Obama's "Bitter" Comment Halts Momentum

> No, those counties were never going to vote for Obama.

> Red neck gun places?

> Are you for real?

So, the 55 year old "wiccan" who drinks absinthe to incoherence, makes
a habit of closing bars at 4 am, and consumes illegal drugs has
decided that working class people are hillbillies?

No, sir - those people are the salt of the Earth. They are the ones
who make this country work. And they account for about 80% of the
population .
> You might win the WH but you have no chance at taking back Congress.

Actually, as long as Operation Chaos continues to tear the Democrat
Party to shreds, we have an increasing good chance of regaining the
House and Senate.
"bvallely@aol.com" <bvallely@aol.com> wrote in crayon...

>> "My joke are actually funny."

>> you posted that .

>Because it's true. You, on the other hand, can't write a laundry
>> Were you drinking when you posted that?

>Sorry, I don't drink. Don't need to.

Looks like Hillary Rotten Clinton needs to.

Mitchell Holman thinks he is the greatest thing on
Usenet since Muhammed al Gore invented the Internet.
If Usenet revolves around Mitchie-Boy Holman why
won't he answer a simple question?

Who gives a rat's ass who Mitchell Holman is?
"work skills"????

Did you mean "word skills"?????

And yes, you should be very worried.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> > > > > How as what he said an insult.

> > .
> > > > I don't know, Bizarro Clark Kent; how AS what he said an insult?
> > > > .

> > .
> > > "how AS"????

> > I admit that it's a mess - but you wrote it.

> > > You make it sooooo easy..

> > Make exactly WHAT "easy"? And when are you going to do this "easy"
> > thing?

> I've been doing it for the last ten week.

I should cower over the work skills of a dweeb who can't spell "weeks"?
"My joke are funny"???

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > "My joke are actually funny."

> .
> > you posted that .

> .
> Because it's true. You, on the other hand, can't write a laundry
> list.
> .
> > Were you drinking when you posted that?

> .
> Sorry, I don't drink. Don't need to.
No, I think someone who calls a little girl foolhardy, or calls my wife a
skank is a ****.

And you're impotent.

That makes you..........

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > She doesn't write like a hillbilly.

> .
> With practice, she might one day. Dare to dream.
> .
> > She kicks your ass you impotent ****.

> .
> OK, we now add biology to the ever growing list of topics you don't
> know anything about.
> It would be "infertile" **** - unless your "wife" has erections.
Last time I looked my wife and I were working class.

Have you ever been to Western Pa.????

Twist, twist, twist, spin, spin, spin.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

And would you care to make a thousand dollar bet (our favorite charity vs.
yours ) that the Repubs don't take back Congress?

Put your answer right here___________

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > No, those counties were never going to vote for Obama.

> .
> > Red neck gun places?

> .
> > Are you for real?

> .
> So, the 55 year old "wiccan" who drinks absinthe to incoherence, makes
> a habit of closing bars at 4 am, and consumes illegal drugs has
> decided that working class people are hillbillies?
> No, sir - those people are the salt of the Earth. They are the ones
> who make this country work. And they account for about 80% of the
> population .
> .
> > You might win the WH but you have no chance at taking back Congress.

> .
> Actually, as long as Operation Chaos continues to tear the Democrat
> Party to shreds, we have an increasing good chance of regaining the
> House and Senate.
In article <hal.i.burton-F6A07F.14171715042008@comcast.dca.giganews.com>, hal.i.burton@hotmail.com says...
> In article <MPG.226dbd47e28039f498a180@newsgroups.comcast.net>,
> Hothead McCain <no@spamm.com> wrote:
> > In article <hal.i.burton-AF3F5A.21364314042008@comcast.dca.giganews.com>,
> > hal.i.burton@hotmail.com says...
> > > In article
> > > <1cd680a2-b3f1-404b-b1c1-26aa86680fdd@x41g2000hsb.googlegroups.com>,
> > > "John B." <johnb505@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Apr 14, 9:03
Um, another shakey hand incident.

So noted.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
On Apr 15, 4:52 pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> "My joke are funny"???
> <bvall...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:6c217335-c259-4b4f-8ea4-d7a99e789aad@q27g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
> > .
> > > "My joke are actually funny."

> > .
> > > you posted that .

> > .
> > Because it's true. You, on the other hand, can't write a laundry
> > list.
> > .
> > > Were you drinking when you posted that?

> > .
> > Sorry, I don't drink. Don't need to.
Well, before you made the typo your shakey hands sent a no response post.

And then you made the typo.

You make it so easy.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > "My joke are funny"???

> .
> Yup, I made a minor typo. It happens.
I thought you were a wordsmith?????

Another check your impotent **** can't cash?

It's been so much fun.

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
On Apr 15, 4:52 pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> "My joke are funny"???
> <bvall...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:6c217335-c259-4b4f-8ea4-d7a99e789aad@q27g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
> > .
> > > "My joke are actually funny."

> > .
> > > you posted that .

> > .
> > Because it's true. You, on the other hand, can't write a laundry
> > list.
> > .
> > > Were you drinking when you posted that?

> > .
> > Sorry, I don't drink. Don't need to.
> No, I think someone who calls a little girl foolhardy, or calls my wife a
> skank is a ****.

> And you're impotent.

Half truths, lies, stupidity and repetition - those are your big guns,

Tell me, has this ever worked on anybody? I mean, have your childish
tantrums ever actually gotten you anything?
Alex was far from foolhardy.

My wife is not a skank.

You are impotent.

What did i miss?

<bvallely@aol.com> wrote in message
> .
> > No, I think someone who calls a little girl foolhardy, or calls my wife

> > skank is a ****.

> .
> > And you're impotent.

> .
> Half truths, lies, stupidity and repetition - those are your big guns,
> huh?
> Tell me, has this ever worked on anybody? I mean, have your childish
> tantrums ever actually gotten you anything?
> Last time I looked my wife and I were working class.

If one was in a generous mood, they might say that. Let's say lower
middle class, shall we? Or working poor?

Besides, doesn't "working class" imply that one does work that is
somewhat demanding? I mean, you show high school dropouts how program
the fax machine to print on both sides of the paper.
> Have you ever been to Western Pa.????

Yes. It's Heaven on Earth compared to that slum without end called
Clinton vowed to cut homicide rates in half.
By Suzanne Smalley | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Apr 14, 2008 | Updated: 5:34 p.m. ET Apr 14, 2008

In Philadelphia murder stories have become as commonplace as the ball
scores. On Friday two brothers were sentenced to life in prison for
killing a father of five to get even with his son. Late last month a
man standing on a downtown subway platform died after falling victim
to an apparently random attack. And in February the fatal shooting of
a 15-year-old made headlines; the victim was allegedly killed in
retaliation for a snowball, tossed at a friend, that inadvertently
struck his assailant.> .
So, tell me, considering the pit of sloth, hubris, and human despair
that you live in, where do you get off looking down your nose at
literally any place on the planet?
>And would you care to make a thousand dollar bet (our favorite charity vs.
> yours ) that the Repubs don't take back Congress?

> Put your answer right here___________> No. I have no faith whatsoever that you would live up to your end of the bargain. Never trust a drunk.
> Well, before you made the typo your shakey hands sent a no response post.

> And then you made the typo.

What an endless bitter person you are.

> Um, another shakey hand incident..

What an endless bitter person you are.
> "work skills"????

> Did you mean "word skills"?????

> And yes, you should be very worried.

From an unimportant body like yourself?
> Alex was far from foolhardy.

> My wife is not a skank.

> You are impotent.

> What did i miss?

The truth. Oh, wait, you don't miss telling the truth, do you - any
more than you miss having a successful career. You can't miss what
you never had.