Obama remark on black scholar's arrest angers cops


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The greater responsibility lies with the person with the most power. That is the official of government. Those who wish to allow government run amuck, such as you TJ, are the socialists.
From Locke's Second Treatise:
Who had the most power Hugo?

The cop or the racist black man with a racist President in his pocket?

Responsibility is responsibility Hugo, you cannot hold one accountable and the other not becuase as in this case, it was the irresponsibility of person, not the cop that put the dominos in motion.

My point is responsibility, responsibility to "NOT" start **** that the officer must now have to deal with. Only the professor was acting from hate, but you seem to support hatred of the police.

You like to parise Milton Friedman a lot, do you think he would have even been cought screaming at a cop on his front porch?



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I think Milton Friedman could talk a cop into arresting himself.
Well your most likely right, I have been a big fan of his for many years.

My point to Hugo is Friedman was the very definition of anti-big government and yet he conducted himself with logic and dignity at all times. He never gave anyone the chance to say he was ever in the wrong. I have watched many debates he had where people were not happy with his words but his self-control and calm logic kept those who were very unhappy with him calm as well.

You cannot act like a madman and suddenly get upset when your treated like the madman your behaving like.



New member
!8 year old is smoking dope in his room. Dad walks in an shoots the kid between the eyes with a .45. Who is most responsible?


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!8 year old is smoking dope in his room. Dad walks in an shoots the kid between the eyes with a .45. Who is most responsible?
What the **** is that supposed to be saying Hugo?

You can't keep trying to divert attention away from the only person who is responsible for what happened Hugo, nice try but I will not let you get away with that.

The first responsibility each of us has is to ourselves. If this man could not respect himself enough to not cause this kind of out of control public display, that is his fault, not the cop's. You want to blams the cop for the person acting like an Azz, I am sorry but responsibility and even respect is a two way street. Both parties must be equally responsible and respectful of each other or the void will be balanced by the other.

In this case the professor did not meet to his responsibility, so the officer had to provide the balance.

Imagine how much better everything would have been if the Professor had been more responsible for himself.



New member
Analogies are wasted on the stupid.

The Professor's next book is gonna sell a lot more copies.



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Analogies are wasted on the stupid.
The Professor's next book is gonna sell a lot more copies.
Or the socialist at heart tries to use irrelivant analogies to change the subject where the smart man keeps on topic.

I ask you again, would Milton Friedman ever be seen acting in such a dispicable way as this professor was to an officer hugo?

And of course his book will sell millions of copies, this is one of the core reasons race pimps like him and Obama do these things, to make massive amounts of money.

And people like you support their socialist agenda by wanting to offer them support and protection of their antics. Makes you one of them hugo.



New member
And people like you support their socialist agenda by wanting to offer them support and protection of their antics. Makes you one of them hugo.
Supporting the First Amendment does not make Hugo a socialist, TJ.



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Supporting the First Amendment does not make Hugo a socialist, TJ.
The ACLU says the exact same thing all the time, so hugo is now in the same league as the ACLU, another socialist group.

The first amanedment does not protect disturbing of the peace, the officer was doing his job, at no time did the officer ever behave in a disrespectful way but the professor still cast verbal abuse on the officer without cause. Then the out of control and disrespectful professor took his abuse out into the public, where the officer was forced to act.

The one person who could have avoided everything was the professor, but instead the professor decided to abuse someone who was only doing his job.

hugo is saying anything done to a Government official, no matter how unwarrented is fair and reasonable because he hates the police, just like these other socialists he is defending.



New member
The first amanedment does not protect disturbing of the peace, the officer was doing his job, at no time did the officer ever behave in a disrespectful way but the professor still cast verbal abuse on the officer without cause. Then the out of control and disrespectful professor took his abuse out into the public, where the officer was forced to act.
The one person who could have avoided everything was the professor, but instead the professor decided to abuse someone who was only doing his job.

hugo is saying anything done to a Government official, no matter how unwarrented is fair and reasonable because he hates the police, just like these other socialists he is defending.
The First Amendment defends socialists, much to my detriment, too.

And *** loves socialists as much as he loves his capitalists, communists, et. al.

Or.... so I am told.



Active Members
The First Amendment defends socialists, too.
And *** loves socialists.
But this is not a first amandment case or example, it is just another azzhole blowing up at the police without justification.



New member

She should have been responsible and swept the floor.

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Active Members
Hey hugo, how about my question????

"I ask you again, would Milton Friedman ever be seen acting in such a dispicable way as this professor was to an officer hugo?"

It seems like your dodging my point about the right or wrong way to resist Government, screaming racist remarks at a cop from your porch would be a wrong method.



New member
It seems like your dodging my point about the right or wrong way to resist Government, screaming racist remarks at a cop from your porch would be a wrong method.
There is no right or wrong way to resist government: there is only punishment for those who can not publicly embarass the institution.



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There is no right or wrong way to resist government: there is only punishment for those who can not publicly embarass the institution.
So if the professor had shot the cop instead of just scream at him that still would not be wrong?

Of course there is a right and wrong way to do everything.

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