationals when they used our welcome mat to wipe their bloody feet on.
Aside from terrorism there are other problems that have come from allowing foreign peoples to walk in unchecked. Specificaly Mexicans. My next door neighbor happens to be Mexican. He has his own contracting business, a nice house and all that. This is a guy that is not only helping to make his own life better, but helping to make American society better. However he came here legaly with the intention to not sponge of the taxpayers. This is not the case when they sneak across our border and follow the 'How to suck America dry' handbook.
I say we stop deporting them one at a time only when they break the law. Its time to round 'em up. Mass deportations are in order. Watch the crime rate drop. In America, we have our own share of scum and we don't need more of them.

America needs to slam the ****in door before our "open door immigration policy" is our end. As far as this one sided diplomatic relationship we have with Mexico goes, that needs to stop. You guys have no idea what kinds of things happen to Americans in Mexico and sometimes just at the boarder coming and going. Did you know its illegal to take an American car to Mexico and sell it, if they think your doing that, they can take your car at the boarder, you will never see it again and you will not get any money for it either. If they suspect you are smuggling, they don't have to have any proof, your in jail, no passing go, no collecting $200. People have been jailed for buying non narcotic medications they needed for their health, some to die later in a Mexican prison. They care so much for their diplomatic relationship...yea right.
One of the entertainments for boarder towns is going down and watch the Mexicans swim the river at night...nice.
I didn't realize until after 9-11 that some countries do not have passports and their people were allowed to enter without an official passport??????? They had some kind of paperwork but nothing like our passports. It was only after 9-11 that they were talking about standardizing such things.
I think peoples passports should have finger prints, blood types all kinds of **** on them. These passports should be tied to the same information that can be accessed by the country your trying to enter. I think some countries should not be eligible to enter with the simple visa waiver. I think people should have to file paperwork for entry...If you have nothing to hide then you shouldn't mind...
OH MY GOD !!! no wonder we were ****ed.
Osama himself could swim that same channel and no one would be any wiser. Oversensativity towards minorities has weakened America. Think about it. If dirty Sanchez and his 15 family members can cross over untouched then so can Al Quida operatives. Its not that this is'nt a known issue. But those charged with protecting our borders are choking on red tape. And that red tape is put up by those whom wish to not offend minorities.
Jhony5 said:
Osama himself could swim that same channel and no one would be any wiser. Oversensativity towards minorities has weakened America. Think about it. If dirty Sanchez and his 15 family members can cross over untouched then so can Al Quida operatives. Its not that this is'nt a known issue. But those charged with protecting our borders are choking on red tape. And that red tape is put up by those whom wish to not offend minorities.

But who would you get to scrub your dunnies and clean your houses, and sweep your streets? Gotta let some of them in. I hear you have like a Green Card lottery? Is that right? How many winners per year are there?
builder said:
But who would you get to scrub your dunnies and clean your houses, and sweep your streets? Gotta let some of them in. I hear you have like a Green Card lottery? Is that right? How many winners per year are there?

WTF are dunnies???

Must be an Aussie thang. Maybe we should hire the illegals to stand by the border and kick the **** out of other illegals. Keep the blood off our hands.

Seriously though, theres this car wash by the mall in Greenwood called Kopetskys carwash. 15 years ago you would see a dozen or more American teens out there washing cars for their summer job. Now a days its nothing, and I mean nothing but Mexicans. This same problem is echoed throughout our country. Believe it or not there are plenty of unemployed Americans that would do the dirty work. Why bother hiring them when you could hire Mexicans to do it happily for bottom dollar?
Dunnies are public toilets. Which lends itself nicely to another Aussie saying, "she bangs like a dunny door". Work that one out for yourself.

Importing cheap labour sources makes the rich richer, and devalues the lower end of the pay scales, keeping the dirt-poor trailer trash right where the rich like to see them. :cool:
I know in California's state Constitution it names English as the official language of California, but I don't believe there are any laws that enforce that, and there are constatnly bills to require contracts and the like to be provided in many different languages.

My opinion however is that ALL LEGAL DOCUMENTS should be in English and all signs should be required to be in English as well. No immigrant is required to learn how to speak English, but to function they must at least learn some. To have a cohesive, effective nation you require a common language. As a Californian who's learning Spanish I find it quite useful. And I note an interesting thing, in the Bay area at least where you see many signs in asian languages and hear many different languages spoken, the children are being sent to learn how to speak those languages so they can converse with their parents or grandparents who cannot speak English. Within the next few decades I think only Spanish and English will be the competing languages, and if all legal things are in English, that's good enough for me.
Hell i'm tired of going to wal-mart(i could stop there) but anyway, and having to spin a product 4 different ways to find the label in English. Think of what the cops have to put up with.