Oi, what's up with my avatar?

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You don't seem to be hearing me, Vortex. I've already explained this to you--when I say all, I don't actually mean all. I mean most. i.e. the red states, which comprise a MASSIVE portion of your country. Therefore it is fair to say that most Americans voted 'red' and that most of these people probably fit at least SOME part of what I hate. When I insult the US, I am never ever talking about people who don't belong with the others. How could that be fair? I may be a lot of things, but I like to think that I'm always fair.
Silver_dragon87 said:
You don't seem to be hearing me, Vortex. I've already explained this to you--when I say all, I don't actually mean all. I mean most. i.e. the red states, which comprise a MASSIVE portion of your country. Therefore it is fair to say that most Americans voted 'red' and that most of these people probably fit at least SOME part of what I hate. When I insult the US, I am never ever talking about people who don't belong with the others. How could that be fair? I may be a lot of things, but I like to think that I'm always fair.

Thats fine, but using the word all implies it every time.....reguardless of how you meant it.

Perhaps i dont like being lumped with the rest (even when you dont mean it reguardless if the literal meaning of your text sais it)...Just as you hated me calling a phrase you said very republican like......
Silver_dragon87 said:
A little tip, Gal. If you ever want any respect, you should conduct yourself with a little more dignity.

Is that the pot calling the kettle black? Of course. I never said I expected to be treated with respect. :)

PS: no matter how much you may miraculously improve, to me you'll always be a whore and dumb as a post. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop trying.

****, you're not trying. That doesn't mean you shouldn't START trying then.

And a PS of my PS: try looking over your pathetically insubstantial posts; having errors in something that short is just sad.

Sorry if i have made a mistake in my little comments. I try to make things as easy as possible for you since you seem a little ...well...I am tired of the name calling. You can call me a whore and dumb all you want child cause you see I am not neither one of those things but you....You are a child and children do say things out of their ass most of the time.
Vortex, that's understandable and it's clearly my fault. I'll be more careful with my wording in the future, even if I sacrifice my beloved impact.

Gal, I have said absolutely nothing that would imply that I have a mental disability. If you would like to post a quote of me making a jackass of myself, you're welcome to. Until then, your 'insults' are weak and pointless. Playing the age card is a cheap way to attempt to insult someone, and it only reflects poorly on you. It's the same as insulting someone based on their heritage; not only is it insignificant, but they have no control over it. That's like cursing the sky for being blue. It only makes you look stupid and unresourceful.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Vortex, that's understandable and it's clearly my fault. I'll be more careful with my wording in the future, even if I sacrifice my beloved impact.

Gal, I have said absolutely nothing that would imply that I have a mental disability. If you would like to post a quote of me making a jackass of myself, you're welcome to. Until then, your 'insults' are weak and pointless. Playing the age card is a cheap way to attempt to insult someone, and it only reflects poorly on you. It's the same as insulting someone based on their heritage; not only is it insignificant, but they have no control over it. That's like cursing the sky for being blue. It only makes you look stupid and unresourceful.

OK OK JUST GO AWAY....You are like a ****ing fly or gnat....
SD (for once) made a really good point though. I am only 16, and possibly, one of the smartest people on here. Maybe not, I don't know. But the fact is, there are those who are older who talk out of their asses because they think experiance makes them intelligent, and there are children who actually have something intelligent to say, but are screened out by dumbass old people playing the age card (not implying your old Gray). NOTHING is absolute. Don't judge someone because of their age, and don't (and this pisses me off royaly) GO AND CALL THEM A GNAT WITHOUT ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDING THEM AND THEIR ARGUMENT!!!

Thank you and if you don't like what I said, move to China, where free speech is prohibited.
jokersarewild said:
SD (for once) made a really good point though. I am only 16, and possibly, one of the smartest people on here. Maybe not, I don't know. But the fact is, there are those who are older who talk out of their asses because they think experiance makes them intelligent, and there are children who actually have something intelligent to say, but are screened out by dumbass old people playing the age card (not implying your old Gray). NOTHING is absolute. Don't judge someone because of their age, and don't (and this pisses me off royaly) GO AND CALL THEM A GNAT WITHOUT ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDING THEM AND THEIR ARGUMENT!!!

Thank you and if you don't like what I said, move to China, where free speech is prohibited.

No I am fine with what you said you ****ing *******. If you followed the ****ing threads then you would know why i call her a child. She can use big sentences and make sure all her t and i's are crossed and dotted but she still act like a ****ing child REGARDLESS of age. If you want to get into this pissing match go ahead and I KNOW I AM NOT OLD...22 is still young as **** but I have been to places in this world that has changed many of my opinions without being influenced by a majority.
And i will call the little ATTENTION WHORE a GNAT because she just keeps coming back with **** about herself...NOTHING IMPORTANT
Gray~Gal said:
No I am fine with what you said you ****ing *******. If you followed the ****ing threads then you would know why i call her a child. She can use big sentences and make sure all her t and i's are crossed and dotted but she still act like a ****ing child REGARDLESS of age. If you want to get into this pissing match go ahead and I KNOW I AM NOT OLD...22 is still young as **** but I have been to places in this world that has changed many of my opinions without being influenced by a majority.
And i will call the little ATTENTION WHORE a GNAT because she just keeps coming back with **** about herself...NOTHING IMPORTANT

The only thing that I disagree with (maybe you will feel bad about giving me -rep...yeah right) is her acting like a child. Granted, she talks alot, but when it is an ACTUAL debate, I have seen her contribute some good ****.
jokersarewild said:
The only thing that I disagree with (maybe you will feel bad about giving me -rep...yeah right) is her acting like a child. Granted, she talks alot, but when it is an ACTUAL debate, I have seen her contribute some good ****.

Everything she contributes smells like old diapers and clogged toilets. She is full of **** with her views which is only my opinion. She has her right to say what she wants but what do you call a person who is so WRAPPED in theirselves. She can debate but I will always be on the other side of the fence from her.
Gray~Gal said:
Everything she contributes smells like old diapers and clogged toilets. She is full of **** with her views which is only my opinion. She has her right to say what she wants but what do you call a person who is so WRAPPED in theirselves. She can debate but I will always be on the other side of the fence from her.

I believe you call them, Narcisistic or self-absorbed.


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hugo said:
I think a better name for that blue area would be the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Whats with tagging anything that isen't extreme right winged as 'Soviet'. They were ****ing terrible communists, and there is more left then communism. Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Anarchy and all kinds of juicy tibets if you want to toy around.

NOTE: Anarchy is not a 'lets all **** the system and get drunk' mentality, nor is it a philosphy of chaos. If you accually read up on it it makes ALOT of sense and was a very real threat to the established American gov in the 80s who then launched a HUGE mis-information campagine (At the cost of the Taxpayer) in the hopes of destroying the chances of a ararchist group becoming firmly established within society. This is the origin of the "Arnarchist throwing bricks through cop cars/sniffing glue) BS that most people associate with this otherwise fine idealogy.

oh yah, the day the US declears Canada as part of their empire is the day America learns what real gorilla warfare is like. (Our troops kick your asses annuelly in competition, especially in wilderness tactics. Lotsa wilderness up here...and too big to carpet bomb, DANG!)
Hookay, how did my asking about the size of my avatar turn into a huge debate? Do I create chaos everywhere I step? I know I start a lot of arguements but come on. I just wanted to know why my avatar didn't fit! T_T
So what i will play an age card to anyone.....YOUNGER OR OLDER
And if wasnt thrown to you....stay outta the game , I assure you that YOU cant handle. Also get off 8BALL...BALLS, ok he is gonna defend me no matter what, husbands are suppose to.
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