Okay guys, this is how it's going to be...


Active Members
You got to make this site more fun and less dull instead of looking for easier ways to get banned
What are you worried about? You can always make another new account if you get banned again, right Treeves?




New member
Facism :p

Make...Lpf more fun and interactive, I see forums that have online arcades,fanclubs and all kinds of stuff, make lpf fun for the average user and not the people in power



Active Members
Facism :p
Make...Lpf more fun and interactive, I see forums that have online arcades,fanclubs and all kinds of stuff, make lpf fun for the average user and not the people in power
Its a forum...not an arcade. And we are already a fan club, aren't we? :thumbsup:

Adding extra stuff like that is going to make forum involvement even worse.



New member
I am already considering a warning system. It will allow mods to warn people and the warning is only visible by the user. When you get warned 5 times' date=' you are banned for good, 3 times, you are banned for 1 week. 4 times 2 weeks. That would allow the mods and admins to have better control of who has been warned.[/quote']
say you got a warning, after a certain would that warning be erased or would it go on some sort of permant record?


Active Members
The warnings would stay visible for a long period of time, but will eventually disappear maybe after 5 months.


New member
Touching a little bit on what MK said, I'm part of a forum which uses a reputation system (or karma system to make it sound fancy) which basically gives members the possibility to give positive or negative reputation to any member along with a comment. That wouldn't be too hard to implement would it? Just a matter of installing a hack.
Edit: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34882
bad idea.. i've seen that mod tear forums apart. just people pretending to be nice and do stuff, just for rep, it should be mods and admins that add the rep or whatever you wanna call it, that way it's legit, and not someone just.. asking their friends to rep em for **** reasons.



New member
I'm saddedned to hear the rep system failed. Rep can be a really fun part of a forum. Kinda nice to have the littel green dots under your name like a badge of honor.

What were the exact reasons it failed? I am a PHP coder and I could hack the karma system so that you can't give more than 1 negative or positive rep in one to 3 days etc. Making a rule where if someone asks for rep in their post it gets deleted etc would help too. I dunno, call me silly but I don't think we should let the actions of a few ruin our right to have a good time and enjoy all this site can offer.

But if it really caused that much of a problem maybe it isn't worth it? What happened?



New member
Facism :p
Make...Lpf more fun and interactive, I see forums that have online arcades,fanclubs and all kinds of stuff, make lpf fun for the average user and not the people in power
I actually agree even though he doesn't seem to get his points accross in the most elegant way sometimes. ;)

It is my intention to make this place more fun and don't worry the wait is going to be a lot shorter than you think :D

This site is here for you the users. The staff is only here to make sure trouble makers don't get in your way and keep you from having a good time. We also take your suggestions and try and constantly improve the site as much as possible. ALL of your suggestions are being considered; even the ones that have alreayd been tried and failed because they can sometimes be done with a new twist. There is so much to do it won't all happen in one day but it will happen starting now. Once I get a few things in order behind the scenes this week just sit back and watch the ball start rolling!


wow...I missed alot while I was sleeping, lol.well I'm impressed that so many people posted here. I wanna see all the members contribute to this, becuase we need a plan.

most of us are clueless on what's going on...and it's been like this for a while...

all I'm owrried about now is change, becuase thats what we need...
Ok you HAVE to be the next mod.

But, I feel that I'm loosing interest in the sites, because the topics aren't that interesting or disscussive.

Okay, I agree completely with you in saying that the topics are becoming boring, but that is something us staff members cannot change, that's something you guys have to do.
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