Obama's "Bitter" Comment Halts Momentum

> >> WE KNOW you are ignorant rednecks and hillbillies and the main reason
> >> that we have a retarded chimp, squatting in the whitehouse,
> >> destroying this nation.

Tell me, Amanda, since you have such utter contempt for hillbillies,
why do you write like one?
In article <Xns9A80CA6D277D2fubar@>,
Amanda Williams <pms@fu.com> wrote:

> "bvallely@aol.com" <bvallely@aol.com> allegedly said in
> news:eab22524-40a3-4740-86a6-bd78127aae47@q1g2000prf.googlegroups.com:
> > .
> >> "I was able to studied" ?

> > .
> >> Geez... ClayDOH!! you (MISSPELLING) manage to hide all that education
> >> very well.

> > .
> >> From your posts we all assumed (THAT) you lived in a trailer in
> >> Bum****, Arkanas or in some redneck/hillbilly shithole like texass
> >> (MISSPELLING) and survived on welfare.

> > .
> >> Amazing... is your name really Clay ????

> > .
> >> As for The Obama? I suspect he is falling into the trap of starting
> >> to believe his own propoganda. (MISSPELLING)

> > .
> >> But I do find it funny that reichtards, (MISSPELLING) whose whole
> >> ethos is about slavishly sucking big corporate dick and pissing all
> >> over ordinary folks in the process, should be accusing ANYBODY of
> >> being "elitist"...

> > .
> > And yet you feel comfortable attacking Clay for a very minor typo.
> > Amazing, indeed.
> >

> WTF are you babbling about valleyLOON ???

You're even more bitter.

In article <sP-dneDz9_3mn5nVnZ2dnUVZ_qidnZ2d@comcast.com>,
"robw" <noddy093@comcast.net> wrote:

> I would point out that you've posted many more times than Amanda has these
> last couple months.

And you've posted even more times.

Not that I disapprove. it's your excessive time on your computer that
allows your wife and me our intimate time together.

Thank you.
> > > None of those ****ing inbred rednecks were going to vote for him
> anyways...

> > Considering your extremely limited literary skills, where do you get
> > off calling anyone a redneck?

> First off, Amanda is absolutely correct.
> Those people in Western Pa.(SPACE BETWEEN WORDS NEEDED) ere (SPELLING MISTAKE) never going to vote for Obama anyway.

Except that they WERE voting for Obama, until he implied that they
were inbred hillbillies.

Remember? You bragged constantly that Obama was ahead in Penn? Now,
according to one poll, Hussein has dropped twenty points last week

> But then you have to puff up and talk about literary skills?

Of course.
> You edited a porno comic.

An internationally published porno comic.
> You got away with this bollocks (SPELLING MISTAKE) before.

You've tried to make that an issue, and wound up sounding like a
small, bitter child who was intensely jealous of anyone who's made
something of his life.

After all, it's not like you've ever been published.
> > > How as what he said an insult.

> > I don't know, Bizarro Clark Kent; how AS what he said an insult?
> > .

> "how AS"????

I admit that it's a mess - but you wrote it.
> You make it sooooo easy..

Make exactly WHAT "easy"? And when are you going to do this "easy"
In article
"bvallely@aol.com" <bvallely@aol.com> wrote:

> .
> > >> WE KNOW you are ignorant rednecks and hillbillies and the main reason
> > >> that we have a retarded chimp, squatting in the whitehouse,
> > >> destroying this nation.

> .
> Tell me, Amanda, since you have such utter contempt for hillbillies,
> why do you write like one?

She's stupider than one?
"My joke are actually funny."

you posted that .

Were you drinking when you posted that?

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > I would point out that you've posted many more times than Amanda has

> > last couple months.

> .
> I produce sparkling prose, while hers resembles the wailing heard in
> any lower class detox center.
In article <QOqdnfwDeJ-jmJnVnZ2dnUVZ_hGdnZ2d@comcast.com>,
"robw" <noddy093@comcast.net> wrote:

> First off, Amanda is absolutely incorrect.

Finally you get something right.
In article
"bvallely@aol.com" <bvallely@aol.com> wrote:

> .
> > Ah yes, Obama will loose (IT'S "LOSE", NOT "LOOSE", YOU IDIOT) the election
> > but the Repubs won't take back Congress.>

> .
> Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that you were every bit as certain
> Obama was a slam dunk to win the White House?

don't confuse the idiot robw with inconvenient facts.
Actually, no.

please post where I said Obama would win or where i ever said I've voted for
a dem presidential candidate.

Put it right here----------

You're not going take back Congress.

No less than FNC admits that.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > Ah yes, Obama will loose (IT'S "LOSE", NOT "LOOSE", YOU IDIOT) the

election but the Repubs won't take back Congress.>
> .
> Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that you were every bit as certain
> Obama was a slam dunk to win the White House?
> .
> > You're like the little dog that chases the car.

> .
> In case you haven't notice, McCain is the little dog who caught the
> car, ate the driver and is now roaring down the I-15 for a Hell of a
> weekend in Vegas.
She doesn't write like a hillbilly.

She kicks your ass you impotent ****.

Hey, is your Viagra under your name or are you like your impotent hero
who,has his under another name?????

You made it so easy.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > >> WE KNOW you are ignorant rednecks and hillbillies and the main reason
> > >> that we have a retarded chimp, squatting in the whitehouse,
> > >> destroying this nation.

> .
> Tell me, Amanda, since you have such utter contempt for hillbillies,
> why do you write like one?
No, those counties were never going to vote for Obama.

Red neck gun places?

Are you for real?

Here's your big problem.

You might win the WH but you have no chance at taking back Congress.

If fact, no less than FNC has allowed you might loose seats.

You do realise what that means?????

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> > > > None of those ****ing inbred rednecks were going to vote for him

> > anyways...

> .
> > > Considering your extremely limited literary skills, where do you get
> > > off calling anyone a redneck?

> .
> > First off, Amanda is absolutely correct.
> > Those people in Western Pa.(SPACE BETWEEN WORDS NEEDED) ere (SPELLING

MISTAKE) never going to vote for Obama anyway.
> .
> Except that they WERE voting for Obama, until he implied that they
> were inbred hillbillies.
> Remember? You bragged constantly that Obama was ahead in Penn? Now,
> according to one poll, Hussein has dropped twenty points last week
> alone.
> > But then you have to puff up and talk about literary skills?

> .
> Of course.
> .
> > You edited a porno comic.

> .
> An internationally published porno comic.
> .
> > You got away with this bollocks (SPELLING MISTAKE) before.

> .
> You've tried to make that an issue, and wound up sounding like a
> small, bitter child who was intensely jealous of anyone who's made
> something of his life.
> After all, it's not like you've ever been published.
I've been doing it for the last ten week.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > > > How as what he said an insult.

> .
> > > I don't know, Bizarro Clark Kent; how AS what he said an insult?
> > > .

> .
> > "how AS"????

> .
> I admit that it's a mess - but you wrote it.
> .
> > You make it sooooo easy..

> .
> Make exactly WHAT "easy"? And when are you going to do this "easy"
> thing?
In article <hal.i.burton-AF3F5A.21364314042008@comcast.dca.giganews.com>, hal.i.burton@hotmail.com says...
> In article
> <1cd680a2-b3f1-404b-b1c1-26aa86680fdd@x41g2000hsb.googlegroups.com>,
> "John B." <johnb505@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 14, 9:03
> "My joke are actually funny."

> you posted that .

Because it's true. You, on the other hand, can't write a laundry
> Were you drinking when you posted that?

Sorry, I don't drink. Don't need to.
> > > > > How as what he said an insult.
> > .
> > > > I don't know, Bizarro Clark Kent; how AS what he said an insult?
> > > > .

> > .
> > > "how AS"????

> > I admit that it's a mess - but you wrote it.

> > > You make it sooooo easy..

> > Make exactly WHAT "easy"?
> She doesn't write like a hillbilly.

With practice, she might one day. Dare to dream.
> She kicks your ass you impotent ****.

OK, we now add biology to the ever growing list of topics you don't
know anything about.

It would be "infertile" **** - unless your "wife" has erections.
In article <MPG.226dbd47e28039f498a180@newsgroups.comcast.net>,
Hothead McCain <no@spamm.com> wrote:

> In article <hal.i.burton-AF3F5A.21364314042008@comcast.dca.giganews.com>,
> hal.i.burton@hotmail.com says...
> > In article
> > <1cd680a2-b3f1-404b-b1c1-26aa86680fdd@x41g2000hsb.googlegroups.com>,
> > "John B." <johnb505@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > On Apr 14, 9:03