Oil Depletion...this is some scary ****! THIS IS LONG, BUT A MUST READ!!!!

Builder will never give any proof for his claims because there is none... Watch... I'll bet you that his reply to this will be insulting, but not have a shread or substantial information...

<Theme to Jeopardy plays>
One doesn't really need proof in this one, the evidence is all logic and plainly out in the open. The all mighty buck is in power, not humans LOL
How did the US force Austrailia to sign the Free Trade Agreement?
And I want proof that Isreal did 911 and proof bin laden didn't confess....

these were the questions.... I hope you can produce the proof that you claim is so out in the open... If it is out in the open, you should have no problem finding corresponding documentation...
fullauto said:
Builder... Your just a malcontent... you're never happy with anything...

I'm happy with many things. I'm not happy with your armed forces dumping your waste plutonium in any place except in your own backyard, ****wit.

fullauto said:
I usually ignore people you like because the fastest way to become a loser, is to follow one...

****, you couldn't type fast enough to keep up in the shoutbox. You gave in, because you had nothing positive to respond with. That is why you have devolved into posting insults and innuendo. Dolt.

fullauto said:
Your 43 years old.... You're probably broke, and you're a conspiracy knob-job....

Brainless turd. Builders are broke? You wouldn't realise the surge in activity in construction in my region, but I wish I could find another ten good tradies to help me get through my workload. Tossa.

fullauto said:
You can't get it together so you blame everything under the sun for your troubles... you're a loser.... Only losers whine about the rules... The rest of us just learn them and press on....

What can't I get together? Only pussified males resort to your kind of backstabbing bullshit, arsehole. :)

fullauto said:
You say I couldn't hack debating with you... You're right... I couldn't hack you're insane arguments.... I don't debate crazy people, It makes me look crazy.... You need lithium!

You couldn't hack the truth, and not being aware of it. You couldn't hack an Aussie exposing truths that you failed to comprehend. Phreakwars backed my info, and you couldn't hack it. Still stuck in first gear, fullauto. Perhaps you need to go and get a manual, and learn how to use a clutch? Loser. :rolleyes:

fullauto said:
and you still never answered a few questions...

And you never answered all of mine. In fact, you couldn't hack it at all.

fullauto said:
How did the US force Austrailia to sign the Free Trade Agreement?

It's called blackmail. I wouldn't assume that you could get your head around that one either. Look it up on google.

fullauto said:
And I want proof that Isreal did 911 and proof bin laden didn't confess....

That was a bait. You took it. Hook, line, and sinker. Oh, but explain to me why Israel claims to be directing Bushy boy? Wouldn't be blackmail now?
Would it?

fullauto said:
whithout this, your whole argument last night was speculation...:D

You're grasping at straws, young fella. The whole argument was not about Israel. It was about your country dropping death all over the world, in the form of depleted uranium. Looks like your mind is slipping.

Juvenile dementia, perhaps? :rolleyes:
Wow....I didn't know posting that would resort to this! :eek:

****..I think I might go for the bleachers on my next one....do something about the KKK!
builder said:
I'm happy with many things. I'm not happy with your armed forces dumping your waste plutonium in any place except in your own backyard, ****wit.
Don't bitch to me you ****ing nitwit... don't sit quietly on your computer and wish it wasn't so... petition your government... I know your guys are weak willed, but if they notice that you people are pissed off, maybe they will give in... OR, maybe you are in the minority, and they are doing exactly what the people want... Austrailia being a democracy, that last one seems more credible... If it's true... suck it up, and press on... welcome to the real world...

****, you couldn't type fast enough to keep up in the shoutbox. You gave in, because you had nothing positive to respond with. That is why you have devolved into posting insults and innuendo. Dolt.

How the **** do you know how fast I can type? I ran a Unix computer bank for PSInet for years... trust me, I can type... ever think that I wasn't giveing you my full attention? You're really not all that interesting a person... You don't say anything insightful... You bitch and whine and point fingers... You offer no solutions or proof that the problem even exists... the only reason I was bothering to type that night was that I was bored....

Brainless turd. Builders are broke? You wouldn't realise the surge in activity in construction in my region, but I wish I could find another ten good tradies to help me get through my workload. Tossa.

If you weren't such an asshole a help-wanted ad might do the trick...

What can't I get together? Only pussified males resort to your kind of backstabbing bullshit, arsehole. :)

you can't get the rules down.... you can't fix something that you have NO control over... You waste effort, and get nothing accomplished... Instead of focusing on the things you can change, you bitch and whine about the stuff others don't change... grow up...

You couldn't hack the truth, and not being aware of it. You couldn't hack an Aussie exposing truths that you failed to comprehend. Phreakwars backed my info, and you couldn't hack it. Still stuck in first gear, fullauto. Perhaps you need to go and get a manual, and learn how to use a clutch? Loser. :rolleyes:

The TRUTH! lol... you wouldn't recognize the truth if it sat on your face and farted! Instead of trusting that BinLaden was the authority on the 911 attacks (which there is audio and vdeo evidence of), you go on and make a claim that first off, the video was a lie, and second off, that Israel was really behind it.... I wouldn't have a problem beleving you to a point, but YOU NEVER GIVE ANY SUBSTANTIATING EVIDENCE............EVER........ whenn someone doesn't agree with you, you insult them.....

And you never answered all of mine. In fact, you couldn't hack it at all.

hack what.... your brilliance at frustrating me with often stupid questions that you read on some ****ing propaganda site! talking to you is like explaining string theory to a ****ing chimp....

That was a bait. You took it. Hook, line, and sinker. Oh, but explain to me why Israel claims to be directing Bushy boy? Wouldn't be blackmail now?
Would it?

bait... sure.... I think THAT was backpedaling with a hint of damage control...

You're grasping at straws, young fella. The whole argument was not about Israel. It was about your country dropping death all over the world, in the form of depleted uranium. Looks like your mind is slipping.

Juvenile dementia, perhaps? :rolleyes:

Death all over the world... Ask anyone from post world war II europe if all we do is drop death... then look up 'the marshal plan'... then go to cia.gov and look up just how much money we give to other countries... then find out how much of the world we feed... then come back and try to backpedal some more...

You know... it doesn't matter where you go... I have found that there is always an asshole like you no matter where I went... Italy, Germany, France, Saudi, Canada.... There always seems to be at least one... make grand claims of bull **** and then is personally offended when no one beleives them...
fullauto said:
Don't bitch to me you ****ing nitwit... don't sit quietly on your computer and wish it wasn't so... petition your government... I know your guys are weak willed,...

Nitwit, eh? Weak-willed? Are we speaking the same language? If Kerry and Bush are the best of the best in your country, hang your heads and cry. There's no hope for you at all at all.

fullauto said:
but if they notice that you people are pissed off, maybe they will give in......

It's when we come back to kick your arse that you will realise. Finally.

fullauto said:
OR, maybe you are in the minority, and they are doing exactly what the people want... ...

We are the minority. Tossa. When we back you, we wonder why. When we jack you, there is no indication that you get it. You'll never get it.

fullauto said:
Austrailia being a democracy, that last one seems more credible... If it's true... suck it up, and press on... ...

Oh, thanks for the heads up. Shove it.

fullauto said:
welcome to the real world......

Your real world is not everyone's world. Stay there, dolt. We'll keep an eye on ya.

fullauto said:
How the **** do you know how fast I can type? I ran a Unix computer bank for PSInet for years... ...

You don't type. You scrawl. Your additions to the shoutbox were illegible at best.

fullauto said:
trust me, I can type... ...

Trust me. I know you can't. Lame is a gentle descriptor.

fullauto said:
ever think that I wasn't giveing you my full attention? You're really not all that interesting a person......

You posted for an hour and a half. You pretended to be going to sleep, because you couldn't keep up, lamo. Caught you out. You're disgustingly dishonest. Don't weasle, you worm.

fullauto said:
You don't say anything insightful......

Correction, I don't agree with you, and I don't post what you want to hear.

fullauto said:
You bitch and whine and point fingers......

I make statements you can't refute, and hold firm when you cast aspersions. There is a difference, lamo.

fullauto said:
You offer no solutions or proof that the problem even exists......

I refute your denials and offer no possible solution to your leader's arabnophobia.

fullauto said:
the only reason I was bothering to type that night was that I was bored.... ...

Liar. You were fixated. We'll ask phreakwars. He was watching.

fullauto said:
If you weren't such an asshole a help-wanted ad might do the trick......

If you weren't such a fanny, I'd offer you a job.

fullauto said:
you can't get the rules down.... you can't fix something that you have NO control over... You waste effort, and get nothing accomplished... Instead of focusing on the things you can change, you bitch and whine about the stuff others don't change... grow up... ...

Last paragraph. You are repeating yourself again.

fullauto said:
The TRUTH! lol... you wouldn't recognize the truth if it sat on your face and farted!...

She did and I did.

fullauto said:
Instead of trusting that BinLaden was the authority on the 911 attacks (which there is audio and vdeo evidence of), you go on and make a claim that first off, the video was a lie, and second off, that Israel was really behind it.......

No proof? Prove that WTC7 needed demolition. It wasn't hit by anything.

fullauto said:
I wouldn't have a problem beleving you to a point, but YOU NEVER GIVE ANY SUBSTANTIATING EVIDENCE............EVER........ whenn someone doesn't agree with you, you insult them........

Well excuse me dude, but when you extricated yourself from the shoutbox, I offered a courteous goodnight message, only to find that you exited to the forums to abuse me in the posts.

Wake up tossa. Your propaganda is worse than the hounds you support.

fullauto said:
hack what.... your brilliance at frustrating me with often stupid questions that you read on some ****ing propaganda site! talking to you is like explaining string theory to a ****ing chimp.... ...

Hmmmm? Typing to you is like chatting with a six year old. All wonder and mystery, until you find things are not going your way. Much indignant wandering around, ranting to all and sundry, and swearing that the sky has fallen. Good value thereafter.

fullauto said:
bait... sure.... I think THAT was backpedaling with a hint of damage control......

Oh, don't stretch yourself. No, really. Is that all? Good for you.

After this, you are obviously on acid. Nice trip? ;)

fullauto said:
Death all over the world... Ask anyone from post world war II europe if all we do is drop death... then look up 'the marshal plan'... then go to cia.gov ...
fullauto said:
and look up just how much money we give to other countries... ...
fullauto said:
then find out how much of the world we feed... then come back and try to backpedal some more......
fullauto said:
You know... it doesn't matter where you go... I have found that there is always an asshole like you no matter where I went... Italy, Germany, France, Saudi, Canada.......
fullauto said:
There always seems to be at least one... make grand claims of bull **** and then is personally offended when no one beleives them...
Well excuse me dude, but when you extricated yourself from the shoutbox, I offered a courteous goodnight message, only to find that you exited to the forums to abuse me in the posts.
Spleefman said:
All this over an oil depletion post?

Just another reason to find alternatives and quick! :D

Aaaah, the oil. The root of all revving. How convenient that we overlooked it. ;)
I could only hope we'd run out. Then maybe we'd be seeing some progress on the alternative energy scene. Maybe then more energy efficient engine designs would be used to burn lighter fuels/use solar energy, like turbines and electric motors. Then I wouldn't have to worry about maintaining this ancient and overcomplicated piece of crap they put in my car called the Internal Combustion Engine.
builder said:
Nitwit, eh? Weak-willed? Are we speaking the same language? If Kerry and Bush are the best of the best in your country, hang your heads and cry. There's no hope for you at all at all.

They're not the best... they are the most popular... You know how the system works... don't be argumentative... it's unbecoming

builder said:
It's when we come back to kick your arse that you will realise. Finally.

Kick OUR ass? You must be joking... with what? and why the **** would you want to kick OUR asses... or vice versa for that matter? This is what I'm talking about... The worst type of person to debate with is the ****ing village idiot that thinks he's a scholar! YOU'RE TALKING OUT YOUR ARSE!

builder said:
We are the minority. Tossa. When we back you, we wonder why. When we jack you, there is no indication that you get it. You'll never get it.

First off... You are the minortiy for a reason... Most people have alot more brains than you... And there it is.... More insults... the poetry of the mindless! while You're shooting them off, I'm gonna shoot them off whenever you do... ****stick.... I'm not sure what you mean by jack... we have a couple of meaning here, so I'll just let that bit of stupidity go...

builder said:
Oh, thanks for the heads up. Shove it.
**** you faggot!

builder said:
Your real world is not everyone's world. Stay there, dolt. We'll keep an eye on ya.

You'll keep an eye on what? We are in charge you ****ing creaton... What the **** is Austrailia in charge of? besides massive tracks of completely useless ****ing land...

builder said:
You don't type. You scrawl. Your additions to the shoutbox were illegible at best.

Why, does my font look different than yours? Who gives a **** how I type... You bitching about how I type is like me bitching about your avatar.... WHO THE **** CARES! besides a 43 year old forum whore with very few other things to care about....

builder said:
Trust me. I know you can't. Lame is a gentle descriptor.

WOW! You must work for the ****ing NSA! can you see me now? That description is the same one I used for your mother after I plowed her roast-beef-curtains.... (see how annoying these insults can get)

builder said:
You posted for an hour and a half. You pretended to be going to sleep, because you couldn't keep up, lamo. Caught you out. You're disgustingly dishonest. Don't weasle, you worm.

LOOK AT THIS ****ING MORON! "You pretended to go to sleep"... PLEASE explain to me how you can claim that! How the **** do you know what I was doing on the other end of a ****in IP network? God love the people that tolerate you all day.... I wasn't weasleing... You ****ing cum bubble

builder said:
I make statements you can't refute, and hold firm when you cast aspersions. There is a difference, lamo.

No, dick cheese... You make statments that I don't care to refute... They are stupid statements, and don't desearve a rebuttle... They are riddled with insults and you NEVER have any corroborating evidence...

Phreak... why is this useless sack of **** not in the idiot box yet?
dealing with him is like getting a ****ing sand-paper handjob...

builder said:
I refute your denials and offer no possible solution to your leader's arabnophobia.

He doesn't need a solution... I like him WITH his arabnophobia... next time I'm gonna vote for a guy with Austrailaphobia... Vote for your own president...

builder said:
Liar. You were fixated. We'll ask phreakwars. He was watching.

Fixated? I was watching Reno 911! I was fixated on tv! get over yourself

builder said:
If you weren't such a fanny, I'd offer you a job.
I really wish you were in front of me... I think you be singing a different tune with your framing hammer stuck in your skull... I don't work for assholes.... or morons....

builder said:
No proof? Prove that WTC7 needed demolition. It wasn't hit by anything.
You are truelly dilluted... They dimolished all the buildings that had structural damage due to THE COLLAPSE OF TWO OF THE LARGEST BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD! This is how to substantiate things... watch carefully


builder said:
Well excuse me dude, but when you extricated yourself from the shoutbox, I offered a courteous goodnight message, only to find that you exited to the forums to abuse me in the posts.

and I'm the fanny? I'm sorry... heres a belated goodnight...

builder said:
Wake up tossa. Your propaganda is worse than the hounds you support.

Seriously... what the **** is a tossa? I am an american... understand that... We don't use that word...

Propaganda... How can you call what I say AND substantiate propaganda, but then offer CRAZY explanation with absolutely zero evidence to support it, and somehow claim you are correct? You are an enigma... wrapped in a riddle... planted in a very small brain

builder said:
Hmmmm? Typing to you is like chatting with a six year old. All wonder and mystery, until you find things are not going your way. Much indignant wandering around, ranting to all and sundry, and swearing that the sky has fallen. Good value thereafter.

THEN WHY DO YOU DO IT ! ? Tell ya the truth... I'm kinda sick of ****ing dealing with you too! I could insult you here, but that would mean I was talking to you.... You are officially on my ignore list... I hope you get sickle cell!

The big difference between us, is that I'm enjoying every bit of this. You seem to be tipping yourself over the edge. Careful now.

At least you've found the correct spelling for arse. And it's cretin, dude. You're gonna insult me, get it right, turd-burgler. ;)
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
I could only hope we'd run out. Then maybe we'd be seeing some progress on the alternative energy scene. Maybe then more energy efficient engine designs would be used to burn lighter fuels/use solar energy, like turbines and electric motors. Then I wouldn't have to worry about maintaining this ancient and overcomplicated piece of crap they put in my car called the Internal Combustion Engine.

We will run out of oil. Maybe not in my lifetime. The Sarich orbital engine was years ahead of it's time. Still not in production. Ford bought the patent, but used only the carburetion system. Still waiting for the most economical power plant in modern developmental history.

Why are they sitting on this concept? They bought it around 20 years ago.

when the oil begins to run out... money will be shifted to alternative fuels... untill then, the cost of overhauling deilivery methods and pumping stations outweigh the current benefits of switching.... for now...
Ya but what will the lives of americans be like once it gets that far. Kind of scary.